I think there's also the "problem" that when you've been playing for decades, some games might either not really be to your taste anymore - things change, including you.
But there's also the aspect that games tend to be derivative.
I played a bit of Horizon 2, it looks nice, Aloy is fun to play... but the content is not very engaging, it's the usual open world stuff.
And the lore might be interesting, it's not like the story and characters are particularly well written or put to good use, the first certainly didn't shine there.
So I won't be playing it, and that's fine. I've played my share of open world games like it. Good for people if they find the will to play more. I know I have a very low tolerance for rehashed games in this genre, so I know I won't even look at Tsushima or Ronin.
Sometimes, you may not want to play games, and that's okay, it's not depression

But at the same time, people are completely in their right to criticize things. The entire shtick of games still being fun comes from that inherent zealotry that videogames have, where everything is either 10/10 or straight 0, with an actual push to silence any critic (I'll easily use FF14 here where I've seen death threats
multiple times until youtube videos were taken down) to insure the right propaganda.
It's not that "games are still fun, you're depressed" and more "games are still fun, and if you don't think the latest AAAA focus tested to death is not the greatest thing ever, you should feel bad, so you better tow the line or else".
And ten years later, games are ripped apart because the flaws can finally be talked about... and it overtakes the potential good parts. If you don't like reviews or just remarks on a game, just ignore them.