I wanted to make a thread about the massive amount of free Novels on the web.
This thread should be used to introduce other readers to the Novels you have read in the past or that you are currently reading.
Also, many Amateur/Webnovels have a presentation and description problem. "Character X goes on an Adventure!" is an acceptable blurb for a 40k word novel, but when your Novel breaks 500k words, it is quite lacking.
Personally, I read a fuck-ton of novels daily and have mostly given up on reading dead-tree books (because of the costs). the daily amount of reading depends on how invested I am in the world and if I am using public transport. Some days, I only read 10k or 20k words but when I am in heavy focus mode and want to know what happens next, I can read up to 100k words in a day and neglect my gaming time.
Because of the amount that I read, any novel below 100k words isn't even considered unless it is part of a series. It could be the bestestestest Novel of all time, if the end is too soon, I have to find another novel just after a day.
We should also discuss if Fanfiction should be included
The first Introduction goes to:
Official Story Blurb:
Fan-made Audiobook: Home – Worm Audiobook
Arc by Arc Podcast by a reader who already finished Worm and by a first-time reader:
Official sequel: "Ward" Glow-worm - 0.1 - Parahumans 2
Author: John "Wildbow" McCrae
Wordcount: Worm: 1.7 Million words, the sequel Ward closed in on nearly 2 million words.
Worm was a surprise for me. I had never liked Superhuman stories or comics. But after stumbling on Worm, I was immediately hooked. The setting and the powers were so different, there was no baddie of the week to fight, you were immersed in the world and the conflicts that had an ongoing narrative. The female protagonist was also a plus. And she controls bugs!
Looking at my saved ebooks (I copied the text of every chapter from an arc into a pdf and read the pdf), I finished that monster in just 10 days! that is over 170k words in a day. (there were points in my life where I read novels for 12 hours a day)
1.7 Million words are long, so here is a bit more spoiler-y synopsis of what is happening throughout the novel: You start as a bullied girl who gets superpowers because of a traumatic event and decide to become a hero. Plans don't survive the contact with other superpowered people and you decide to become a hero that pretends to be a villain to get other villains behind bars. STUFF happens and you go deeper and deeper into the rabbit holes, having burned bridges, trying to save other people that are under the thumb of more powerful supervillains and so on.
Worm is one of the most successful western Webnovels of all time if we just take the Fanfiction story counts as a metric. It has more FF stories than 98% of all dead-tree books. The science-fiction boards "Sufficient Velocity" and "Spacebattles even have a separate Forum just for Worm fanfic, no other Novel or Franchise on those boards has that. From 10 million messages on the creative writing board on Spacebattles, 2.2 million belong to the Worm board. On SV, 650k of the 2 million Messages are in the Worm board of the Creative Writing Forum.
The Sequel: I read only a third of it yet, had started it and decided to wait for it to end. It has ended now... But I can't bring myself to finish it. I have too much issues with how the world and characters are now displayed to get much joy from reading the sequel. It goes into heavy spoilers on why that is.
This thread should be used to introduce other readers to the Novels you have read in the past or that you are currently reading.
Also, many Amateur/Webnovels have a presentation and description problem. "Character X goes on an Adventure!" is an acceptable blurb for a 40k word novel, but when your Novel breaks 500k words, it is quite lacking.
Personally, I read a fuck-ton of novels daily and have mostly given up on reading dead-tree books (because of the costs). the daily amount of reading depends on how invested I am in the world and if I am using public transport. Some days, I only read 10k or 20k words but when I am in heavy focus mode and want to know what happens next, I can read up to 100k words in a day and neglect my gaming time.
Because of the amount that I read, any novel below 100k words isn't even considered unless it is part of a series. It could be the bestestestest Novel of all time, if the end is too soon, I have to find another novel just after a day.
We should also discuss if Fanfiction should be included
The first Introduction goes to:

Official Story Blurb:
Official Website: WormAn introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find escape from a deeply unhappy and frustrated civilian life. Her first attempt at taking down a supervillain sees her mistaken for one, thrusting her into the midst of the local ‘cape’ scene’s politics, unwritten rules, and ambiguous morals. As she risks life and limb, Taylor faces the dilemma of having to do the wrong things for the right reasons.
Fan-made Audiobook: Home – Worm Audiobook
Arc by Arc Podcast by a reader who already finished Worm and by a first-time reader:
Official sequel: "Ward" Glow-worm - 0.1 - Parahumans 2
Author: John "Wildbow" McCrae
Wordcount: Worm: 1.7 Million words, the sequel Ward closed in on nearly 2 million words.
Worm was a surprise for me. I had never liked Superhuman stories or comics. But after stumbling on Worm, I was immediately hooked. The setting and the powers were so different, there was no baddie of the week to fight, you were immersed in the world and the conflicts that had an ongoing narrative. The female protagonist was also a plus. And she controls bugs!
Looking at my saved ebooks (I copied the text of every chapter from an arc into a pdf and read the pdf), I finished that monster in just 10 days! that is over 170k words in a day. (there were points in my life where I read novels for 12 hours a day)
1.7 Million words are long, so here is a bit more spoiler-y synopsis of what is happening throughout the novel: You start as a bullied girl who gets superpowers because of a traumatic event and decide to become a hero. Plans don't survive the contact with other superpowered people and you decide to become a hero that pretends to be a villain to get other villains behind bars. STUFF happens and you go deeper and deeper into the rabbit holes, having burned bridges, trying to save other people that are under the thumb of more powerful supervillains and so on.
Worm is one of the most successful western Webnovels of all time if we just take the Fanfiction story counts as a metric. It has more FF stories than 98% of all dead-tree books. The science-fiction boards "Sufficient Velocity" and "Spacebattles even have a separate Forum just for Worm fanfic, no other Novel or Franchise on those boards has that. From 10 million messages on the creative writing board on Spacebattles, 2.2 million belong to the Worm board. On SV, 650k of the 2 million Messages are in the Worm board of the Creative Writing Forum.
The Sequel: I read only a third of it yet, had started it and decided to wait for it to end. It has ended now... But I can't bring myself to finish it. I have too much issues with how the world and characters are now displayed to get much joy from reading the sequel. It goes into heavy spoilers on why that is.