Community MetaSteam | April 2019 - "Objection!" the One Finger Fatality

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Deleted member 113

Ouch, it got a higher price tag than the previous games. Is it because it was recently released on consoles?
Like Hektor mentioned, it's a more recent entry, and it uses a different, newer engine.
Maybe it's because of that. Maybe, considering the decreased sales from Yakuza 0 to Yakuza Kiwani, they have to set a higher price tag to justify the PC release.

Either way, it's still a very reasonable price tag, considering the amount of content.

And, you will surely be able to get it for significantly less outside of Steam.
For example, Fanatical has it for 20% off:



OFather OSun

More and more pubs are deviating from Valve's recommended regional pricing and going way higher overall. Apparently the (lowest) Indian price is the one for a $50 game.

Too bad, Sega was pretty good about it but they do had highier prices for the new modern games.

Still cheaper than their western offerings.
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Ex-User (307)

Dec 11, 2018
It's my main hobby, although I don't actually play many games nowadays. I do watch movies from time to time and I do follow sports relatively closely (football and basketball). I'm a Panathinaikos fan btw (that's a greek football and basketball team). I do spend much of my free time posting about PC gaming as you might have noticed. I also don't own any consoles and haven't done so since the days of the original Gameboy.

I like Jeff and Giant Bomb's content. Sadly they just don't care about that stuff and it shows. Jeff will go on pretty epic rants about stuff that he cares about (like Fallout 4 being a technical mess on consoles) but the matter of exclusivity has never been on their radar, possibly due to the crew's console roots. Others have mentioned it, I can't remember if it was here or on Era, but I'm sure that TotalBiscuit would have ripped Epic a new one. He was a big loss for PC-focused news and analysis and I miss him.
Yeah you're 100% right about his rants, I love hearing him go off on anything that he likes or even dislikes. It's just weird how GB can't find one person to really give a good PC-side perspective.

I stopped listening to TB years before he died, but it's a shame that there's no one who stepped in to fill his place as a PC focused, indie respecting content creator. There are no channels that I'm aware of that really give the time of day to indies that he once did.


Dec 9, 2018
After Sekiro I decided to play something mellow and went with The First Tree. Game looked up my alley with a neat style and short duration.

Now, 90 minutes later I'm mad. Game is like a drawn out WhatsApp video. Like the ones older relative redirect to you with a sob story and some somber piano music to make you emotional. I kinda liked the style but the areas were too big and even when running the walking speed was too slow for me.

Kinda bummed out.

Tree dev's GDC talk. Certainly impressive for one dude, too bad it didn't work for you.


Includes downloads of the demos.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
My new Graphics Card has arrived!
I put it in and my PC still boots so I think I did fine on that end.
Now installing drivers and then I'll boot up some 2D game to totally waste all that new power.

Deleted member 113

Now installing drivers and then I'll boot up some 2D game to totally waste all that new power.
A tradition. :D

Do you know how many times I installed a new card, and then proceeded to play either Deus Ex, or the first Max Payne, while maxing everything, and wowing at the performance. :p


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
A tradition. :D

Do you know how many times I installed a new card, and then proceeded to play either Deus Ex, or the first Max Payne, while maxing everything, and wowing at the performance. :p
Joking aside, I just booted up DMC5, put everything to Ultra, resolution scaling to 200% (so basically 4k internally) and I didn't even hear my card.
Temps stayed below 60°.
I love it.


Dec 9, 2018
ATLAS 50% off

Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time 60%

PSN ID can now be changed. Unfortunately derExperte is still as unavailable as it was in 2010.

And I saw that a new EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: IRON RAIN released on PS4. For 60€. Wow, okay.

GB has QLs of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, Supraland and Katana ZERO. And EDF.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Ascheroth That's what i did when i got my RTX 2070 into my couple of month old new rig. The first game i played was Divinity 2 ED & FoV which thanks to an engine issue would microstutter unless on specific settings and then it was still stuttery but much less pronounced.

I did finish "They Came from Below" recently and that looked lovely and auto resolved to Ultra settings which is nice. I fired up Divinity: Original Sin to see what it was like and i'm now 3 hours in with a Witch/Wayfarer combo which may be aces or poop i have no idea! The game looks gorgeous though and is addictive as heck.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Close to the Sun will launch exclusively first to PC via the Epic Games Store on May 2 for $29.99 / €29.99, publisher Wired Productions and developer Storm in a Teacup announced. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will follow later in 2019.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Don't worry, I got you some downsampled 4k anime~
Ah. One thing I miss about 1080p myself is being able to downsize from 4K and in doing so completely erase aliasing.

People used to say that 4K would eliminate the need for AA, but they were wrong. I've been playing at 4K for about... 3 years now? And it's never been true in any game so far that I can think of. Aliasing is definitely lessened... but never totally gone like downsampling used to allow.

4K is hard enough to maintain, even with a 1080ti, downsampling from beyond 4K is but a dream except in older games or not so graphically intense ones. o_O

Anyway I'm glad you're liking your new card! :) Will you be trying out any of the RTX specific features? One that is most interesting to me is the DLSS.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Ah. One thing I miss about 1080p myself is being able to downsize from 4K and in doing so completely erase aliasing.

People used to say that 4K would eliminate the need for AA, but they were wrong. I've been playing at 4K for about... 3 years now? And it's never been true in any game so far that I can think of. Aliasing is definitely lessened... but never totally gone like downsampling used to allow.

4K is hard enough to maintain, even with a 1080ti, downsampling from beyond 4K is but a dream except in older games or not so graphically intense ones. o_O

Anyway I'm glad you're liking your new card! :) Will you be trying out any of the RTX specific features? One that is most interesting to me is the DLSS.
I don't think I have any games that support DLSS yet. :/
I don't even know what other features the RTX cards have, lol.
But this reminded me that I can now grab Final Fantasy XV in some of the next sales. I've been wanting to try it, but held off because of my old card.
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👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
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