News Bowlbo: The Quest for Bing Bing - announced


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn

Bowlbo: The Quest For Bing Bing

A bowlcut child watches his canine companion get kidnapped by a sinister witch before his very eyeball. Now, Bowlbo must run, jump, slide, twirl, punch and cause enough chaos exploring the lands of Cósta Cré to save Bing Bing!

Bowlbo: The Quest for Bing Bing is a whimsical, colorful, 2.5D action adventure game that rewards momentum and skillful acrobatics.

A sinister Witch has kidnapped your beloved Bing Bing. You must travel the sweeping lands of Cósta Cré and do what it takes to get your poochingus back from the Nightmare Realm.

Bowlbo will need to learn a VAST variety of skills that will test the limits of his brittle boy body. Sliding, spinning and bouncing to name a few. Perhaps Bowlbo might discover ancient powers that could improve his move set further?

Time is of the essence! Bowlbo can take his time if he wants, but this will have severe consequences. The world is roaming with creatures of evil that you need to steer clear of. There will be no handholding, no waypoints, and the witch grows hungrier by the second.

The world is vast, and secrets are scattered throughout the land. Some areas will be much more dangerous, but nothing is stopping you from going there. Just know that if you're caught, it won't be pretty.

Made by OneyNG known for weirdass animation on YT , for example the HP parodies in spoiler