News "DEATHLOOP" by Arkane Lyon [PC/PS5] - delayed to September 14


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn

Deathloop -

Announced at the 2019 Bethesda Showcase, watch the announcement teaser for “DEATHLOOP,” a first-person action game from Arkane Lyon.


From the team at Arkane Lyon comes an innovative take on first-person action. "DEATHLOOP" transports players to the lawless island of Blackreef in an eternal struggle between two extraordinary assassins. Explore stunning environments and meticulously designed levels in an immersive gameplay experience that lets you approach every situation any way you like. Hunt down targets all over the island in an effort to put an end to the cycle once and for all, and remember, if at first you don’t succeed… die, die again.
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Nov 5, 2018
It was definitely one of the very few highlights from that Bethesda show. I like the premise but I wonder if it's single player, multiplayer or both.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn

DEATHLOOP is an innovative first person shooter launching exclusively for PlayStation 5 and PC from Arkane Lyon, the award-winning studio behind the critically acclaimed Dishonored franchise.
Launching Holiday 2020!

The island of Blackreef. For most of its inhabitants, it’s a paradise. But for Colt, it’s an inescapable prison. Thanks to a mysterious timeloop, he’s reliving the same day, over and over, trying to find a way to break the endless cycle he’s trapped in. As Colt, you’ll have to take out eight targets – including your arch-nemesis Julianna Blake – if you ever want to escape. But remember: It’s a timeloop, so if at first you don’t succeed… die, die again.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Welcome to the island of Blackreef, where the fun never stops and every day is a celebration of debauchery and chaos…

Unless you’re Colt, a prisoner in paradise who is being hunted by every person on the island. Trapped in a timeloop, Colt is forced to relive the same deadly day over and over. So in order to break the loop and escape the island, Colt is going to have to do a little hunting of his own. His current target: Aleksis Dorsey, a self-proclaimed “Alpha Wolf” who’s throwing a little soiree at his ostentatious mansion. Normally we’re not party-crashers, but if we ever want to break this timeloop, Aleksis has to die. Party’s over, Aleksis.
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DEATHLOOP is a uniquely Arkane take on the first-person shooter genre, and it is being developed for a new generation of hardware. DEATHLOOP will launch on console exclusively for PlayStation 5 this holiday season and will run at 4K/60FPS at launch. DEATHLOOP will also be launching on PC at the same time.

Leveraging the PS5’s cutting-edge graphics and technology like haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, DEATHLOOP invites you into a beautiful and immersive world – the truest signature of an Arkane game. With stunning and stylish environments, memorable combat encounters, and the freedom to tackle each mission at your own pace, this is Arkane like you’ve never seen (or felt) it before, taken to the next level thanks to the PlayStation 5.

“After Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider, we wanted to experiment with something different,” says Game Director Dinga Bakaba. “A more intimate game centered around one big idea, one place, one challenge, one moment in time, and one relationship.”

DEATHLOOP tells the story of two supernatural assassins locked in an eternal clash. Every day is a battle of wits and weapons on the island of Blackreef, but Colt has found a way to put an end to the timeloop. Unfortunately, his rival Julianna Blake, doesn’t want the timeloop broken, and she will do everything in her power to stop him. There are many people in Colt’s way, but Julianna is by far the biggest threat on the island.

“From the moment Colt wakes up on the black sand beach of Blackreef with a very bad hangover, Julianna is with him every step of the way,” says Bakaba. “In his ear through the radio or lying in ambush in a dark alley, waiting to put a machete through his neck. She revels in both her victories and her defeats, but she is dead set on stopping Colt from breaking the loop. All she wants is to keep playing this deadly game of cat-and-well-armed-mouse, ad infinitum. She is a very flamboyant person, unburdened by the baggage of consequences or conscience.”
So while Colt is determined to put an end to the madness, Julianna never wants the party to end.

Ready for the kicker? Julianna is also a playable character. While you will experience the main campaign as Colt, you also have the option to infiltrate another player’s game as Julianna and do some hunting. But keep in mind, that means someone else could be lurking in your campaign, waiting for the chance to strike. This is Arkane’s approach to an immersive multiplayer experience, where the focus is still on the main story, but there is unpredictability around every corner. “We felt this style of multiplayer, where we give people the option to play as the main antagonist, is a great way to really ramp up the level of trickery, tension, chaos and just plain unpredictability that we love in games like this,” explains Bakaba. “We feel that our game systems uniquely position us to allow for the confrontation between two players to be one not just of skill, but of wits, creativity and an open display of your personality.”

If this PvP element is disabled, Julianna will still appear your game from time to time, hunting you, but she will be AI-controlled. The developers at Arkane Lyon built this system with a hybrid approach in mind. “The focus is on the campaign and the story," Bakaba says. "And that campaign can be played with Julianna controlled only by the AI, or – and this is our recommendation – by a mix of A.I. and random players to experience the range of unpredictability and chaos that Julianna is capable of."

Both Colt and Julianna will have access to a powerful range of customizable weapons and abilities, and you can outfit them to suit your preferred playstyle. According to Bakaba, “While both characters will have access to some of the same main tools, there are also some major differences between their abilities. While Colt can make use of hacking devices and the possibility of returning when he dies, Julianna can take on the appearance of any NPC, and all of the island’s inhabitants are on her side. Colt is trying to accomplish his goals, whatever it takes, and Julianna is there to have fun. She wants Colt to keep playing her game. Julianna is about playing with fire and flair, and cares more about enjoying the ‘game’ than about winning every encounter.”

We’ve mentioned the timeloop a few times, and you probably already have a picture in your head. Groundhog Day, right? Sure.

