|OT| The 2025 MetaCouncil's Addiction Log (track your finished games here!)


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
We all know we only buy games and don't play them, but if you're one of those degenerates who do it, you can track your progress in here!

Reserve a post after this one and update it there. Feel free to throw in custom graphics in there if you wish so. There are no rules for what constitutes a finished game other than you feeling that you're done with it, although I'd encourage not to log games you just didn't feel like playing them after 15 minutes (but if you must, hey, I'm not gonna delete your posts...or would I?).

Since last year a couple of folks wanted to keep logging in the old thread, I'll keep that one open and just pin this one.


Sep 11, 2018
I'll claim a spot here with my embed.
Managed 39 games last year, mostly backlog. Not great, not terrible. :grinning-face:

All my previous years are also in the sheet so if you are curious, just change the tab in the embed. Magical!

And as per usual, the embed is hidden inside a spoiler tag because it prevents it from loading until you reveal the spoiler, making the first page of the thread more pleasant to browse especially on mobile.



OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
2024 list, finished a cool, round 69 games then.

Game 1: Higurashi When They Cry Hou+ [2023] (Deck) - started on 28.12.2024, finished on 03.01.2025 (10:24) - 4/5

Game 2: No Case Should Remain Unsolved [2024] (Deck) - started on 03.01.2025, finished on 04.01.2025 (2:32) - 5/5

Game 3: Kathy Rain: Director's Cut [2021] (Deck) - started on 04.01.2025, finished on 07.01.2025 (9:14) - 4/5

Game 4: My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess [2016] (Deck) - started on 31.12.2024, finished on 09.01.2025 (8:31) - replay
Game 5: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [2022] (PC) - started on 19.12.2024, finished on 09.01.2025 (13:41) - replay
Game 6: Timelie [2020] (Deck) - started on 08.01.2025, finished on 11.01.2025 (5:52) - 4/5

Game 7: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy [2022] (PC) - started on 09.01.2025, finished on 12.01.2025 (6:41) - replay

Game 8: Figment [2017] (Deck) - started on 11.01.2025, finished on 15.01.2025 (5:45) - 4/5

Game 9: HIDDEN CATS: The last of cats [2024] (PC) - started on 18.01.2025, finished on 18.01.2025 (0:23) - 3/5

Game 10: Assassin's Creed: Revelations [2011] (PC) - started on 12.01.2025, finished on 27.01.2025 (15:37) - replay

Game 11: Cats and Seek: Osaka [2023] (PC) - started on 08.02.2025, finished on 08.02.2025 (0:10) - 3/5

Game 12: Stray Cats in Cozy Town [2024] (PC) - started on 08.02.2025, finished on 08.02.2025 (0:37) - 3/5

Game 13: Cats and Seek: Kyoto [2024] (PC) - started on 10.02.2025, finished on 10.02.2025 (0:35) - 3/5

Game 14: Cats and Seek: Toge Land [2025] (PC) - started on 11.02.2025, finished on 12.02.2025 (0:35) - 3/5

Game 15: Find All Christmas [2024] (PC) - started on 15.02.2025, finished on 15.02.2025 (0:45) - 3/5

Game 16: Sanrio Characters Picross [2018] (Deck) - started on 09.01.2025, finished on 17.02.2025 (26:36) - replay
Game 17: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV [2021] (Deck) - started on 15.01.2025, finnished on 11.03.2025 (131:33) - 4/5

Game X: God of War Ragnarök [2022] (PS5) - started on 27.01.2025
Game X: Pictlogica Final Fantasy [2017] (Deck) - started on 17.02.2025
Game X: Discworld [1995] (Deck) - started on 12.03.2025
Last edited:


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018

1. The Fall ★★★★ 1/2
2. Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of The Baskervilles ★★★ 1/2
3. Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden ★★ 1/2
4. South Park: The Stick of Truth ★★★★
5. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag ★★★★ 1/2
6. Assassin's Creed III ★★★ 1/2
7. The Lego Movie ★★★ 1/2
8. Dirt 3 Complete Edition ★★★★
9. Lego: The Lord of the Rings ★★★★
10. Dead Space ★★★★ 1/2
11. Dead Space 2 ★★★ 1/2
12. Dead Space 3 ★★
13. Lego: The Hobbit ★★★
14. Lego Batman ★★★★
15. Castle Storm ★★★ 1/2
16. Star Trek ★★
17. Back to Bed ★★★★
18. Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes ★★★ 1/2
19. Luminosity ★★★★
20. Transistor ★★★
21. Woolfe ★★★ 1/2
22. Mass Effect ★★★★ 1/2
23. Mass Effect 2 ★★★★
24. Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek ★★★
25. Mass Effect 3 ★★★★
26. Van Helsing III ★★★ 1/2
27. OMG Zombies! ★★★ 1/2
28. Witcher III ★★★★★
29. Stranded ★★★ 1/2
30. Walking Dead: 400 Days ★★★
31:. Wolfenstein: The New Order ★★★★
32. Shadows of Mordor - ★★★ 1/2
33. Lego Star Wars Saga ★★★★
34. Game 34: Transplan ★★★★
35. Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars ★★★
36. Watch_Dogs ★★★
37. Dragon Age Inquisition
38. Lifeless Planet
39. Motorama
40, XCOM: Enemy Within
41, The Darkness II
42. Hook
43. Divinity: Original Sin
44. State of Decay
45. Shadowrun: Hong Kong
46. Warhammer: Space Marine
47. Letter Quest Grimm: Remastered
48. Mad Max
49. Assassin's Creed: Rogue
50. Collisions
51. Grey Cubes
52. Tales from the Borderlands

  1. 10,000,000
  2. 12 Labours of Hercules II
  3. 12 Labours of Hercules III
  4. Absolute Drift
  5. Agatha Christie
  6. Assassin's Creed 2
  7. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
  8. Bad Caterpillar
  9. Bad Sector HDD
  10. Bit Ray
  11. Blackguards 2
  12. bOllO
  13. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
  14. Brutal Legend
  15. Bus Tycoon ND
  16. Darksiders 2 Deathfinitive
  17. The Deadly Tower of Monsters
  18. Deathtrap
  19. Deus Ex. Human Revolution
  20. DMC Devil May Cry
  21. Driver San Francisco
  22. Dying Light
  23. Dyscourse
  24. Enslaved
  25. Epistory Typing Chronicles
  26. Evo Explores
  27. Far Cry Blood Dragon
  28. Firewatch
  29. Five Guardian of Davids
  30. Grim Dawn
  31. Hard West
  32. Hocus
  33. Jurassic Park: The Game
  34. klocki
  35. League of Mermaids
  36. Lego Batman 3
  37. Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4
  38. Lego Jurassic World
  39. Lego Marvel's Avengers
  40. Lost Planet 3
  41. Magical Brickout
  42. Marble Mountain
  43. Masquerada
  44. Mass Effect 1
  45. Mushroom 11
  46. Nightsky
  47. Optika
  48. Portal
  49. Plush
  50. The Typing of the Dead
  51. Unmechanical
  52. Saint's Row Gat out of Hell
  53. Roadside Assistance Simulator
  54. Planet of the Eyes
  55. Zenge
  56. Stasis
  57. Zombo Buster Rising

