Community What's your favorite RPG games? Series? What got you into RPGs?


Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
Yeah, I know. The thread title is a mouthful, but I kinda wanted to encompass both into this singular thread. I don't mind suggestions for thread title improvements!

So with that out of the way: What are some of your favorite RPG games? Or even RPG series (Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest ect)? What game got you into RPGs?
Gonna be honest, this is going to be an easy way for me to possibly see some RPG games people love that I either never knew about or never thought to try out. So c'mon people, let's hear about them!

I'm going to start it out with the first RPG game I ever played. Hold on to your butts, this entire post is gonna be full of randomness and ramblings. Also, be aware that my tastes swing heavily to the JRPG style of RPGs. I love RPGs and their sub-genres as a whole, but I just prefer JRPG, especially old school style JRPG.

So before I get into this, let me state for the record: I don't consider The Legend of Zelda series as an RPG series. I know there are some crazy people who DO, but I'm not one of them. The Legend of Zelda is an action adventure series to me.

Yep. Super Mario RPG was my first RPG. It's not the one that really hooked me, and I didn't even play any of the other amazing SNES RPGs of the Era. I got it simply because it was Super Mario. My reaction was pretty much "Oh wow, this is kinda cool. I dig how this plays." The game-play was so foreign to young me at the time, turn based combat? In a Mario game? A party of characters? It planted the seed, as it were but I moved on and kept playing the games I normally played, like platformers or action adventure titles. Honestly, even now I don't remember much of the game as I haven't replayed it and we're going back a little over two decades here.

And that, that brings me to the game that completely hooked me into RPG and all it's wonderful sub-genres.

Yes indeed. For me, and I'm sure at least a few of you who at least check this thread, Final Fantasy VII was the game that hooked me. When the generation after SNES started, I stuck with Nintendo. So I asked for a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. I vaguely remembered the Colecovision my sister had when I was 2 or so years old but I grew up mainly on the NES, and then moved on to the SNES. So I was all about Mario 64 and the Nintendo 64! But my best friend and his brother, they decided to ask for a Sony Playstation.

And I still remember to this day the first sleep over I had at their place after they got it. Watching them play through the opening parts of the game, for the third time they said, because needing a memory card to save your game was a completely new thing still. The FMVs, the effects during battle. To this day, FF7 holds a special place just for nostalgia alone. I still replay it, every few years. Art and graphic style aside, it still holds up for me. While Super Mario RPG planted the seed, FF7 kicked open the door, it (and to a lesser extent Resident Evil 2, as my friend had also gotten that) was the game that made me want a Playstation. It took a couple years after launch, but I did manage to get one with FF7.

And after I finished FF7, my next RPG adventure turned out to be...

Yes, the second disc is a complete mess. Yes, the story tends to go non-sensical a bit -- but holy shit do I love this game. I first remember seeing it in a full page ad in EGM (Remember those?) RPG with Mechs! I was hyped with that alone. I'd already been working my first job by this point, so the Friday after it released, I was at the EB Games in the mall and picking it up. If FF7 kicked open the door to my love of RPGs, Xenogears cemented it. For all it's flaws, it was an experience I loved from start to finish. The characters, the combat, some of those amazing FMV moments, the plot twists. Loved it.

Okay, now that we've gotten those out of the way. Let's get into my favorite RPG games, since I imagine that's what most of this thread will be. If anyone responds. Well, at least I can count on Schnitzelfee to respond. Right? Right?

Alright, so let's start it off with probably my three favorite series. The ones that would make me buy the system their exclusive to, no questions asked because I love them so much. In no particular order!

PERSONA (if my Avatar wasn't enough of a hint)

That's RIGHT. My first Persona game was the first one released on PS1 way back when with it's utterly horrible localization. So if you're reading this Arty, HAH!
Okay, to be perfectly fair to Arty / Suikoder -- this was the only Persona / SMT style game I played until I really got into the series with Persona 3. And I do prefer 3, 4 and 5 over 1 and 2 by a large margin. So he's got me there. I never got into the Pokemon/Digimon craze so having to capture Demons and use them was something that was wholly new and really freaking cool to me.

I love this series.I love how they they link Arcana archetypes to the characters. I especially love 3-5. While the base mechanics are the same, naturally, through out them each game just feels different. Persona 3 is the darker of three games. I mean sure, some people considered parts of it cringey, like the whole using a "gun" to shoot themselves in the head to summon the Persona.

But the game? It was great. it had that dark and dreary almost psychological thriller tone to it and that tone persisted for almost the entirety of the game. Sure, there were more light hearted moments sprinkled here and there, especially with the Social Link aspects, but it definitely was the more "downer" of the three modern Persona games, which makes me feel that was one of the reasons Persona 4 was the way it was.

