HoloMyth 1 Year Anniversary Collab - Delayed for 30 minutes but that's nothing! Congrats, girls!
It's been an amazing year and a rollercoaster of a ride but they made it and Thanks for the memories!
Oh lord, this is AWESOME! and scuffed and AWESOME! Love it!
Amezing confirmed. Thanks for the hard work, Ame! Apparently she was the driving force behind this... mad, cute, dorky overload of a segment.
edit: Official HoloMYTH Logo is super sick! New merch with art and logo! oh, sheeeet! ShadowMyth Hoody and Mugs, more merch i have to buy and have it sit in a warehouse in Japan for ages. grrrrr. I'm getting it tho!
Gura Nendoroid getting another production run.
Art Battle with HoloMYTH event on PixIV.
They're getting New Outfits soon too!
I love these dorks and all the scuff just makes it special, seriously.
It's going to be amazing when they get full 3D and meet up together.
Great anniversary stream and the clips in the segment at the end were perfect.