    *Note: 1-47 is accurate, after that I've just looked at finished games with a last date played of 2016

  1. Far Cry 4
  2. Uncharted 4
  3. The Order 1886
  4. Infamous Second Son
  5. Rise of the Tomb Raider
  6. The Last of US
  7. Uncharted 3
  8. Uncharted 2
  9. Uncharted 1

  1. Sherlock Holmes and the Devil's Daughter (100%)
  2. Submerged (100%)
  3. Monstercakes (100%)
  4. Guardians of the Galaxy (100%)
  5. Push (100%)
  6. Tangrams Deluxe (100%)
  7. Batman The Telltale Series (100%)
  8. The Walking Dead Season 2 (100%)
  9. Crosscells (100%)
  10. Phrase Shift (100%)
  11. Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry
  12. Klocki
  13. The Witcher III DLCs
  14. XCOM 2
  15. Rise of the Tomb Raider
  16. Scanner Sombre
  17. Figment
  18. Stories
  19. RYSE
  20. Black: The Fall
  21. Assassin's Creed Revelations
  22. Superhot
  23. Turmoil
  24. Inside
  25. You Must Build a Boat
  26. Refunct
  27. J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars

  1. South Park The Fractured But Whole
  2. Lego City Undercover
  3. Agents of Mayhem
  4. Dirt 4
  5. Assassin's Creed Origins
  6. Infamous Last Light
  7. Killzone Shadowfall
  8. Uncharted Lost Legacy
  9. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
  10. Just Cause 3
  11. Assassin's Creed Unity
  12. Assassin's Creed Syndicate
  13. Ghost Recon Wildlands
  14. Far Cry Primal
  15. Doom
  16. Arkham Knight
  17. Horizon Zero Dawn
  18. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
  19. Mass Effect Andromeda

  1. Access Denied (100%)
  2. Aer Memories of Old (100%)
  3. Assassin's Creed Black Flag
  4. Assassin's Creed Rogue
  5. Assassin's Creed Unity
  6. The Banner Saga
  7. Batman Arkham Knight
  8. Batman: The Enemy Within (100%)
  9. Battletech
  10. Bioshock Infinite
  11. Bladed Fury (Thanks @The Queen!)
  12. Bomb Squad Academy
  13. Bombshell
  14. Bright Bob
  15. The Chronicles of King Arthur - Episode 1: Excalibur
  16. Contrast (100%)
  17. Deadspace 1
  18. Deadspace 2
  19. Delete (100%)
  20. Divinity Original Sin 2
  21. Dots (100%)
  22. Electroquest: Resistance is Futile (100%)
  23. Far: Lone Sails
  24. Glass Masquerade
  25. Fallout 4
  26. GNOG
  27. Golf Peaks
  28. GTA V
  29. Homefront: The Revolution
  30. Injustice 1
  31. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  32. Little Bug
  33. Little Hidden City (100%)
  34. Little Nightmares
  35. The Mooseman
  36. Neoncode
  37. Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
  38. Omensight
  39. Pavilion
  40. Phantom Doctrine
  41. Pillars of Eternity 1 - The White March 1 + 2
  42. Pillars of Eternity 2
  43. Planet Alpha
  44. .projeckt
  45. Puzzlement (100%)
  46. Race Arcade
  47. Rayman Legends
  48. Rescue 2
  49. Roboball
  50. The Room (100%)
  51. The Room 2 (100%)
  52. Runic Rampage
  53. Sandmade (100%)
  54. Scalak (100%)
  55. Singularity
  56. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
  57. SOMA (100%)
  58. Stereo Aereo
  59. Subnautica
  60. Sunset Overdrive
  61. Sword Legacy Omen (100%)
  62. TOK (100%)
  63. Tyranny
  64. Up Left Out (100%)
  65. Valley
  66. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
  67. Yoku's Island Express

  1. Rayman Legends
  2. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
  3. Star Wars Battlefront II
  4. Mafia III
  5. Dead Rising IV
  6. Far Cry 5
  7. God of War
  8. Rime
  9. Call of Duty Advanced War
  10. Injustice 2
  11. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  12. Assassin's Creed Odyssey (100%)
  13. Red Dead Redemption 2

  1. Halo 5 Guardians

  1. Kolumo
  2. Hello Polution!
  3. Chuchel
  4. Repair Bot
  5. Momonga Pinball Adventures
  6. Call of Duty Ghosts
  7. Gris
  8. Far Cry Primal
  9. Northern Lights
  10. Call of Duty Modern Warfare III
  11. Assassin's Creed Origins + DLC
  12. Mutant Road Zero
  13. Lego Ninjago Movie
  14. Impulsow
  15. Expand
  16. Spectrum Break
  17. Hitman 2
  18. Glass Masquerade 2
  19. South Park Fractured But Whole
  20. Call of Duty Black Ops
  21. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
  22. Call of Duty Black Ops 3
  23. Lego DC Super Villians
  24. Mad Max
  25. The Bridge
  26. Call of Duty Modern Warfare
  27. Void Bastards
  28. The Strange Realm of Mine
  29. Borderlands 2 + DLC
  30. Epic Car Factory
  31. Jettomero
  32. Boor
  33. Book of Demons
  34. IIn
  35. Doom
  36. Perchang
  37. Darq
  38. Middle Earth Shadow of War
  39. Fracter
  40. Inked
  41. Moons of Madness
  42. Destiny 2 Story
  43. Naboki
  44. Jim is Moving Out
  45. Seen
  46. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  47. Typoman
  48. Runner 3
  1. Far Cry New Dawn
  2. Assassin's Creed Odyssey + DLC
  1. Jedi: Fallen Order
  2. Unravel 1
  3. Unravel 2
  4. Sea of Solitude
PC Gamepass
  1. Crackdown 3
  2. Gears 5
  3. The Outer Worlds
  4. My Name is Pedro
  1. Spider Man
  2. Call of Duty WW2
  3. Detroit Become Human
  4. Metro Exodus
  5. Days Gone
  6. Rage 2
  7. Control


