|OT| The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II | We're now 3x faster because it's Red!~


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018

Welcome to the official thread of Trails Through Daybreak II on Metacouncil. This thread will look the best when viewed in MetaOLED style.

Check out the OT of the first game here. As always, please spoiler tag your progress in the game and mark it accordingly. Please be aware that there may be unmarked spoilers abound, since this is the 12th game in the series.

Trails Through Daybreak II takes place in S.1209, a year after the events in Daybreak. With Almata eradicated, peace has returned to Calvard, and our friends at Arkride Solutions are back to enjoying their daily lives; doing 4SPG quests and enjoying sweets while time passes by slowly... —or has it?

It all started with a murder...

Edith — Trion Tower Plaza
As its namesake suggests, this third district of Edith has the privilege of being the permanent home of Trion Tower, one of most famous landmark in Calvard. The tower also hosts a large shopping center, Trion Mall. As a major tourist attraction and commercial centre, there are establishments such as the Verne Store, which stocks the Verne Company's most cutting-edge orbal devices, and the Quincy Parlour, where guests can indulge their cravings for high-class confections. The Stardust Cinema is also a major destination for Edith's film buffs, viewing orbal films of every genre. Liberl Boutique is a Liberl import shop, stocking rare goods and produce from the proud nation of Liberl.

Edith — Centre Marché
The ninth district of Edith. A bustling commerce centre, hosting a variety of shops and kitchens. Renowned as 'the capital's pantry,' the Centre Marché offers all the daily necessities and perishables a shopper could ask for. Another major tourist destination, the area are always so busy and packed with shoppers and tourists alike. There is a coffee spot that sells speciality coffee beans, tucked away just off the main street, which seem to be the same beans used for the coffee in Montmart Bistro.

Langport — Second Ward
Langport’s very own 'Old Town.' In contrast to the Eastern Quarter’s First Ward—which is currently under the Lu family’s protection—the Second Ward features establishments that cater to the needs of the local populace, such as inexpensive restaurants and public bathhouses. As a result, it is rarely visited by tourists. The Second Ward is also home to the main dojo of the Gekka school, one of the three great Eastern martial arts.

A moderate-sized city located in the north of Calvard. Due to its long-standing role as one of the Northern Sea’s major trading ports, Messeldam was often tasked during the days of monarchal rule with the delivery of imports to the capital of Oración—along with fresh seafood, of course. Although the port remains active to this day, developments in airship technology have greatly diminished its significance. The city itself, however, remains an important gateway to Remiferia and its surrounding nations.

The Märchen Garten
Zemuria's first virtual space service. Its creation was made possible through the use of Xipha technology and the orbal network. After furthering their research on the Virtual Combat Simulator, the Marduk Company took the opportunity to expand its functionality as well—and thus, the Märchen Garten was born. The Märchen Garten is capable of generating virtual environments by sending enormous amounts of data via the orbal net. Users, who can access these environments from even the most remote locations, can then utilize them for meet-ups and other activities.

After quelling the Almata threat and returning to a "lone wolf" lifestyle, he felt something was amiss. Enter Elaine with a disturbing news...

Agnès seems determined to search for the last remaining Genesis. Unfortunately, juggling the responsibilities of the Student Council President with Arkride Solutions employee has proven to be a non-trivial matter.

A model Bracer in every sense of the word, Elaine's true calling lies is in the Supporting Gauntlets and not in the entertainment world. Unfortunately, she has to be the bearer of bad news when a certain murder has took place in Edith.

After the conclusion of the events with Almata, she decided to temporarily return to the Kruga village. While there, she performed the role of the priestess during their New Year's Festival, showing her friends and family just how much she had grown in her time away.

While he did eventually return to Langport, he continues to act without regard to Heiyue's expectations of him. Recently, he's even been taking a page out of Van's book by helping those in need within the city.

After the temporary disbandment of the Arkride Solutions team, Risette returned to Marduk's main office in Ored. As word would have it, she's managed to reunite with a close friend of hers while undergoing routine maintenance there.

After the team's temporary disbandment, he returned to the Basel Institute, where he continued to work with Professor Hamilton and the other researchers.

Apparently, her power to transform into Grimcat, and the mission she inherited with it, were handed down to her from her mother and grandmother. However, it is currently unclear as to how that process works.

The fourth of the twelve Dominions belonging to the Gralsritter, an order of holy knights within the Septian Church.

The eleventh of the twelve Dominions belonging to the Gralsritter, an order of holy knights within the Septian Church.

Renne's reason for initially entering the Republic was to accomplish a mission tasked to her by the West Zemuria Tech Union. As this mission has recently been completed, she has decided to temporarily return to Liberl—in spite of Aramis Academy's fast-approaching school festival...

