PSA Sonic The Hedgehog (the movie) Official Trailer


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
This looks like the kind of trainwreck cinema i can get behind. It's going to be nasty but maybe if i watch the trailer with audio later tonight it might be better? Am at work and can't find my earbuds.
So far, Detective Pikachu looks like the winner out of the two.


None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
Sonic himself just looks so bad.
The movie doesn't seem to have any of that classic, pop-deco Sonic styling. I dunno, it just doesn't look like Sonic.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Shouldn't Eggman be a little bit more portly? A little too much Meth while chasing the Hedgehog perhaps?


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Sonic looks like some guy in a Sonic costume. If that was intentional it looks bad. If it wasn't it still looks bad. This also doesn't seem like a Sonic movie apart from the main character. Sonic Adventure integrated humans in a better way, because that still looked like the Sonic universe instead of the real world.

I still want to watch it for curiosity's sake, and to have fun with how bad it'll be. Here's hoping it's the Sonic 2006 of movies!

Wait, i'm in the UK will the tagline be "Every Hero has a MegaDrive" over here in Euroland?
"Heroes never Cast their Dreams away."
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Junior Member
Mar 29, 2019
Shouldn't Eggman be a little bit more portly? A little too much Meth while chasing the Hedgehog perhaps?
I've read that Robotnik 'changes'/transforms during the movie, you can see his crazy mustache at the end of the trailer. Potentially setting up for more follow-up movies, haha
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Junior Member
Apr 17, 2019
the quality difference between this and detective pikachu is nuts. this seems like a movie that should have come out in 2002
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Spokes for the Wheel of Torment
Oct 21, 2018
Well, it looks like a bad film... But, also about pretty close to the best you can do for a live action Sonic movie. Entirely animated would be a whole different story.

beep boop

Dec 6, 2018
This attack on my senses has left me emotionally scarred and deformed.

Though I'm kinda feeling what they did with Carrey at the end of the video there.
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Aelphaeis Mangarae

Apr 21, 2019
The film is basically Hop but with Sonic and no drumming. It even co-stars James Marsden, just like Hop. I liked Hop. I can't say I'm a fan of the Sonic design, but this could at the very least be a watchable movie.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Weird Sonic aside, I think this will be a decent buddy cop film. I just hope Carrey's back doesnt break from carrrying this.


Junior Member
Mar 29, 2019
I'm still wondering if this is all a publicity stunt or whether they actually care about the bad things people said... not sure yet

Aelphaeis Mangarae

Apr 21, 2019
I'm sure that the design has been criticized internally at Paramount long before it was made public. Nobody wants to make a bad film. I don't know how the film got this point where they're six months from release and Sonic looks weird and kinda freak-ish in certain shots. Maybe one day there'll be a tell-all about the troubled production of Sonic. I do hope that the VFX team aren't forced to crunch for the next six months to redo all the shots where Sonic appears since they're likely not gonna move the release date.

Let's take a step back, though. The reason films such as Garfield, Alvin and the Chipmunks (the first live action film, at least), and Hop worked on a fundamental level is that they had visually charming protagonists. They were cute, in their own way. These films didn't necessarily impress critics, but they do work as films..

Hop is especially pertinent because both Sonic and Detective Pikachu are pretty clearly cribbing from it. But the lynchpin is that EB's design works. Pikachu's design works.

This, on the other hand, is not working. It just looks odd, my dudes. Is it a man? It is a hedgehog? God can see you, Paramount, and He is not pleased with what you have created.

Cinematic parallels and all. I like Mike Myer's Cat in the Cat movie. But I like it because it is a twisted, demented, freakish, completely inappropriate fever dream of a film. It's a marvel that it exists. That it was allowed to exist. That we can enjoy it, drink from its poisoned nectar and see into ourselves. A Sonic movie that makes me think about Cat in the Hat should indeed re-examine its creative direction before it's too late.

As for people arguing this film will be a giant stinker, I remember people shittng all over Alita when the first screens were released with the weird eyes. That film turned itself around and was pretty solid. I wouldn't be so quick to write Sonic off. The people behind this movie are trying to make a good movie, and I think it's wise to always give people the benefit of a doubt. So what if it's not the bestest movie ever? There's a wide spectrum between amazing and garbage.


Junior Member
Apr 30, 2019
Nobody wants to make a bad film.
No, but companies have purposely established projects in the past that exist for no other reason than to fail as a way to get rid of money, use it as a tax break, and get rid of unwanted employees to name a few reasons. However, this has backfired in a few instances such as The Brave Little Toaster and Silent Hill (The game).

I don't know how the film got this point where they're six months from release and Sonic looks weird and kinda freak-ish in certain shots.
Cheaper to use mocap than animate a uniquely designed character, internal disputes in the production team that never got solved, the production company not giving a damn about the product and only caring about retaining the license, the people making the project don't know WTF a Sonic is, focus groups saying "This is what people really want", the people making the project thinking that the entire thing is "below" them, the staff behind the project were probably illsuited for the job in the first place, the staff and production company behind the project made the entire film with the mindset of "It's a kids movie, who cares about quality", production companies failing to understanding that "realistic =\ cute"...I believe there's a few other reasons that could be it but I can't remember them at the moment.

I remember people shittng all over Alita when the first screens were released with the weird eyes.
That film FAILED in the U.S. (The domestic market). The only reason it barely succeeded is because of the foriegn market. On top of that, the only reason the film was actually good is because Cameron had been fawning over the project for years because how much he loved the manga. It almost literally is his brainchild.
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