1. Iris.Fall ★★★★
2. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare ★★★
3. Bioshock 2 Remastered ★★★★
4. Mo:Astray ★★★★★
5. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare ★★★★
6. Lightmatter ★★★★ 1/2
7. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1 ★★★
8. Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days ★★★ 1/2
9. Star Wars The Force Unleashed II ★★★ 1/2
10. The Walking Dead: Michonne ★★★★
11. The Garden's Between ★★★★ 1/2
12. Old Man's Journey ★★★★
14. Draw your Game ★★ 1/2
22. Krystopia: A Puzzle Journey ★★★★
23. Etherborn ★★★ 1/2
24. Ori and the Blind Forrest Definitive Edition ★★★★ 1/2
25. Alan Wake + DLC Episodes ★★★★★
27. Borderlands 3 ★★★★
32. Remember Me ★★★ 1/2
34. Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 ★★★ 1/2
35. The Evil Within ★★★
37. The Evil Within 2 ★★★★
38. Lego Indiana Jones The Original Adventures ★★★ 1/2
39. Simple Machines ★★★★
40. Mafia III: DE ★★★
43. Lithium City ★★★★ 1/2
45. Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition ★★★★
46. Halo 1 (MCC) ★★ 1/2
47. Halo 2 (MCC) ★★★★
48. Replicant ★★★ 1/2
49. Stela ★★★★ 1/2
52. Iron Danger ★★★★ 1/2
53. Halo 3 (MCC) ★★★ 1/2
54. Kids ★★★
55. Halo Reach (MCC) ★★★★
56. Ever Forward ★★★ 1/2
59. Strange Brigade ★★★★ 1/2
60. Halo 3: ODST (MCC) ★★ 1/2
61. Vampyr ★★★1/2
63. Kystopia Nova's Journey ★★★1/2
65. Transformers: War for Cybertron ★★★ 1/2
67. Close to the Sun ★★★★ 1/2
70. Halo 4 (MCC)★★★★
72. Darq DLC Levels ★★★★
75. Dead Space 3 ★★★ 1/2
76. Dead Space Awakened ★ 1/2

XBONE Gamepass:

13. Gears of War 2 ★★★ 1/2
17. Gears of War 3 ★★★ 1/2
20. Gears of War Judgement ★★
21. Gears of War Aftermath ★★★ 1/2

PC Gamepass:

15. Wolfenstein: Youngblood ★★★ 1/2
36. Deliver Us the Moon ★★★
41. Minecraft Dungeons ★★ 1/2
51. Carrion ★★★ 1/2
57. Wasteland 3 ★★★★ 1/2
71. Doom Eternal ★★★
73. Morkredd ★★★★ 1/2
74. Call of the Sea ★★★ 1/2


16. The Division 2 ★★★ 1/2
62. Watch Dogs 2 ★★★
66. Watch Dogs: Legion ★★★ 1/2
68. Assassin's Creed Valhalla ★★★★


19. Death Stranding ★★★★ 1/2
28. The Last of Us Remastered + Left Behind ★★★★ 1/2
29. Uncharted 4 ★★★★
30. Uncharted Lost Legacy ★★★★ 1/2
33. Beyond: Two Souls ★★★
37. Until Dawn ★★★ 1/2
42. Saint's Row 3 Remastered ★★★
44. The Last of Us Part II ★★★★ 1/2
50. Ghost of Tsushima ★★★★★
58. Marvel's Avengers ★★★★
64. Ratchet & Clank (PS4) ★★★★ 1/2


26. The Simpsons Game ★★★★
31. James Bond Bloodstone ★★★ 1/2
69. Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction ★★★ 1/2



1. Rover Mechanic Simulator - ★★★ 1/2
2. Call of Duty 2 ★★★★
3. Warhammer Chaosbane ★★★
6. Mirror's Edge Catalyst ★★★1/2
8. Mass Effect Andromeda ★★★
9. Star Wars Battlefront II ★★★★
10. Halo Spartan Assault ★★ 1/2
12. Vanquish ★★★★
13. Murdered: Soul Suspect ★★★★
14. Puzzletronics Analog Logic ★1/2
15. Horizon Zero Dawn Complete ★★★★ 1/2
16. Marvel's Avengers ★★★ 1/2
17. Control + DLC ★★★★ 1/2
18. 100 Hidden Snails ★★
19. Mass Effect 1 - Legendary ★★★★★
20. Mass Effect 2 - Legendary ★★★★
21. Higgs-Bosun: Minimal Puzzle ★★★ 1/2
23. Mass Effect 3 - Legendary ★★★★
25. Train Station Renovation ★★★
26. Metro 2033 Redux ★★★★
27. Metro Last Light Redux ★★★★
28. Days Gone ★★★ 1/2
29. Forged By Blood ★★ 1/2
30. Children of Morta ★★★★ 1/2
31. Ruiner ★★★ 1/2
33. Lego Movie 2 Game ★★★ 1/2
34. Liberated ★★★★
35. CATch the Stars ★★★
36. Death's Door ★★★★ 1/2
38. Cyberpunk ★★★★
39. The Bunker ★★★ 1/2
40. Titanfall 2 - ★★★★★
41. Catch the Stars Japan - ★★★ 1/2
43. Death Stranding - ★★★★★
45. 100 Hidden Snails 2 - ★★★
46. 100 Hidden Eternals - ★★★★
47. 100 Hidden Cats - ★★★
49. 100 Hidden Eternals - ★★★
50. Pathfinder Wraith of the Righteous - ★★★★ 1/2
51. 100 Hidden Aliens - ★★★
52. 100 Hidden Cats 2 - ★★★
53. A Juggler's Tale - ★★★★
54. 100 Hidden Mushrooms - ★★★★
55. Wolfenstein II - ★★★ 1/2
64. Sizable ★★★★
67. 100 Hidden Birds ★★★
68. 100 Hidden Rams ★★★
69. 100 Hidden Mice ★★★


4. Green Lantern Rise of the Manhunter ★★★
11. Dead Space Extraction ★★★★

PC Gamepass:

5. Donut County ★★★★
7. Gears of War Hivebusters ★★★★ 1/2
22. The Wild at Heart ★★★★ 1/2
24. Maneater ★★ 1/2
32. Anthem ★ 1/2
37. Omno ★★★★
63. Outriders ★★★
65. Halo Infinite Campaign ★★1/2
66. The Gunk ★★★


42. Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Ireland ★★★★
44. Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Paris ★★
56. Far Cry 6 - ★★★ 1/2
57. Immortals Fenyx Rising ★★★


48. Spider man Miles Morales (PS4) - ★★★★ 1/2
58. Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remake? Reimagining? (PS4) ★★ 1/2
59. Uncharted 1 (PS4) ★★★ 1/2
60. Uncharted 2 ★★★★ 1/2
61. Uncharted 3 ★★★★ 1/2
62. Guardians of the Galaxy ★★★★★


