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Monthly - Favorite RPGs of the Decade - February 2020
  • OP


    Dec 7, 2018

    Our first monthly topic!

    You can create an ordered list, limit your selections to a number, or just talk about one game. The format isn't important. The goal here is to have a discussion on the RPGs of the past decade we feel strongly about. BlueOdin Feel free to re-post your thoughts.

    I think I'll always see the 2010s, specifically starting at 2013, as a new dawn for the genre. The decade or so prior had been marked with the closure of several CRPG developers such as Black Isle and Troika, and the decline of developers such as BioWare and Bethesda. There were a few highlights, such as the titles developed by Obsidian, but by in large it felt like a very depressing time. Then it all changed. Crowdfunding showed many developers that the audience for CRPGs and other genres outside of the mainstream were still very much there. Valve's decision to open the floodgates on Steam gave any developer the opportunity to publish their game on the largest platform in the world. These and other events have created a games industry where indie developers have flourished. There is more variety and quantity than ever before, and I'm often amazed at the quality of games that appear from first-time or relatively unknown developers. I'm really excited to see where it goes from here.

    Feel free to share your own general impressions of the decade as well. I didn't touch on changes as it relates to JRPGs.

    I'll follow-up with my own favorites over the coming days.