Shizuna originally came into contact with the Arkride Solutions team while she was hiding out in the Ishgal Mountains. Since then, she has temporarily provided Van and his compatriots with support during the incidents surrounding Almata.

An unusually self-assertive holo core installed in Van's Xipha. She appears to possess free will—something that should be impossible for an AI.

Though in constant conflict with Erebonia over the control of bordering regions, Calvard has recently been on the receiving end of reparations from the Empire following the Battle of Jormungandr. These reparations enabled Calvard to enter a period of rapid growth and development, leading to its eventual overtake of Erebonia as the most powerful nation on the continent. Regarding the region's recreational interests, recent technological advancements in orbal vehicles and filmmaking have caused a boom in both the motorsports and orbal cinema industries.

The Bracer Guild is one of the most well-known organisations across Zemuria. Most citizens will likely turn to the Supporting Gauntlet when they need a task that requires very specific skills to be done. Because of its strict neutrality code and prioritising the well-being of the citizens first and foremost, The Guild simply won't interfere in state matters. To their detriment, this rigidity has been proven to work against them during the time of Crossbell State's occupation and eventual annexation by The Erebonian Empire in S.1205.

The church's facilities are managed and maintained by the Congregation for Divine Worship. However, the tracking and recovery of artifacts are handled by a group known as the Congregation for the Sacraments. As these two entities are not on friendly terms with one another, they often end up in conflict. The church is also tasked with enlightening the people of Zemuria through education, training, healthcare, and other such means. Their Sunday School program is perhaps their most successful in this mission, as it is widely attended by children across the continent for their early education.

A secret society that operates throughout all of Zemuria. Almost everything about them remains a mystery.

The Gardens
Formally known as 'The Four Gardens.' A group of violent assassins that once operated across central and western Zemuria. The organization is made up of the Gardens of Sword, Thorn, Aurum, and Rust, with each falling under the watchful rule of a designated overseer.

Van and his collaborators will not always travel together during the events of The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II. At times, some of the group may split off in order to take care of tasks in different areas of Calvard concurrently. Because of this, each act contains multiple chapters you can play in any order. Progress the story in the order you choose!

Certain chapters will feature missions that utilize the unique skillsets of the characters in that chapter's party. For example, directly controlling the holo core AI, Mare, to hack the orbal network, or using Swin to silently tail a suspicious individual.

Investigate the Märchen Garten!
In the Märchen Garten, you can freely build a party from any of the playable characters and explore areas that have been meticulously recreated within a virtual space.
Completing a specific mission in each sub-section of these areas will grant you access to the next, and you'll eventually be confronted by a powerful opponent after progressing far enough.
Defeating these bosses grants the party a number of unique and rare items, as well as lots of shard tokens, which are necessary for analyzing Mystic Cubes.
The Märchen Garten can be accessed at nearly any time while progressing through the main storyline. Even if characters are in different parts of Calvard during the events of the main story, they can still team up and form a party while inside the virtual space.

Analyze Mystic Cubes for Tons of Items!
Mystic Cubes only exist within the orbal network, but can be analyzed by Mare in exchange for shard tokens. Shard tokens can be found either by exploring the Märchen Garten, or using Shard Search.
Analyzing these cubes will not only reward you with tons of sepith, but also consumable items, accessories, rare equipment, and other unique items—some of which can even be used to upgrade your crafts.

Boost Your Battle Prowess with Craft Upgrades!
Special items can be obtained via Mystic Cube analysis that allows each character to upgrade their crafts and S-Crafts.
On top of improved power, stun values, etc., this can also reduce the amount of time needed before a character can act again after using a craft, which can make certain crafts a more optimal choice than ever before!
Also, strengthening a character's craft to a certain degree can grant additional status buffs to that character, such as increased accuracy or higher Max HP.
Craft enhancements apply even outside of the Märchen Garten, so exploring virtual spaces, analyzing Mystic Cubes, and buffing your crafts can do wonders for your overall combat ability.

Ideal For Exploration and Combat Alike! It's Marduk Support!
The Marduk Company has dispatched service concierge Mirabel Aalton as your liaison within the Märchen Garten to provide you with all manner of unique support services.
These include the option to restore your CP (Craft Points), purchase items, and take on various mini-game style challenges. On top of all that, she can even help you build a customized soundtrack for play within the Märchen Garten.
This feature allows players to choose which tracks they want to play during field exploration, field battles, command battles, and on the Märchen Garten service menu.