1. A Plague Tale ★★★★ 1/2 (12.5 hours)
2. Lake ★★★★ (9.5 hours)
3. Endzone: A World Apart ★★ 1/2 (14.7 hours)
4. Vampire Survivors ★★★★1/2 (19 Hours)
6. Let Them Come ★★★★ 1/2 (4 hours)
7. Mafia Definitive Edition ★★★1/2 (15 hours)
8. Aperture Desk Job ★★★1/2 (40mins)
11. Cloudpunk ★★★★ (9 hours)
12. Dying Light 2 ★★★1/2 (65 Hours)
13. Treasure Hunter Simulator ★★★ (10.5 Hours)
16. Desperados III (38.5 hours)
17. Diorama Builder ★★★★ (3.4 Hours)
18. Barn Finders ★★★ 1/2 (14.6 Hours)
19. What the Golf? ★★★ 1/2 (3.2 hours)
20. Call of Duty WW2 ★★★ (13.8 hours)
21. Scarf ★★★★ 1/2 (5.9 Hours)
22. Alien Isolation ★★1/2 (20 hours or so)
23. Rage 2 ★★★1/2 (30.1 hours)
24. Hardspace Shipbreaker ★★★★ 1/2 (19 hours for main story restart)
25. Surviving the Aftermath ★★★ (35 Hours)
26. The Last Campfire ★★★★★ (9 Hours)
27. Deadlight Director's Cut ★★1/2 (3.9 Hours)
29. House Flipper ★★★ (15 Hours)
30. Battletech ★★★★ (70 Hours)
31. Hook 2 ★★★★1/2 (1.5 hours)
32. Cats in Time ★★★ 1/2 (3.2 Hours)
34. Golf Club Wasteland ★★★★ (2.4 Hours)
35. Bioshock Infinite Buried at Sea Parts 1 + 2 DLC ★★★ (9 Hours)
36. Werewolf The Apocalypse: Earthblood ★★1/2 (9 Hours)
37. Batman Arkham Origins + DLC ★★★★ (35 Hours)
38. Dark Pictures - Man of Medan ★★★1/2 (18 Hours)
39. Biomutant ★★ 1/2 (43 hours)
40. Gas Station Simulator ★★★ 1/2 (14 hours)
42. Dark Anthologies - Little Hope ★★★★ (9 Hours)
43. Guardians of the Galaxy ★★★★ 1/2 (28 Hours)
44. Little Orpheuss. ★★ (6 Hours)
45. Subnautica Below Zero ★★★ 1/2 (26 hours)
46. Forgive Me Father ★★ 1/2 (8 Hours)
48. Dark Anthologies - House of Ashes ★★★★ 1/2 (10 Hours)
49. Deliver Us the Moon ★★★ 1/2(6 Hours)
50. Borderlands 3 DLC - Guns, Love, and Tentacles ★★★★
51. Borderlands 3 DLC - Bounty of Blood ★★★★
52. Borderlands 3 DLC - Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot ★★★
54. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands ★★★ 1/2 (36 Hours)
55. Borderlands 3 DLC - Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck ★★★★ 1/2
56. Assassin's Creed Syndicate ★★★ (41 Hours)
57. White Shadows ★★★★ (4.8 Hours)
58. Stirring Abyss ★★★ 1/2 (11 Hours)
60. Tomb Raider ★★★1/2 (13 Hours)


5. God of War ★★★★
10. Horizon Forbidden West ★★★★
14. Ghostwire ★★

PC Gamepass:

9. Far Changing Tides ★★★★ (5 hours)
28. Trek to Yomi ★★★ 1/2
33. Power Washer Simulator. ★★★★
47. Prodeus ★★★ (Some number of hours, maybe 10?)
59. High on Life ★★ 1/2 (Probably less than 10 Hours)


15. Jedi Fallen Order ★★★1/2


41. Saint's Row ★★ 1/2 (Maybe 20-30 Hours)


53. Gotham Knights ★★ 1/2 (30ish hours)



1. Midnight Suns ★★★★ (80.6 hours)
2. Time Loader ★★★★ 1/2 (3 Hours)
3. Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor - Martyr ★★★ 1/2 (42.7 Hours total)
4. Warhammer 40k Inquisitor - Prophecy ★★★ 1/2 (42.7 Hours total)
5. Gears 5 ★★★★ (20.2 Hours)
6. Dead Space (Remake) ★★★★ 1/2 (19 Hours)
7. XCOM 2 ★★★★ 1/2 (47 Hours)
8. Wasteland 3 ★★★★ (41 Hours)
9. Submerged - Hidden Depths. ★★★ (8 Hours)
10. Dead Space 2 ★★★★ (9.7 Hours)
11. Witcher 3 ★★★★ 1/2 (97 Hours)
12. Monument Valley ★★★★ (4.1 Hours)
13. Gotham Knights ★★★ (53.8 Hours)
14. Figment 2 - Creed Valley ★★★★ (6.3 Hours)
16. Arise: A Simple Story ★★★ 1/2 (5.7 Hours)
17. Little Nightmares II ★★★★ 1/2 (10.2 Hours)
18. Assemble With Care ★★★ (76 minutes)
19. Surviving Mars ★★★ 1/2 (62.7 Hours overall)
20 Resident Evil VII ★★★ 1/2 (9.1 Hours)
21. Death Stranding Director's Cut ★★★★ 1/2 (70.5 Hours)
23. Dead Rising 3 ★★★★ (27.6 Hours)
24. Builder Simulator ★★★ (10 Hours)
25. Dead Rising 4 ★★★★ (29.1 Hours)
26. Planet of Lana ★★★★1/2 (5 Hours)
27. Destiny 2 - Beyond Light ★★★ (some number of hours)
28, Warhammer 40k - Chaosgate ★★★★ (34 Hours)
29. Miasma Chronicles ★★ 1/2 (16 Hours)
30. Aliens Dark Descent ★★★★ 1/2 (34 Hours)
31. Hard West II ★★★★ (24 hours)
33. Boneraiser Minions ★★★ (12.2 Hours)
34. Toy Tinker Simulator ★★ 1/2 (5.2 Hours)
38. Toby: The Secret Mine ★★★ (2 Hours)
40. New Tales from the Borderlands ★★★1/2 (18 Hours)
42. Sable ★★★ (13 Hours)
44. Alan Wake: American Nightmare ★★★★ (4 Hours)
45. Spiritfarer ★★★1/2 (29 Hours)
48. Dying Light ★★★ 1/2 (35 Hours)
49. Dying Light - The Following ★★★ (16 Hours)
50. Expeditions Rome ★★★★ (53 Hours)
51. Monument Valley II ★★★★ (2 Hours)
52. Far Cry 3 ★★ 1/2 (25 Hours)

PC Gamepass:

