Community MetaCouncil's PC Games of the Year Awards 2018

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Oct 30, 2018

Welcome to the first PC Gaming MetaCouncil GOTY awards! This award focuses on PC games which we deem GOTY worthy, as well as best Early Access game and best DLC of the year. It is also possible to vote for the most disappointing game in a separate category.

To cast your ballot, read the rules first and send me a PM to ask for a link to the Frama form.

The categories for voting:
  • Game of the Year Award
  • DLC of the Year (optional)
  • Early Access of the Year (optional)
  • Turd of the Year (optional)
GOTY Award:
  • Up to 5 choices can be submitted (ranked voting without point):
    5th Choice
    4th Choice
    3rd Choice
    2nd Choice
    1st Choice
  • For the 1st Choice, you will need to write a short text to explain why you have chosen it as your GOTY. It could just be a sentence, do not worry.
Other awards
  • DLC / EARLY ACCESS / TURD are all optional voting criteria, one vote for each criterion.
Do not...
  • Do not choose DLC or Early Access as part of the GOTY section.
  • Do not submit the same game more than once.
  • Do not vote twice, if there is a problem contact me.
  • Do not submit a game from previous years or from future years.
You can...
  • You can submit games from other PC store fronts this year (Epic, GOG, Origin, etc.).
  • You can submit less than 5 games, but you must submit at least 1 game.
Other small notes
  • Any rogue ballot or tampering will result in the ballot being disqualified.
  • Do not share the link, it is only for you and it is to verify who has posted.
  • If there is a problem, please contact me.
Deadline: Sunday 20th January at 00:00 GMT / Saturday 19th January at 19:00 EST.
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Dec 3, 2018
gdi it'll take me like 2 weeks to even beat DQ11, let alone anything else that released in 2018
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Oct 30, 2018
Just to make sure, the order of the games is from worst to best. And where does one include the text to best game?
When your list is ready, you send me a PM and I provide a link to the form. It looks like this, with 1st place your ideal PC GotY, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places for your slightly lower choices. The text goes in the other field, which is limited to 1000 characters for now (but I can adjust it if needs be). The requirements are username, 1st place and text for 1st place.

There are other optional form fields:

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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
When your list is ready, you send me a PM and I provide a link to the form. It looks like this, with 1st place your ideal PC GotY, and 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places for your slightly lower choices. The text goes in the other field, which is limited to 1000 characters for now (but I can adjust it if needs be). The requirements are username, 1st place and text for 1st place.
again - you don't have to quote images to make them smaller :p remember?


saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
I have strong opinion how this should be steam only
strong as schwarzenegger
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Patiently waiting for Wet 2
Dec 2, 2018
Should've made this multiplatform, i mean there aren't really much difference between platforms these days, there are only a few titles that aren't on pc and vice versa
It's arachnophobia I tell you

Spider-man is good but not my goty
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Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
Hmmm I have GOTY opinions! Time to air them out I guess!

Pillars 2 good!
DQ XI also GOOD!
Hitman 2 GOODER!
The Quiet Man BAD!

That's a preview. Y'all can read the list later which will almost certainly reflect my views exactly. RIGHT?


Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
What's the stance in Path of Exile Wok? Does it qualify for DLC with its latest expansion?
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Oct 30, 2018
What's the stance in Path of Exile Wok? Does it qualify for DLC with its latest expansion?
In my opinion, this expansion would qualify as DLC. It is a free addition to a F2P game, which adds a large amount of content to the game, with an emphasis on storytelling. It is described as « their most ambitious update yet, which will place a greater focus on storytelling within the game. » I believe it is the kind of content which we could find as a paid DLC/Year Pass if this game were B2P.

Just like the other updates, Betrayal adds in new areas, loot, and monsters to battle--all of which will be accessible on the mid-point and into the end-game. However in a bit of a departure from the previous expansion, Betrayal focuses a little more on storytelling and choices.


As the most character driven expansion to date, Betrayal places greater emphasis on interacting with the many NPCs you meet throughout the game. With over 40,000 lines of new dialog, you'll be able to learn more about familiar allies and new characters to understand their connection to the Syndicate.


Here's a quick rundown for what's to come for the expansion, as written by the developers:
  • Syndicate Encounters: In every world area, players will encounter some the Syndicate and its four distinct branches. These encounters can occur in a variety of different ways, which include Intervention, Interrogation, Bargain, Execution, and Betrayal. Your choices will determine how the power structure of the Syndicate can advance.
  • Safehouses: Once you have enough information about one of the arms of the Syndicate, you can invade its unique safehouse. Each of the different Syndicate arms has a different style of safehouse that contains the characteristics of that department, along with a set of chests to pillage.
  • Veiled mods: Loot dropped from special targets in Betrayal can sometimes have unique mods that will require extra effort to unlock. By visiting Jun Ortoi, you can partially unlock the mods to gain a slight bump. By completing more goals, you'll be able to amplify its power.
  • Hideout Overhaul: In Betrayal, the entire hideout system is overhauled so that you have one unified hideout between leagues (rather than having to make a new one per league), can load/save templates and can unlock the hideouts by encountering and clearing them as you play through the game.
  • Forsaken Masters: Betrayal sees the old Forsaken Masters (with the exception of Zana) mysteriously vanish. In their place, NPCs from recent leagues rise as Masters to provide you with missions, help you craft items and find hideouts.
  • New End-game Maps: Betrayal bolsters the end-game with four new randomised maps. While these are based on the community's favorite tile-sets introduced with Delve, they have been fleshed out to offer full endgame map tilesets in Betrayal to offer more variety.


