Alright, gave Spelunky 2 another go after retiring from Spelunky after my 400th Hell run. Took me 30 hours to finish the equivalent of a Hell run. Beating Hundun.
Overall, my thoughts haven't changed drastically from my original review after 60 hours. If anything, I noticed the bad parts more intensely this time around. But it's not undoable. Neither the easy ending (Tiamat), nor the hard ending (Hundun). (Disregard Cosmic Ocean).
Hit boxes still very iffy to just bad. Certain gameplay changes are the opposite of fun (any electrical gear exploding, lava fluid physics being annoying time waster etc.). Just read the original review for my complaints.
Anyhow, it irked me that I ended up being so disappointed in the sequel I was genuinely looking forward to. The first Spelunky is my most-played game of all time. So, it's a little soothing that I beat the game like I wanted at least.
As I said 3½ years ago, there's a ton of content, with so much to explore and adapt over the first game, that if it clicks with you, you're likely set for honestly years. For me sadly, I don't look forward to replaying it, which is my honest indicator. That was never the case for Spelunky.
At the end of the day, overall it's a great game objectively and I'm changing my review to positive and recommend it on that front, even if it didn't captivate me as much and deep as the predecessor.
By far the biggest case where I wish there was a middling review choice.
Spelunky 2 is far from a bad game and I'm glad it seemingly clicked with so many players.
But whether it's the intensive muscle memory from the first or egregious design decisions, it simply did not click to the extent as Spelunky 1.
The really infuriating part is, there is so much good stuff here it pains me even more that as a whole I had a much worse time with Spelunky 2.
New biomes, diverging paths, new items, so many secrets, mounts! This is truly a sequel and not just more of the same.
But for all good parts, there are steps back that destroy the so-lauded perfect design of Spelunky 1.
Tech items are now a chore thanks to them igniting easily and resulting in instant end runs.
Hitboxes have been drastically tightened up to the point where it just gets more cheap than challenging.
Longer and more complicated runs don't gel well with the foundation of the core.
Look at the user score and critic reviews though. The vast majority seemingly is perfectly fine with Derek Yu's vision for the game. I don't get the itch to try and try over again, each day as the first did. In the end, that's the only real metric that counts for me personally. That's why I'm shelving Spelunky 2 for now in hopes that throughout the months and years either patches make the game enjoyable for me, or I just change enough.