15. PowerWash Simulator Free DLC (10 Hours?)
22. Redfall ★★ (19.7 Hours)
35. Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem ★★★★ (4,4 Hours)
36. Cocoon ★★★★ 1/2 (5 hours)
37. Starfield ★★★ 1/2 (244 hours! Maybe an overestimate)
43. Jusant ★★★★1/2 (4.5 Hours)
46. Somerville ★★★1/2 (7 hours)


32. Dead Island 2 ★★★★ (30 hours)
41. The Forest Quartet ★★★★ (1.5 hours)
47. Deliver Us Mars ★★★★ (15 Hours)


39. Ratchet & Clank: A Rift Apart ★★★ (13 Hours)


PC Gamepass:

1. Powerwash Simulator - Spongebob Squarepants ★★★ (7 hours)
2. Powerwash Simulator - Back to the Future (PC Gamepass) - The better of the two paid DLCs. ★★★★ (8 Hours)
9. Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7) ★★★★☆ (58 hours)
10. A Little to the Left ★★★☆ (3.2 Hours)
12. Powerwash Sim - WH 40k ★★★☆ (8 Hours)
21. Botany Manor ★★★☆ (3 Hours)
46. Powerwash Simulator - Alice's Wonderland ★★☆ (7 hours)
47. Chant of Sennaar ★★★★★ (10 hours)
48. Powerwash Simulator Muckville Levels ★★★★ (9 Hours)
49. Creatures of Ava ★★★★ (15.5 Hours)
50. Persona 3 Reload ★★★★ (78.5 Hours)
57. Donut County ★★★☆ ( 1 hour)
59. Autopsy Simulator ★★★☆ ( 6 hours)


3. The Bureau - XCOM Declassified ★★★★☆ (17 Hours)
4. Gears Tactics ★★★☆ (28 hours)
5. Lost Planet 2 ★★★☆ ( About 10 hours, best guess)
6. Illusion: A Tale of the Mind ★★★★ (4 Hours)
8. Aliens: Colonial Marines ★★★ (7.5 Hours)
11. Mass Effect 1(Legendary ed.) ★★★★★ (27 hours)
13. Mass Effect 2 (Legendary Ed.) ★★★★☆ (33 Hours)
14. Mass Effect 3 (Legendary Ed.) ★★★★ (33 Hours)
15. Classified France '44 ★★★★ (21 Hours)
16. Troubleshooter; Abandoned Children ★★★★☆ (91 hours)
17. The Callisto Protocol ★★★ (8 Hours)
18. The Callisto Protocol Ending DLC 0 stars (2 hours)
19. Mass Effect Andromeda ★★★ (55 hours)
20. Call of Duty Black Ops ★★★★ (10 hours)
22. Saints Row ★★★ (55 Hours)
23. The Pedestrian ★★★★ (5 hours)
24. 140 ★★★☆ (1 Hour)
25. Sand Land ★★★★ (40 Hours)
26. Mad Max ★★★★☆ (55 Hours)
27. Machinka Museum ★★★ ( 4.2 hours)
28. The Room 3 ★★★★ (4 Hours)
29. Pillars of Eternity II - Deadfire - Beast of Winter DLC ★★★☆
30. Pillars of Eternity II - Deadfire - The Forgotten Sanctum DLC ★★★★
31. Pillars of Eternity II - Deadfire - Seeker, Slayer, Survivor DLC ★★
32. Pillars of Eternity II- Deadfire ★★★★ (95 hours with DLC)
34. Transformers Fall of Cybertron ★★★☆ (11 Hours)
35. Marvel's Ultimate Alliance ★★★ (16 Hours)
36. Find Cats 2 ★★☆ (1 hour)
37. Hoa ★★★★ (3.1 Hours)
38. Marvel's Ultimate Alliance 2★★★★ (12.2 Hours)
39. Another Sight ★★★★(4.5 Hours)
40. Warhammer 40k - Space Marine ★★★★ (8.1 Hours)
41. Dragon Age Origins - Main Game ★★★★ (55 Hours)
42. Gomo ★★★ (1.1 Hours)
44. Dragon Age Awakenings ★★★★ (18 Hours)
52 - Greedfall - The De Vespe Conspiracy ★★☆ (2 hours)
53 - Greedfall ★★★ (49 hours)
54 - Returner 77 ★★★☆ ( 6 hours)
55 - Caravan Sandwitch ★★★★☆ (18 Hours)
56 - Kong Survivor Instinct ★★☆ (9 hours)
60. Forza Horizon 4 ★★★★☆ (111 Hours)
62. The Lamplighters League ★★★☆ ( 43 hours)
63. Lego: The Incredibles ★★★☆ ( 11 hours)
64. Dead Space 3 ★★★ ( 14.8 hours)
65. Dead Space 3 - Awakened ★☆ ( 1.5 hours)
66. Enslaved Odyssey to the West ★★★★ (11 Hours)
67. American Arcadia ★★★★☆ (8 Hours)


7. Wolfenstein (2009) ★★★★ (About 10 hours)
33. Terminator Salvation ★★☆ (6 hours)


43. Suicide Squad - Kill the Justice League ★★☆ (23 hours)
45. Doors - Paradox ★★★★ (4ish hours)


51 - Showgunners ★★★★ (17.5 Hours)


58. Dragon Age: The Veilguard ★★★ ( 79 hours)


61. Lego Horizon Adventures ★★☆ (10 hours)



1. Tinykin (8.9 Hours) ★★★★☆
2. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Final Cut (41.5 Hours) ★★★☆
3. WH40K Rogue Trader (89 Hours) ★★★★
4. The Outer Worlds: Perils on Gorgon ★★★
5. The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos ★★★☆
6. The Outer Worlds ★★★☆ (38.7 Hours including DLC)

PC Gamepass:

7. Diablo 4 ★★★☆ (Many Hours so far)

XBOX Cloud:

8. Jedi Survivor ★★★ (25 hours)

Star table to copy and paste for all
Last edited:


