News Haunted PS1 Demo Disc 2020 Released


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
So, this just came out and some of the games are actually complete games to boot. Check the main twitter account for even more projects & stuff in that style.
Roused by the crackle of static, a lingering sense of dread crawls across the floor. You sit alone in your room. A dimly lit memory repeats in your head. 17 demos too horrible to describe keep you from your bed. Each one is a personally crafted nightmare. You've tried to tell others, no one understands. A CRT you don't remember owning flashes to life. Frozen in place you look upon the flickering screen to spy a dismal, bloodied scene. A cracked and faded jewel case sits close beside. A pale grey plastic box sits in front, emitting a low whirring noise. Will you take to the controller or let yourself be taken over?

Note: The "Demo Disc" is not a physical disc (as amazing as that would be) as we don't have the time or resources to organise the can of worms that is monetization and physical production. We would need some sort of publisher to handle the money split and production if we were to sell a physical copy. There's also been some confusion over this, these games are all built on modern engines to evoke the feeling and aesthetic of late 90s games, the disk would not be able to run on any sort of hardware from the time. The demo disc is a free downloadable exe for Windows only.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
I rushed to try Dread Delusion which to me looked the most promising and to my taste. The demo has lots of functions locked and it's timed (it fits the theme too, that's pretty cool) but damn if it isn't awesome already. I can't wait for the full thing, I hope the creator's patreon makes enough to get this completed!

Combat isn't implemented yet as it stands, the rest seems pretty great, I love its unique atmosphere.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
That's a nice idea, too bad I get scared too easily >.<. Seriously horror games using that aesthetic feels scarier too me.
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Oldschool PC

Junior Member
Nov 23, 2019
I played all 17 demos , and will list the ones that stood out...

Dread Delusion - What little I played reminded me of Pathologic, which is almost enough for me to overlook that it's running on a 15 year old engine.
Fatum Bella - Quite beautiful and melancholic, but also very classic Japanese style horror. The part where the floating vagina monster creeps towards you was the most disturbing scene in all 17 demos.
Heartworm - Clearly inspired by Silent Hill. I found the story interesting, but the lack of any threat while exploring took away from the horror vibe.
Ode to the Moon - Visual porn, but confusing to play.
Sauna 2000 - Funny and surreal horror game that lasts about 20 minutes. Worth playing with a friend.

Would I buy the full version of any of these games? Maybe Fatum Bella or Heartworm, but my expectations aren't set very high.
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