Find Shard Tokens via Shard Search
While in towns, dungeons, etc. you can activate a function that will create a shard boundary around the party, revealing any objects in the vicinity that react to shards.
Outside of just finding shard tokens for use in Mystic Cube analysis, this can also reveal items, recovery devices, and breakable objects hidden underneath shard camouflage!

Cross Charge
If you manage to Perfect Dodge an enemy's attack during a field battle, the Cross Charge icon will appear!
Pushing the correct button while the icon is on-screen will swap in another party member, who will simultaneously execute a charge attack on your foe! As a bonus, the party member that you swap in will have enhanced attack power for a period of time.

EX Chains
EX Chains can be activated by fulfilling specific conditions during command battles.
Once these conditions have been met, using a craft or normal attack against a stunned enemy will automatically activate an EX Chain!
This allows party members with SCLM activated to launch a simultaneous attack that will also impact nearby enemies, dealing massive damage.

Cut Down Foes with Cross Charge and EX Chains!
The charge attack performed during a Cross Charge has a high chance of stunning an enemy, so following it up by switching to command battle and performing an EX Chain can be an effective strategy for annihilating large groups of enemies with high defense!

Card Game: Seven Hearts
Seven Hearts is a four-player, competitive card game where clever use of the various effects on your Arts Cards is key to draining your opponents' life points and claiming victory.
These Arts Cards include attack cards of each basic elemental type (Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind) and special effect cards in each of the four elements as well.
There are also certain cards that can be aligned with the higher elements (Time, Space, and Mirage) for a total of eleven possible card types. The game proceeds with each player using one of the cards randomly dealt to them on their turn.
Each player's life points and the total cards remaining in their hand are used to calculate their ranking at the end of the game. In the event of a tie, the player whose turn comes around sooner in the turn order is declared the winner.

Collecting Balloons with FIO
There's trouble brewing at Edith's Trion Mall!
You'll need to control FIO, a hover-type orbal drone, to collect the balloons spread all over Trion Mall within the time limit!

Connection events dig deeper into the stories of specific characters, revealing new sides to them that you may not expect. The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II also features special connection events between certain characters that are particularly close with each other! These events deal with each character's past and inner turmoil, exploring their personality in greater depth.

Feri & Aaron: Feri's Training
Feri seems strangely quiet after reuniting with her older brother, Kasim. Van goes to check up on her, but it seems as though Aaron had the very same idea...

Judith & Nina: The Actresses' Invitation
While staying at a rather ritzy hotel, Judith and Nina ring the front desk and request a large number of bulky items be delivered to their room. Van, lured in by the faint odor of snacks and alcohol, quickly finds himself roped into their scheme.

Celis & Leon: A Moonlit Lake
Celis and Leon, both former pupils of Master Bergard and current members of the Dominion, head out for a nearby lake one evening. Van, noticing them both carrying their weapons with them, attempts to follow and see what they're up to. However...

RPG SiteThe Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II Interview with Durante
RPG SiteThe Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II PC Features
RPG SiteThe Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II Console Comparisons


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
That's a lot of information!
Also, too bad the screenshots aren't PC, but you can't do much about this :p
  • Comfy
Reactions: Kvik


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
This is coming in hot, we made 5 builds since Tuesday :p
But don't worry, this is mostly about final polish things like line spacing in BGM info and dynamic button prompt placement on screenshots on help pages.
The biggest things were faster save dialog opening when there is a ton of saves, and mouse wheel zoom on the maps.

Also, I wrote a Steam news post that will go live with the release today.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
Lol. I know, just messing around. Although I did try some silliness with 200% render scale plus SGSSAA "Everything". :flare_gstep:
  • Toucan
Reactions: Durante


Coffee, Controllers, etc
Sep 30, 2024
Playing another game right now and I wish the portrait supersampling option from here was in that.
  • This!
Reactions: Durante


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
We released a patch:

Nothing really big, the most significant thing is making it launch for people who are using an "en_us" locale but manually changed the decimal separator to "," for that locale in the Windows settings.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I think there's a bug here. Changing the battle order to "Rear" does not change the icon from Random to Rear. Seems like it's not cosmetic only since the scripting doesn't seem to change either, although I'm not 100% sure.



I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
AFAIK this is a cosmetic-only localization graphic image issue. We'll have to wait for a general (i.e. console too) patch for that, but it's only visual.
  • Comfy
Reactions: Kvik


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I've finished chapter 1-B over the weekend. Not 1-A, though, since I started with 1-B first.

