@Ascheroth I saw that you dropped this game. How come? Is it because your gacha luck was not great? Or just not enough time and bandwidth to deal with all the live service/gachas? Because honestly, this one seems to be much easier to handle in terms of time commitment than any others... the daily stuff can literally be finished within a couple of minutes. The RNG grind for attachments is nowhere near as bad as the RNG grind in mihoyo games... in this game at least your character is fully playable with just regular + weapon leveling and the attachments don't seem mandatory the way relics are to even make a character usable in mihoyo games. The story/writing does seem promising even though I feel like they're not delivering adequate story in the launch version. Or did you just end up not enjoying the setting/writing?
The curse of events with daily farming stages struck again (I have dropped every gacha using that or a similar system I've ever tried and all gachas I still play have a more casual "play at your own pace whenever you want and you get everything" approach to events).
Serious answer (tough the event stuff and other "older" mobile game design things factored into things as well):
Mix of a bunch of things. More gacha luck and/or someone I actually like on a banner in sight could have helped, but probably would have just postponed stuff. Ultimately I unfortunately just don't vibe with the gameplay enough, so I can't really justify "going through the motions" with all the weeklies, event stages and all that. There is auto, but if I use with alt-tabbing there's just not enough autside of combat to keep me engaged (i.e Star Rail has auto too, but that game has a world to explore, with quests and chests and secrets and tons of minigames).
I've also found myself asking "why do I still play this" for a while, which is usually a red flag and sign I should abandon ship immediately. I convinced myself to keep playing for a while longer despite that, but that really only prolonged the inevitable.
I do like the world and story (although the main story was just "fine" for the most part, the event story was excellent), but honestly that's not enough to keep me going daily. It's not impossible I jump back in every couple months to catch up though, or end up reading it with a Cutscene interpreter like the first game if something like that appears for this game as well, but too early to tell at the moment.
I also play a lot of these games already, so it's getting harder to justify committing to a new one, especially when I only really like some parts. I still play and like all the big 3 Hoyo games and Infinity Nikki released 2 days after this one (which I honestly
vastly enjoy more and want to keep playing), so this one just didn't make the cut in the end.