Oct 30, 2018
13 members have voted so far.

A few more have asked for a link and take their time, it is fine, there are 14 days left.

However, if you already know for which games to vote, feel free to ask for the form!
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Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
I know I'm voting for MHW, just wanna take a little bit more time to keep playing the game and provide a better opinion :)
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Oct 30, 2018
I have been asked whether Deltarune is eligible, because it could be episodic content.

To me, It is unclear whether the "chapter 1" is the first episode of the game, or whether it is a standalone. What's your opinion on that matter?

Is it episode 1, even though it might not even be part of the game when the game is released as "one whole package" in the future?
Or is it a "survey program"? Similar to what "Un Pubelo de Nada" is compared to "Kentucky Route Zero"?

It is advertised as Chapter 1 on the official website and on Wikipedia.

At the same time, the dev considers that this release is a "survey program" and that the game should be released as one package in the future.

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Oct 30, 2018
I hope we at least get 10% of the members to vote. XD
That would be great, and I am hopeful we could achieve this with 2 remaining weeks.

You know, I developed a bit of code last year to apply Schulze method to ResetEra's GOTY dataset, and see how it would differ from Borda Count. I would love to be able to apply this code to the MetaCouncil's GOTY dataset.

For the past days, I have put some additional work to polish this code, so that all is set, and I should just have to push a button to immediately get the results for GOTY, for the optional categories (DLC, Early Access, etc.), and to gather the reviews for the top ranked games. I have run the code on the data gathered so far, to make sure everything is working as intended, and the ranking is already looking pretty interesting.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
For the past days, I have put some additional work to polish this code, so that all is set, and I should just have to push a button to immediately get the results for GOTY, for the optional categories (DLC, Early Access, etc.), and to gather the reviews for the top ranked games. I have run the code on the data gathered so far, to make sure everything is working as intended, and the ranking is already looking pretty interesting.
that's awesome :) can't wait for the final results


Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I'll guess I'll vote a little. I didn't want to for Era, given my 2018 was abysmal but... Wok put a lot of work into this so I'll vote from the things I have played in 2018 for MetaCouncil.

Edit: One question I do gotta ask is about service type games? Like R6 Siege came out 4 years ago but it's updated constantly and has seasons and such... Could that be voted for in 2018 or not?
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Dec 3, 2018
I have been asked whether Deltarune is eligible, because it could be episodic content.

To me, It is unclear whether the "chapter 1" is the first episode of the game, or whether it is a standalone. What's your opinion on that matter?

Is it episode 1, even though it might not even be part of the game when the game is released as "one whole package" in the future?
Or is it a "survey program"? Similar to what "Un Pubelo de Nada" is compared to "Kentucky Route Zero"?

It is advertised as Chapter 1 on the official website and on Wikipedia.

At the same time, the dev considers that this release is a "survey program" and that the game should be released as one package in the future.

I actually forgot all about Deltarune. I'd say it counts because it was kind of a one-off that he made, that he's hoping to continue in the indefinite future.
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"Oh yeah? Aren't you gonna punish me?"
Dec 22, 2018
Is there a list for everything eligible or am I responsible to make sure games I vote for were released in 2018?
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Oct 30, 2018
Is there a list for everything eligible or am I responsible to make sure games I vote for were released in 2018?
There is no list. You are responsible of your choices. Make sure the games are available on PC and released in/for 2018. In case of a doubt, ask here. For instance, the Year 3 Pass for Rainbow Six Siege would be a DLC released in 2017, yet it is eligible in the DLC category because it is a pass for the year 2018.

If the game is available on the Steam store, then there is an automatic check of release dates, Otherwise, the release date is marked as "unknown".
In case the release year is unknown or different from 2018, then a warning is displayed to me and I have to manually check whether the game is eligible.
However, I intend to run this process once the voting ends. I might run it before for testing purposes, but I cannot guarantee that you would get warned of any issue with your vote before the voting ends.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I have been asked whether Deltarune is eligible, because it could be episodic content.

To me, It is unclear whether the "chapter 1" is the first episode of the game, or whether it is a standalone. What's your opinion on that matter?

Is it episode 1, even though it might not even be part of the game when the game is released as "one whole package" in the future?
Or is it a "survey program"? Similar to what "Un Pubelo de Nada" is compared to "Kentucky Route Zero"?

It is advertised as Chapter 1 on the official website and on Wikipedia.

At the same time, the dev considers that this release is a "survey program" and that the game should be released as one package in the future.

Only saw this now after I've already included Deltarune in my votes, haha.
I think it should count. It's a one-off thing he made. It's a complete game, that's polished and has a complete storyline (with a potential sequel hook at the end, but that alone doesn't disqualify anything, since we wouldn't be able to vote for any games in a series in that case).
Also when in doubt, this is Metacouncil, where we aren't as strict with the rules :p
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Ex-User (307)

Dec 11, 2018
This is probably a stupid question but I just wanted to make sure. The Early Access category should cover something that started Early Access this year, not continued into this year, right? I.e., Oxygen Not Included was released to EA in 2017, but continued into 2018. Whereas Train Valley 2 just started EA in 2018.
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Le Pertti

0.01% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
This is probably a stupid question but I just wanted to make sure. The Early Access category should cover something that started Early Access this year, not continued into this year, right? I.e., Oxygen Not Included was released to EA in 2017, but continued into 2018. Whereas Train Valley 2 just started EA in 2018.
I voted for Oxygen Not Included, thought EA games could have come out any year.
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