As always, Nadia is a riot. :flare_lmao:


Junior Member
Apr 26, 2019
for all the underwhelming general sentiment i've seen of this one over the years most of the actual structural details sound right up my alley

it'll probably be a couple months or so before I get around to it though(i've actually been playing the first one quite a bit this weekend since this coming out served as a reminder that I still haven't gotten around to finishing that and then I probably won't want to jump into another right away)


Sep 20, 2018
Amazing OP, Kvik! It is almost good enough for me to forgive the omission of any mention of the glorious return of fishing.
In fact, in Daybreak 2 fishing is better than it ever was. No longer are we anglers shackled to so-called "fishing points", arbitrarily chosen by Falcom, but we are instead free to spread our tackles wherever we please (and there is a body of water) Want to fish inside a fountain like some kind of maniac? Then sure, go ahead. Somehow you can actually catch st uff there.
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Reactions: Kvik and Durante


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Version 1.1.7 is up:

This might be the last of our quick right after launch patches for now, some things (like the UI graphic issue pointed out above) will be fixed universally across platforms and will take a bit more time.

Special shoutout to Peter (the other one) for digging into the battle AI code to identify and fix that obscure softlock condition.
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Reactions: Kvik and Mivey


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I've finished with Act I last night. I have to say that I enjoyed the "B" part more. Perhaps it's Elaine's moveset in some ways, and Swin & Nadia are definitely the more interesting pair compared to Celis and Leon. Celis is alright, but Leon needs more snarky rebuttals to complement Celis' personality. As for the supporting characters, Dominique is alright though. I enjoyed her bit. Fighting Walter is always fun, although I dislike that Zin is not playable and just a guest character.

Speaking of mechanics, I wish the rewards for completing Märchen Garten floors are a bit better. Like, the choices are just between 50x sepith and two Tier 1 quartz which we can already synthetise from the Orbal shops. The gacha mechanic is whatever, knowing my luck with gachage it's pretty much a crap shoot anyway, but hopefully the rewards will improve when more floors opens up.

On to Act 2-B this weekend. :flare_bath:


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
Completed Act II. Much like Act I, I enjoyed the "B" part a lot more. Fighting racism is always fun, and the janky tailing mission was kind of silly as well. Exploring Langport in part A feels pretty great, but the antagonists... not so much. I never really liked Cao from the Crossbell days, and his convoluted little scheme didn't really improve my opinion of him. The Foremost Fighter was kind of a jobber, though. I thought we're going to have another Kasim situation in our hands.

Speaking of Kasim, I still can't get over the characters in this game gassing him up to Gehenna and back. Like, in the past games we had Cassius and Loewe gassed up as well, but it never feels artificial. They have the skill and it feels earned in a tangible way if the character spoke of them highly. Now Kasim however, the "skill" amounts to charging his railgun which kind of hilarious in itself.

Anyway, on to the Fragments chapter tonight.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Another small patch with various fixes:

The next one will have a bigger headline feature.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
Reached the ending of Fragments over the weekend. The first day was pretty uneventful, except for some bonding (connect) events. The activities are... kind of boring, if I'm being honest. The parasailing one could probably worked better as a minigame. The conversation doesn't flow since the characters are just randomly quipping. The car trip can be enjoyable, but the controls are rather unwieldy. The cocktail mixing involves a bit of running around and at least in this one, there are conversations. It's kind of a shame they can't spend the development budget to make these into minigames.

The second day (and night) is where the story gets going. A little contrived, perhaps. since Arkride Solutions is kind of forced to fight everyone on the island. Much like his apperance in DB1, Harwood's EN VA impresses me with their performance. But the real kicker is the finisher. In a very rare moment for Falcom storytelling, they didn't telegraph Swin's betrayal, which is something we haven't seen since the Sky days. It reminds to be seen whether the reason behind it is a solid one, though.

On to Act 3 this weekend. :flare_bath:


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I forgot to post my impressions of Act 3. :flare_lmao:

Hmm... how to put this.

Act 3 got a lot of bad rap. And honestly, I kind of get it. The time loop mechanics, corruptions happen because reasons, The Geneses being the Calvard Army Knife that can do anything you can think of, Kasim Al-Fayed, and so on. There's a fair bit of stuff in this act that can feel like a regression on some ways. While I can appreciate some of the underlying themes of accepting shortcomings and hang ups, there's a certain repetitiveness that we can all do without.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed the little mini-arcs that I don't think this was a total write-off. Maxim and Feri's arcs are pretty good. But the real highlight is Nadia and Swin's arc. I already love them in Reverie, but they've really stolen the show in this chapter. I don't care much for Ashen/Cao's arc, though.

I've started with the Finale too. It's kind of funny how the story made us choose between Elaine and Agnés to walk around the festival with. The choice is obvious.