I recently played Arise - A Simple Story, and its time-manipulation mechanic which lets you pause, rewind and fast-forward time passing in the environment to solve navigation puzzles made me wonder about the ancestry of this mechanic.
I immediately thought of The Gardens Between and Braid, but these are both relatively recent - the basic mechanic is something that could plausibly be implemented even on 8-bit systems with bitmap graphics and I'm wondering how far back the family tree of this particular kind of game goes.
Please share the oldest games with this kind of mechanic that you know of?
I immediately thought of The Gardens Between and Braid, but these are both relatively recent - the basic mechanic is something that could plausibly be implemented even on 8-bit systems with bitmap graphics and I'm wondering how far back the family tree of this particular kind of game goes.
Please share the oldest games with this kind of mechanic that you know of?