|OT| Thymesia: A Bloodbornikirosoulsring-like

Gamall Wednesday Ida

Just a loon, apparently.
Dec 4, 2020

According to the search, not only is there no thread for this game, but there is only one mention of it so far, more than a year ago !! Let's rectify that.

Thymesia is a "Souls-like", heavily reminiscent of Bloodborne in its theme, with parry mechanics that remind me of Sekiro, on top of a classical Souls dodge.

I'm still in the first level.

The pluses so far:
It runs fine on Linux/Proton.
The mechanics seem fairly solid, and there is a variety of freely-respecable talents to unlock that ought to give it some combat variety. Besides "moar damage", you have talents that give health on kill, extend combos, give moves out of dodge, remove parry and give you a shield (though they didn't tell you it removed ability to parry, so I died :-( ), to mention a few I unlocked very fast.

The minuses so far:
Dialogue and exposition are not voiced at all.
While the graphics are competently executed, the first level at least is not pretty to look at. It's basically a blightown+valley of defilement+the gutter-type thingy with heavy fog, a flat colour palette, and plenty of knee-high impassable barriers.
From what I've heard, it's very short.

The "I'm not a fan of that but you might not have a problem with it":
Each enemy must be in essence killed twice because of the wounds system, and they are a bit spongy in the first place, so they each overstay their welcome.
Given a large opening, you can copy your enemy's weapon... but it's a one-time use thing, and some are very underwhelming. I see it adds depth to the combat, but meh... give me a true spell system. You can also equip one such weapon, like a spell, but you can cast it once or twice and that's it. There are probably ways to regen your "energy", but since you can't even kill one mook with your entire reserves, that's not something I've looked into. Maybe it gets powerful if you invest in it?

If you want something souls-like mostly for the sake of raw combat mechanics, this is probably worth a teeny look.
Reason: multiple typos squashed