DEATHLOOP is Groundhog Day if every time February 2 started again, Phil found himself hounded by every maniac in the vicinity. And instead of breaking the loop by getting the girl and learning to live unselfishly, he could only escape by taking out a lot of people. So yeah, just like Groundhog Day.

As Colt, you have one day to eliminate eight targets who are responsible for keeping the loop functioning. If you miss even one, the loop will reset. But they’re scattered all over the island. How are you supposed to track them all down in just one cycle? In order to take out all of them before the day starts over, you’ll need to learn to manipulate the world around you, discovering your targets’ routines and schedules as you fight to solve the puzzle of the island. And the best part: You’re free to determine how to go about this. You can take every mission – main missions and side missions – at your own pace and in any order you choose as you assemble those puzzle pieces. Each day is an opportunity to learn and piece together the mystery. You’ll get stronger, you’ll try new things, you’ll discover new paths, and eventually, you’ll break this f***ing loop.
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anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
[UWSL]Is Deathloop a Rougelike?[/UWSL]

“You are piecing together what happened on the island, who you are, and what you are doing here and how you can escape,” he said. “The way it's a bit different from a roguelike is, imagine that I find an important clue, and I die just after that. Progress is still made. You might lose the gun that you found, but the story has moved forward. [The Protagonist] Colt now knows something and the player both knows something important and they need to act on this thing.”

Sounding reminiscent of last year’s acclaimed The Outer Wilds in that way, Deathloop also distances itself, according to Bakaba, though the team wants to preserve some of the mystery as to why.

“Not trying to say too much, but there is a turning point in the game where the progression becomes even more different than a roguelike,” he teased. “You play that same day over and over, but you don't necessarily do the same things, you are not necessarily in the same places, you don't have the same goals.”

The Arkane team wanted to make sure that players didn’t feel restricted by the time loop itself, and Bakaba cautions that players don’t need to worry about feeling limited by Deathloop’s timeline.

“The one thing we wanted to make sure is that it doesn't mean that the player is literally on the clock in their moment-to-moment gameplay,” he noted. “If you want to play very deliberately, very slowly, and take your time, read every note, look at every painting, the game will not punish you for that.”

[UWSL]The Saul Bass Inspiration[/UWSL]
One of the most striking things about the little we’ve seen of Deathloop so far is its stark, eye-catching art style. Mitton explained how the work of famed artists Saul Bass, responsible for famous posters and title sequences for films like Vertigo, The Shining, and more, played into the design of Deathloop.

“At the beginning [of production], we were not sure [it would be] taking place during the ‘60s. When we were discussing the core ideas, the main pillars of the game, the time period was not there. And at some point I was like, imagine you have an isolated island. And if you want to create a huge contrast and a clash with something, it could be the time period instead of just sci-fi elements,” Mitton explained, noting the various inspirations for the world. “We call it the Saul Bass vibe. He did all the posters for The Shining, Vertigo. And you mix it together to get something that is really Arkane.”

Mitton drilled down into even how designing Deathloop’s power set, which looks reminiscent of Arkane’s past work on Dishonored but still true to the world of this new game.

“One approach was to make the visual effects more badass but still legible. It's really hard to create a Blink [power] in fact. It looks easy when you see it, but when you work with your team it's back and forth between game designers, visuals, sound, etc,” Mitton noted. “And the idea was to make something half realistic and half.. a bit comic [book-like] in the way you create the particles.”


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Rival Assassins Trapped in a Timeloop - Colt, desperate to escape a mysterious island, destined to repeat the same day over and over unless he can find a way to break the cycle, while at the same time is hunted by his nemesis, Julianna. D

uring the 25th annual QuakeCon (and first-ever QuakeCon at Home) Game Director Dinga Bakaba and Art Director Sebastien Mitton took to the digital stage to discuss the story so far in DEATHLOOP.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
24 Hours. 8 Targets. 1 Rival Assassin.

See how Colt tackles the problem of getting two Visionaries – Aleksis and Egor – in the same place at the same time. There are 8 Visionaries responsible for keeping the timeloop going. 8 people that have to die to make things right, and thanks to the timeloop, you’ve only got one day to take them all out or the loop resets. But the targets are spread out across the island and are often only accessible at certain points throughout the day. So how can you possibly eliminate them all in time? The solution won’t be easy, but with some practice (and quite a few resets) you’ll be able to solve the puzzle of Blackreef and break the loop.

If At First You Don’t Succeed… Die, Die Again.
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anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Launching May 21, 2021 as a PlayStation 5 console exclusive and on PC!

s this déjà vu? Fall deeper into the mystery of Blackreef with a brand new DEATHLOOP gameplay trailer featuring PS5 next-gen gameplay and an original song by Sencit feat. FJØRA.

Everyone knows the feeling of déjà vu – that sensation that you’ve experienced something before. For Colt, this feeling is near-constant. Trapped in a time loop, Colt has been experiencing déjà vu for as long as he can remember. Every time the day loops, it’s a struggle to remember everything and use the knowledge he has to push himself forward and, hopefully, off the island of Blackreef.

Meet a new Visionary, “Ramblin’” Frank Spicer, and experience the “Déjà Vu” in the latest music video inspired DEATHLOOP trailer.
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
The only reason I haven't bought this yet is because I'm waiting to see if it'll be day one on Game Pass. I am 100% sold and despite Dishonored being... well... middling, I still have a lot of faith in Arkane to do something awesome.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Prowling stealthily across rooftops or tearing through the streets of Blackreef in a hail of bullets. Finding a hidden entrance or busting in through the front door. There are many ways to reach your targets in DEATHLOOP. Our target in this extended look at the game is the Visionary Aleksis “The Wolf” Dorsey. Watch Colt infiltrate his well-guarded nightly party and take him down!

Launching September 14, 2021 on console exclusively for PlayStation 5 and available on PC.

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