DOS forever!
Dec 19, 2018
Finished "only" 32 games last year (compared to 52 in 2023) :fearful-face:
1) 01.01 - Sigil for Doom (PC) 3/5
2) 29.01 - Alundra (PS1) 4/5
3) 01.02 - Eviternity I for Doom II (PC) 4/5
4) 24.02 - Disco Elysium (PC) 5/5
5) 02.03 - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC) 5/5
6) 04.03 - Scorn (PC) 3/5
7) 19.03 - Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (PC) 3.4/5
8) 26.03 - Cocoon (PC) 3.5/5
9) 13.04 - Far Cry 2 (PC) 3/5
10) 14.04 - The Room 4: Old Sins (PC) 3/5
11) 26.04 - Outcast - Second Contact (PC) 3.7/5
12) 29.04 - Igor: Objective Uikokahonia (DOS) 2.9/5
13) 06.05 - Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (PC) 3/5
14) 29.05 - The Surge (PC) 3.9/5
15) 05.06 - Yuppie Psycho (PC) 4/5
16) 12.06 - Return to Zork (DOS) 3.5/5
17) 17.06 - Amid Evil (PC) 3.5/5
18) 18.06 - The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel (DOS) 3.9/5
19) 30.06 - Zork Nemesis - The Forbidden Lands (PC) 3.5/5
20) 06.07 - Shadow Complex Remastered (PC) 3/5
21) 10.08 - The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo (DOS) 4/5
22) 17.08 - STAR OCEAN™ - THE LAST HOPE™ - 4K & Full HD Remaster (PC) 3.4/5
23) 05.09 - Ion Fury (PC) 4/5
24) 15.09 - The Excavation of Hob's Barrow (PC) 3.8/5
25) 21.09 - We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal Reverie (PC) 4.8/5
26) 23.09 - The Last Campfire (PC) 3.4/5
27) 01.10 - Twinsen's Little Big Adventure Classic (PC) 5/5
28) 07.10 - Twinsen's Little Big Adventure 2 Classic (PC) 5/5
29) 06.12 - Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PC) 4.5/5
30) 17.12 - Strikey Sisters (PC) 2/5
31) 27.12 - Sly 2: Band of Thieves HD (PS3) 3/5
32) 27.12 - Northern Journey (PC) 4.4/5

Started 2 games for 2025 ; Chasm: The Rift (re-release in GoG) and Yesterday (Pendulo Studio's demise)

1) 04.01 - Yesterday (PC) 3/5
2) 05.01 - Chasm: The Rift (PC) 3.5/5
3) 16.01 - Zortch (PC) 4/5
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Reserving my spot

Previous year list managed to finish 51 games and I doubt I'll beat that number this year.

1. Save Room
- 1h40m | A short puzzle game where you need to organize your inventory like if it was a Resident Evil game. Nice vibes overall and there's also a sequel that appears to be more fleshed out. ★★★

2. Eastshade - 14h | A heartwarming adventure where you travel to an island to paint some specific landmarks. There is no combat in this game, just a small isle to explore, quests to solve, tea to drink and a world to relax. It's not perfect but for me it was the right game at the right time. ★★★★

3. Stimulation Clicker - 1h30m | Do you want to feel stimulated? What about overly stimulated? It's the game for you. It's a simple clicker game after all but the idea is interesting enough to give it a try. ★★★

4. Firewatch - 5h | I have no idea why I didn't played this game before. I loved every minute I spent with it, the scenery was beautiful and even though it's basically a walking simulator there were some tense moments that made me think the game was going to another direction. ★★★★☆

5. Tacoma - 3h30m | Just like Firewatch this one is also a walking simulator, where you watch the recordings of a space station crew after some incident. It's shorter and a lot less interactive than Firewatch. ★★★☆

6. Chestnut Grove - 50m | I was really in a mood to play this kind of games huh? It's a very short game that takes place during the pandemic, specially when the first lockdowns were issued. It's a bit janky. ★★☆

7. The Roottrees are Dead - 15h | The Steam release has many improvements, like a redesign UI, no AI art some qol changes and so on. The main campaign is still the same, but the big addition is Roottreemania, a campaign taking place months after the end of the base game. It's harder than the main game but still a pleasant experience in finding evidence, putting the clues together and discovering who is or not a Roottree. ★★★★☆

8. Psychonauts 2
- 25h | It was my second time playing through Psychonauts 2 and it still felt fresh. I love the humor and how absurd some situations are. ★★★★☆

9. Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector - 19h | The overall feeling of the game is quite different from the first one, while in Citizen Sleeper 1 there's that feeling of loneliness and not truly trusting anyone, here it's subverted as you already on the run with Seraphin, your friend and the ship pilot.

The game takes place in the Starward Belt, the outer asteroid belt of the Helios System. There you'll travel between settlements, taking some contracts and doing some jobs to earn enough money so you can keep your ship fueled and with enough supplies to finish the contracts, though like the previous game once you reach a certain point, money and resources will not be a problem anymore.

The NPC art is still top notch and the music doesn't gets in the way but sets the mood for the whole game duration. A bit of spoilers but if you played Citizen Sleeper 1 you will recognize some NPCs from the first game as well some events are mentioned. ★★★★☆

10. On Your Tail - 27h | On Your Tail is an interesting mix of cozy and mistery games. You play as Diana, a college student that went on vacation to the idyllic Borgo Marina a coastal city in Italy, but finds herself in the middle of mysterious thefts and decides to take action and work as a detective.

While not solving the mysteries you'll meet a diverse cast of characters, discover their back story and how it interwines with the main plot. There are a lot of side activities from doing small part-time jobs, to cooking and watching movies with some NPCs and while mostly of the minigames were simple they felt diverse so I did not find myself getting bored while playing them.

On Your Tail isn't perfect, the camera felt a bit janky inside buildings and other minor bugs like the art from an action card no appearing. Overall it was a pleasant surprise and if you can tolerate some janky you may find a nice and cozy game. ★★★★
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Jun 3, 2020
#1 Batman Arkham Aslyum
#2 Supraland Crash
#3 Batman Arkham City
#4 PictoQuest
#5 Mad Max
#6 Resonance of Fate
#7 G-MODE Archives+ Tantei Kibukawa Ryousuke Jikentan Vol.1 Kamen Gensou Satsujin Jiken
#8 Steamworld Dig
#10 Yoku's Island Express
#11 Just Cause 2
#12 Iris and the giant
#13 Blue Reflection
#14 Darksiders Warmastered Edition
#15 Emily is Away
#16 Tales of Arise
#17 Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
#18 Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered
#19 Kirby: Planet Robobot
#20 A.I. The Somnium Files
#21 The Gunk
#1 Fights in Tight Spaces
#2 Rollers of the Realm
#3 House of the Dead: Overkill
#4 Aperture Desk Job
#5 Persona 4 Golden
#6 Murder by Numbers
#7 Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
#8 The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
#9 Harvestella
#1 Call of Duty: Black Ops.
#2 Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
#3 Enkaku Sousa
#4 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
#5 Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
#6 Gears Tactics
#7 Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
#8 Donkey Kong Adventure DLC of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
#9 Fights in Tight Spaces - Weapon of Choice
#10 Dragon Quest 1
#11 Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
#12 Robocop: Rogue City
#13 Tiny Room Stories: Town Mystery
#1 Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
#2 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
#3 Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
#4 Contrast
#5 Paper Mario: Origami King
#6 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice
#7 Cat Quest
#8 Tinykin
#9 One Piece Odyssey
#10 Grindstone
#11 Watch Dogs 2
#12 Little Town Hero
#13 Ace Attorney Investigations
#14 Death's Door
#15 Poison Control


