Discussion What are you currently playing? (Week 11 of 2024)


Jun 3, 2020
New week, new thread! What are you playing?

I have been sick for the last week so I did not play much. Finished the DLC case of Ace Attorney 5. Easily one of the best cases in AA franchise. Not only they nail the whodunit nature of this unique case, they also managed to create a "villain" that players can sympathy with. Bravo to the writers.

I have also started playing Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime on the DS. Second time playing through this game. I always love the tank designs and the battle mechanics. Great use of the dual screens.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I finished the Final Chapter in Astlibra... only to find out it wasn't the final chapter at all and not only is there still seemingly quite a bit of story left, the game adds a bunch of new progression systems on top of its existing ones :dizzy-face:
It's getting too long for me though, not gonna lie, so I went back to Cold Steel 3 and I think I'm pretty far into Chapter 3 by now.


May 5, 2019
Since I never post in these threads, lets catch up a bit – looking through my Steam list of recents:

SimCity 3000 — after the re-release on Steam, I played a bunch of it. SC3000 has this sweet spot of not being too complex but also not being too easy or simple. I kinda wish modern city builders would emulate this, but then again, SC3000 is still perfectly playable. And hey, so are SC2000 and SC1

World of Warcraft – whenever there is some event of anything going on, I'll dive in and do that, play a bit, its still enjoyable every now and then. But I couldnt keep all my alt. characters on max-level these days, way too much effort. After levelling my main char to max, doing it again felt like such a slog. They slooooowly level, but its not a priority or something I actively pursue (nor is doing anything in the endgame with my main. Levelling through the content once: that is enough for me – and of course, doing events, as mentioned.

Saints Row 2022 — since it was in the Humble Monthly. played around 4 hours and had some decent fun with it. Not sure why it got so much hate (apart from egsclusivity) but maybe I didnt get to any bad parts yet.

Baldurs Gate 3 — Slowly plodding along... yep I still havent finished this. I guess this illustrates just how slow-paced I play most games. BG3 has an intriguing world, interesting characters (mostly) and a story I like to continue but...I hate the combat, sorry, I just do. I could never warm to turn-based combat in any game and always just accepted it if all other parts of a game really spoke to me; and its the same here. I just dislike the concept of turn-based combat on a very fundamental level.

The Saboteur — having finished this years ago, I replayed the opening hours when it released on Steam. Glad it did, still a cool game.

Faery — played an hour or so of it, mostly because I saw the newest video for Greedfall 2 and decided to try this old Spiders game a bit. Its not bad .... but turn-based ;) so I didnt play much

Diablo IV — I play a bit of this every now and then, usually I have fun for 30-60 minutes before I get bored. Its more fun with a controller and I dislike that they didnt put in WASD controls. I know it got flak for its endgame, but I dont really care about that since Im far from reaching that

Several Tomb Raider games – I played various TR games for a little bit when the remasters came out. (I still hope they fix the "modern" controls in the remaster). A bunch of them still hold up well. Rise, Underword, Legend, Temple of Osiris...all great.

Sam and Max hit the Road – did a random replay of it, always a good time. When you know it well, it takes only about 2-3 hours to complete.

Dungeon Keeper 2 — played a bit of it, not bad, didnt age badly, Id say.
Reason: any edits to this post is me finding more typos ;)
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Jan 26, 2019
I spent about 100 hours in the last month replaying Elden Ring as a faith/incantation character. It has been pretty much a completionist playthrough, where I have explored the entire world thoroughly.

The game is still good! I have appreciated the variety of special use spells for buffing, restoration and other utility stuff that you get access to with a faith build. The attack spells seem more varied than the corresponding intelligence based spells, with more nice elemental damage types like holy, lightning and fire. I felt a bit underpowered and properly challenged in the first half of the playthrough, but with a character properly specced for the blasphemous blade you can power through most things (although that weapon is available late in the game in a completionist playthrough, due to some Volcanic manor quests taking place in the last area of the game).
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