News SNK Brings Samurai Shodown's Input Delay Down to 4 Frames from 8, Flies Staff Member Out for Community Member to Test


Dirty Weeb
Mar 12, 2019
Posting this separate from the Fighting Games thread, because this is super cool!

This might not sound like a big deal if you're not too deep into the FGC, but this is huge. Samurai Shodown had a JP PS+ exclusive demo with some pretty awful input delay - 8 frames - with some pretty piss-poor frame stability. SNK promised that it would be fixed before launch, and they appear to have followed through for the day-1 patch build!

The input delay is now halved, which makes the game better than most titles @WydD has tested, and stability is in a much better spot to boot. Smiles all around! What makes this news even more impressive from a community interaction standpoint is how he got to test the new build in the first place.

...They flew staff out to Paris with a dev build! Huge kudos to SNK. This is AWESOME to see.

Deleted member 113

Glad to see a developer responding positively to negative feedback, and acting on it in a big way. (y)

I can't wait for the PC version of the game. :evilblob:
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