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019

1. Stray Gods (8.9/10)
2. Trover saves the universe (9.0/10)
3. Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters (8.0/10)
4. Blade Chimera (8.0/10)
5. Railroad Corporation (8.0/10)
6. Trepang 2 (8.1/10)
7. Blasphemous 2 (9.3/10)
7. Blasphemous (8.9/10)


1. Death Stranding
2. Ghostrunner
3. Ash & Rust
4. State of Decay 2

Previous years:


01. Hardspace Shipbreaker (8.2/10)
02. Two Point Campus (8.4/10)
03. Desperados 3 (8.2/10)
04. Saga of the Moon Priestess (7.0/10)
05. The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan (8.0/10)
06. Black Book (7.0/10)
07. Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch/Ryujinx) (9.8/10)
08. Path of Giants (8.1/10)
09. Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 (7.4/10)
10. Gears 5: Hivebusters (8.0/10)
11. Tomb Raider 1 Remastered (8.2/10)
12. Shantae & the Pirate's Curse (7.9/10)
13. Marvel Midnight Suns (7.8/10)
14. Cassette Beasts (8.9/10)
15. Whispers of a Machine (7.6/10)
16. The Saboteur (9.0/10)
17. Anomaly Collapse (8.9/10)
18. Dead Space 2023 (9.2/10)
19. Tomb Raider Unfinished Business Remastered (5.2/10)
20. Star Wars Jedi Survivor (8.1/10)
21. Arcade Spirits (8.8/10)
22. Sable (7.6/10)
23. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (8.0/10)
24. Carnage Offering TD (5.4/10)
25. Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition (6.2/10)
26. Griftlands (9.0/10)
27. Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon (8.9/10)
28. Dungeons of Hinterberg (9.0/10)
29. Dome keeper (8.8/10)
30. Steamworld Heist (8.9/10)
31. Legends of Kingdom Rush (5.2/10)
32. Prince of Persia: the lost crown (9.1/10)
33. Tactical Breach Wizards (9.0/10)
34. Atari 50 Anniversary (9.0/10)
35. Remnant of the Ashes (8.2/10)
36. Remnant of the Ashes 2 (8.9/10)
37. Nova Drift (9.0/10)
38. The Gunk (8.0/10)
39. Trombone Champ (8.8/10)
40. FTL - Faster than light (8.1/10)
41. Hifi Rush (8.0/10)
42. Arcade Paradise (8.1/10)
43. Showgunners (8.9/10)
44. Divinity: Original Sin 2 (9.8/10)
45. The Mummy Demastered (7.2/10)


01. Age of Wonders III
02. Suzerain
03. Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting
04. Aline and the arena
05. Fallout 1
06. Snake Pass
07. Divinity Original Sin 2
08. Celeste
08. Wonder Boy: the Dragon's Trap

01. Deliver us the Moon (8.0/10)
02. Darksiders Genesis (7.2/10)
03. Kill it with Fire (7.8/10)
04. Frog Detective (7.0/10)
05. Adventure Pals (6.1/10)
06. A Plague Tale: Innocence (7.9/10)
07. Fae Tactics (8.4/10)
08. Grow: Song of the Evertree (7.9/10)
09. Ittle Dew (8.0/10)
10. Guardians of the Galaxy (8.9/10)
11. Fantasy General 2 (8.9/10)
12. Streets of Rage 4 (9.2/10)
13. Murder by Numbers (8.0/10)
14. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (7.8/10)
15. Roxy Raccoon's Pinball Panic (7.0/10)
16. The life and suffering of Sir Brante (9.0/10)
17. Sludge Life (7.9/10)
18. Icey (8.0/10)
19. Rollerdrome (6.9/10)
20. Metro Exodus (9.0/10)
21. Anomaly Defenders (8.0/10)
22. Pineapple on pizza (7.0/10)
23. Arietta of Spirits (7.8/10)
24. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (8.1/10)
25. Fights in tight spaces (9.0/10)
26. Warhammer 40k: Gladius (8.1/10)
27. Quake (8.0/10)
28. Remnant: From the Ashes (7.8/10)
29. Fallout 76 (8.0/10)
30. Undead Horde (7.9/10)
31. Tohu (8.0/10)
32. Tails of Iron (7.9/10)
33. Tainted Grail (8.0/10)
34. Dungeon of the Endless (8.0/10)
35. Disco Elysium (8.0/10)
36. The town of light (8.1/10)
37. Yakuza 3 Remastered (7.8/10)
38. As far as the Eye (6.0/10)
39. Doom Eternal (8.9/10)
40. The last campfire (8.8/10)
41. Kingdom Rush Vengeance (8.8/10)
42. Deathloop (8.6/10)
43. Mortal Kombat 1 (8.1/10)
44. Thronebreaker (8.8/10)
45. Maid of Sker (8.0/10)
46. Behind the Frame (9.0/10)
47. Chernobylite Enhanced Edition (8.1/10)
48. Wargroove 2 (8.0/10)
49. The Forgotten City (9.1/10)
50. Bendy & the Dark Revival (7.9/10)
51. Merchant of the Skies (7.5/10)
52. The Talos Principle (9.0/10)
53. Trine (9.0/10)
54. Turnip boy commits tax evasion (8.6/10)
55. Who pressed mute on uncle Marcus (5.0/10)
56. Patch Quest (8.0/10)
57. Last train home (8.2/10)


01. Gamedec (no score)
02. Black Future '88 (5.0/10)
03. Scourgebringer (no score)
04. Immortal Defense (6.2/10)
05. A little golf journey (5.8/10)
06. Teslagrad Remastered (6.0/10)
07. Space Crew: Legendary Edition (6.2/10)
08. Forza Horizon 5 (7.9/10)
09. Train Sim World 3 (7.0/10)
10. Grime (6.3/10)
11. Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp (5.9/10)
12. Kholat (6.2/10)
13. Wings of Vi (5.0/10)

