Community MetaSteam | January 2021 - It's Rare to See a Medium So Well-Done

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Dec 20, 2018
I have to admit that i have hard time playin both Ac Valhalla and Control because i like Valhalla so much that i don't want to play anything else xD I am really surprised how much i like Valhalla. I like characters, story, environments... I also really like the way they decided to tell the story with regional arcs. And Eivor is really good character. Add to that one of the best AC soundtracks and experience is soo good. Bringing back Darby McDevitt as Narrative Director and Jesper and Sarah as composers was really good choice.



Nov 4, 2018
Best option for what exactly? Playing games with a gamepad or comfy couch stuff?
All depends on a game, some are perfectly playable with a gamepad, some are a bad time with one.
You can always go for a wireless KB+M combo and make/buy a lapboard if you just want the comfy couch stuff.
Gamepad games are fine with any gamepad, my concern is with older games or mouse-driven games that Steam Controller is perfect for, I don't want a lapboard as I often play lying on my side.
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OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
Gamepad games are fine with any gamepad, my concern is with older games or mouse-driven games that Steam Controller is perfect for, I don't want a lapboard as I often play lying on my side.
One other thing than Steam Controller that comes to mind is GPD Win Max (or the upcoming Max 2), which most likely is way above your spending range.
Other than that I'd just look for a SteamCon spare. It's not like Valve will be making any more of them. :(
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Dec 3, 2018
Currently playing Cloudpunk and I quite enjoy it. The writing is alright-ish but I don't care for most of the performances. The voxel is neat, the city landscape is more interesting than it was in Cyberpunk 2077 even with less technical proewss behind it because the architecture is a bit more "not what we currently have with a whole lot of neon" in general.

At the same time I am feeling like I am done with cyberpunk as a genre. Even if there is some neat thing here and there in every cyberpunk game they all feel same-ish at a certain point.


Apr 17, 2019
Gamebillet has the best deal on the Yakuza bundle, right?
I wonder how long they're gonna keep that discount, I'm gonna have to wait a couple of weeks before I can get it.
  • This!
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I didn't realize that the one month of disney+ was a big deal. But it looks like it is. Before in the US the free trial is just for one week and sometime in June they actually stopped giving out the free trail all together in the US for new members and the only way to get free anything was through version.

I was able to get 1 month of Disney + because of XGPU.

I may sign up for Netflix for a bit but otherwise I think I will do Disney + and try to sign up for HBO Max.


Mouse Accelerated Member
Apr 17, 2019

Balan Wonderland demo was OK.
Good visuals IMO, but keep in mind that this is more of a slower paced adventure platformer, that's on the light side. Will satisfy younger children but more veteran/older players might be put off.
There are QTE challenges that are optional but I think in the main game they reward a cheevo at least. They're pretty simple though so nothing critical. it's just that the QTEs don't feel like they add anything to the game :V

The one thing they should fix in the full game is that power up boxes should always be available in case you want to switch back to a previous one. All in all it's an OK demo for what I expect to be an OK game. Keep expectations low and you might enjoy it but I dunno if I could recommend it at full price :X

IIRC, it was the first game in the series to feature it.
I tried the demo after reading your post.

I agree that from a technical standpoint the game looks fine... but personally found it really really ugly. There is a distinctive lack of visual cohesion... in some respects it feels asset-flippy. The character art is reminiscent both of Mighty No. 9 and Sonic, the world sometimes looks a bit like 3D Harvest Moon and sometimes like Yooka Lalyee's worst levels. The hats are the most elaborate assets and look like Nights.

But yeah, gameplay-wise it feels stiff, slow and undercooked.

That's too bad because on paper this is exactly the kind of stuff that I'd enjoy.

Note to self: remember to google stuff before writing uninformed posts.

Well, apparently the characters/hats look they way the do because of Ohshima Naoto's involvement (Sonic and Nights' designer)...
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Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
If they sped up Balan it would probably be way more enjoyable to play. Making swapping costumes snappy and character movement like 50% faster would fix my main issues with the game.


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
Yeah...I think the ASUS Strix 2021 if not Zephyrus, is the lappy for me. Just need it to hit $1,500 or less @3@ NVidia bee crippling stuff with Optimus. Thankfully I've not been heavily impacted by it on my current lappy, but going thanks. Turn that ish off and DSR all day e'ry daaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Jan 5, 2019
Man O' War: Corsair will be delisted after the sale ends in less than 5 hours. It's currently 90% off.

From what I'm reading, the concept of the game is similar to Mount & Blade and the gameplay is a lot like the naval combat in Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. The game is set in the Warhammer universe.

Edit: No longer available on Steam. Check out for other places that still carry it.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Tried the Balan demo.
I think it's cute overall, but I didn't play long because the camera is somehow really nauseating.
Dunno what it is - bad framepacing, lower FPS than it actually displays? All I know is that it feels really really bad.
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Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
Tried the Balan demo.
I think it's cute overall, but I didn't play long because the camera is somehow really nauseating.
Dunno what it is - bad framepacing, lower FPS than it actually displays? All I know is that it feels really really bad.
Probably a mix between the unfolding effect the levels have and the automatic camera. Turn off the latter and see if it helps?


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019

So something that is pretty dumb is how out of my PS5 and XSX, the XSX is way better at being used as a multi media machine (it's better at playing music and it's better at playing movies. That's why I prefer to use that over the PS5. One if the main things is audio, the audio just sounds a lot better/it seems to work a lot better with my current sound set up. One of the things that sucks though is how is how no new multi media controller was released by MS for it. It would have been cool if they had one similar to what Sony released. At least for me it would have been better if instead of Netflix it had a button for Hulu since I basically never use Netflix and have not been a subscriber in over 6 years. So that should tell you something but I have been using Hulu now for over 6 years.


Sep 20, 2018
Here's another fine piece of journalism:

Now excuse me, I'm busy overclocking my pc in order to play my next game 😉
Having read the article, I don't think the writer is coming from a bad place. PC Gaming does give you the freedom to always get the newest stuff and tinker with absolutely everything until it is just perfect. You can choose to spend time to make everything run just perfectly, giving you a perfectly steady frametime, making sure you use your machine to the fullest. You can get the newest hardware every year to stay at the forefront of the current state of the art im computer graphics. You can do all of those things. But you can also easily just get a great machine every four or five or six years and call it a day.
I can see how given enough money where you can upgrade your PC regularly, you might feel compelled to get the newest shiniest stuff. And from that point of view a console that removes all that freedom could be see as nicer.

But it's such a myopic view, such a limited focus on your own experience that completely ignores how that very freedom allows things to exist on PC that could never ever be on a locked down proprietary console.

February | Not the Persona you are looking for.
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