01. The Uncertain: Light at the End (7.9/10)
02. Fortified (7.6/10)
03. Ruiner (8.9/10)
04. This is the Police (7.0/10)
05. Fury Unleashed (9.0/10)
06. Yet Another Zombie Defense HD (7.9/10)
07. Nobody Saves the World (9.1/10)
08. Shadow of the Tomb Raider (8.0/10)
09. Wasteland 3 (9.2/10)
10. Heaven's Vault (7.0/10)
11. BPM: Bullets Per Minute (6.9/10)
12. Mortal Kombat 11 (9.3/10)
13. Ori and the Will of the Wisps (10.0/10)
14. Gathering Sky (7.0/10)
15. Star Wars Squadrons (5.5/10)
16. Neversong (4.8/10)
17. Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus (7.4/10)
18. Dark Souls 3 (DEX build) (9.5/10)
19. Aperture Desk Job (10/10)
20. Barro (2.0/10)
21. Call of Cthulhu (7.6/10)
22. Ring of Pain (8.8)
23. A Memoir Blue (8.2/10)
24. Mass Effect 1 (Legendary Edition) (8.0/10)
25. DMC: Devil May Cry (8.7/10)
26. Nowhere Prophet (8.9/10)
27. Get Even (7.2/10)
28. Carto (8.0/10)
29. Darwinia (8.0/10)
30. Inspector Waffles (8.5/10)
31. Monster Sanctuary (8.1/10)
32. Degrees of Separation (8.4/10)
33. Katana Zero (8.0/10)
34. Drainus (9.0/10)
35. Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (5.7/10)
36. 11-11 Memories Retold (8.9/10)
37. Neon Abyss (7.9/10)
38. Tooth and Tail (7.0/10)
39. Wingspan (7.8/10)
40. Atomicrops (6.9/10)
41. Hatchwell (7.6/10)
42. Monster Boy & The Cursed Kingdom (9.5/10)
43. Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince + Melody of Mystery DLC (9.0/10)
44. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (7.6/10)
45. Life is Strange 2 (9.0/10)
46. The Solitaire Conspiracy (8.9/10)
47. Chicken Police (7.8/10)
48. Geometry War 3: Dimensions Evolved (8.4/10)
49. Northend Tower Defense (7.8/10)
50. Iron Harvest (7.5/10)
51. Yakuza Kiwami 2 (8.6/10)
52. The Witcher Enhanced Edition (8.4/10)
53. Steamworld Dig 2 (9.0/10)
54. Monster Train (9.2/10)
55. Wintermoor Tactics Club (8.0/10)
56. Evan's Remains (8.8/10)
57. Swords & Soldiers 2 (6.9/10)
58. Hob (9.0/10)
59. FAR: Lone Sails (7.9/10)
60. The Henry Stickmin Collection (7.9/10)
61. Indivisible (8.0/10)
62. Loop Hero (8.0/10)
63. Paradise Killer (7.8/10)
64. Gears Tactics (7.9/10)
65. Squad 51 vs the Flying Saucers (8.6/10)
66. AI: The Somnium Files (6.0/10)
67. Inside (9.2/10)
68. Devil May Cry 5 (8.0/10)
69. Disciples Liberation (7.8/10)
70. Hot Wheels Unleashed (7.9/10)
71. Code Vein (7.4/10)
72. Days Gone (8.0/10)
73. Valfaris (8.4/10)
74. Yes, your Grace (7.9/10)
75. Devil's Kiss (8.0/10)
76. Lair of the Clockwork God (8.2/10)
77. Pony Island (8.0/10)
78. Legion TD 2 (7.8/10)
79. Inscryption (9.0/10)
80. Death's Door (7.9/10)
81. Trigger Witch (7.7/10)
82. Kingdom Rush Origins (9.0/10)


01. Gemcraft (8.1/10)
02. Ageless (4.9/10)
03. Blue Fire (4.8/10)
04. Undermine (6.1/10)
05. Atom RPG (4.8/10)
06. Lawnmower Simulator (5.9/10)
07. Chicken Invaders Universe (6.0/10)
08. Everything (5.5/10)
09. Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition
Last edited:


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018

1. Tinykin (Steam) - It's pikmin but still a delightful example. Shrunken down you travel to a single earth house to work out what has happened. Fun large levels though I could never work out how to do the racing game. (8.9 Hours) ★★★★☆

2. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Final Cut (Steam) - ARPG set in the mythical country of borgovia, eastern europe. Fight all manor of monsters and men alongside your trusty ghost sidekick. This is not a serious game, the modern references/minute is out of control. Half-life, terminator, mad max etc... all get an easter egg. (41.5 Hours) ★★★☆

3. WH40K Rogue Trader - Vast isometric RPG set in the WH40K universe. Having special privileges allow you to carve your own path, dogmatic, Heretical and Iconoclast (go your own way) without immediately being hunted down for heresy! A very good game let down by bugs, a hard to follow story and a useless journal system. (89 Hours) ★★★★


Sep 11, 2018

1. Tinykin (Steam) - It's pikmin but still a delightful example. Shrunken down you travel to a single earth house to work out what has happened. Fun large levels though I could never work out how to do the racing game. (8.9 Hours) ★★★★☆
I just started this and did the racing stuff in the first area you can. Seems like you are supposed to grind your soapboard on pretty much all angles you can to get the platinum times. It's quite fiddly, landing a jump from a spiderweb into a grindable 90 degree angle seems quite difficult. If the racing is required for 100% achievements, that's probably out of the question for me. Fun game though, very pleasant.


Sep 11, 2018
First update from me since I just finished Tinykin. No racing was needed for 100%, phew. :D Few of the "do this in every level" achievements are slightly bugged where it may not have unlocked even if the criteria was met, but it was enough to just visit all levels again for them to unlock.

1Jan 5, 2024Lorelei and the Laser EyesQuite excellent.
2Jan 13, 2025Tactical Breach WizardsAbsolutely brilliant.
3Jan 18, 2025TunicQuite good.
4Jan 23, 2025TinykinDelightful.


Sep 11, 2018
Just finished TOEM and actually remembered to update my sheet right away so here's an update here as well.

5Feb 5, 2025Dishonored 2Pretty good.
6Feb 13, 2025Dishonored: Death of the OutsiderPretty good as well.
7Feb 14, 2025TOEM: A Photo AdventureDelightful.


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018

4. The Outer Worlds: Perils on Gorgon (Steam) - Decent DLC that explains all the marauders in the galaxy. More of the same really. ★★★

5. The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos (Steam) - Better DLC with a noir...ish detective bent. Fun setting. ★★★☆

6. The Outer Worlds (Steam) - Fun, but not particularly deep, space RPG. Gets super easy by the end. Good but not great characters. Feels like a solid B-team (eurojank) RPG. ★★★☆ (38.7 Hours including DLC)

7. Diablo 4 (PC Gamepass) - Game is super buggy but fun enough, still doing a bit of the season and end game stuff. ★★★☆ (Many Hours so far)

8. Jedi Survivor (XBOX Cloud) - Pretty predictable story wise and the combat system is still a bit shit. Constantly getting beat up by everyone just because they felt the need to jam in a souls-like system. No slippery slides at least this time. Couldn't get the game to run properly on PC and didn't realise until late that it was cross gen so could install on my XBOX1, so used the cloud. Nicely surprised by the performance, only 1080p, but looked pretty good and was very responsive. ★★★ (25 hours)


Dec 8, 2018
Really late to this thread.

Will only post games I finish, not abandon.

1) Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection: 27/02/25 15.1 hours.
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Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
"Technically" finished Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Got the bad ending.

Now going for the proper ending.
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