If Persona 3 was the psychological thriller, Persona 4 was the Saturday Morning Scooby Doo murder mystery "And I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!" That's not a knock on the game, mind you. Where as 3 had it's moments of levity among it's darker and overall bleaker tone, 4 has it's moments of a darker underside among it's more light hearted overall tone. It's still a great experience, and a must play if you enjoy turn based JRPGs imo.

That brings us to the latest, Persona 5. We went from the psychological thriller of Persona 3, to the Scooby Do Murder Mystery camp of Persona 4. So how do they do 5?

Let's just go full blown movie heist style.

P5 is definitely my favorite of the Persona games. It just oozes style, even down to the interface.

It's got my favorite overall cast of the series, I love the dungeon designs (minus the ones that just drag on too long even for me). I loved it so much I turned around and immediately played it a second time, start to finish. I hadn't done that in almost a decade. It's got that heist feel all throughout, even with doing little plannings and calling cards. All around just a great game, and was THE reason I wanted a PS4. (Yeah, I know it came out on PS3. Mine was already long dead and I thought it was stupid to buy an old gen system at that point.)

Now, favorite series number TWO


Okay, yes. I know. Fire Emblem got waifu'd. It happened. It's there for the two biggest sellers of the series. Is it staying for the Switch version? We don't know at this point, but I'd bet yes.

So far I've played every Fire Emblem officially released here in the west. The GBA games, the Gamecube game, the DS games, the Wii game and of course the 3DS games. Hell, I even play the Fire Emblem mobile game. Fire Emblem is Fire Emblem to me because of the perma-death mechanic. It gives me that "Oh shit" feel almost every map. I love it. I love the tactical RPG games that use it.

I got a 3DS specifically for Fire Emblem. I wanted a Switch mainly for Fire Emblem and 1 other title. Yeah, Nintendo's got me by the balls just with Fire Emblem. If anyone reading this enjoys tactical type games, especially tactical RPGs, I implore you to try them out. Even if its on an emulator. Waifu bait shit aside in the newer titles, the game play remains solid.

SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI (+all the spin-offs!)
I KNOW. I know Persona started as a spin-off to SMT, but it's kinda become it's own thing, and generally if I HAD to choose, I picked a new Persona over a new SMT, but I LOVE both series. It has all the same game play as a Persona game, none of the Social link dating aspect, and as much dark, dreary shit as your empty little heart desires. I always suggest an SMT game to someone who is interested in Persona, but doesn't like the social link / dating aspects.

I haven't played a single SMT game I didn't like.

SMT III AKA Nocturne AKA Lucifer's Call for our Euro brethren. An amazing experience, and if you enjoy Persona or SMT and have never played it you should be ashamed of yourselves.

SMT IV and it's sequel SMT IV Apocalypse. I won't quite understand how Nintendo managed to snag the SMT license as an exclusive moving forward, but despite being on weaker hardware when compared to the Vita or the consoles, the games are amazing and definitely play to the strengths of the system. Loved all 200+ hours between the two of them.

SMT: Strange Journey. Truly old school, dungeon crawling type. One of my favorite games on the DS. Sadly, I haven't had a chance to play the 3DS Remake / Remaster yet. I do have it, but it's been relegated to backlog hell.

SMT: Devil Summoner Soul Hackers
An old school dungeon crawling type SMT game with a cyberpunk style aesthetic? Oh god, yes. That's really all that needs to be said.

SMT: Devil Survivor Series
Take SMT mix in Fire Emblem tactical style combat, and serve. Probably my favorite of all the SMT style spin-offs.

And there's even more SMT games that have been released here that I haven't even gotten to it. A Backlog is an eternal, and shameful thing.

Alright, I'm going to try to start wrapping this thing up, Here's a few more games or series I really enjoy.

Dragon Quest

If you like old school JRPGs, you've got to like Dragon Quest right?

Dragon Quest XI was AMAZING. PLAY IT. (I'm looking at you Derrick01 )

Final Fantasy
I actually liked FF15. So sue me.

Shadowrun (Harebrained Schemes)
Dragonfall and Hong Kong were the best of the three.

Front Mission
It still hurts how this series died. Give me some Front Mission HD remasters, Squeenix!

The Divinity Series
And I'm not just talking about Original Sin 1 and 2. Get some culture people!
Bless Larian.

They count, right?

The Elder Scrolls
Let's just not talk about how things have been going recently, shall we?

And I could keep going and going and going and going, but that would defeat the purpose of the thread and having people post their own favorites and such.
There's many more series and games I really enjoy, and many more I need to play.

Looking forward to seeing what some others post!


Watch Madoka
Nov 16, 2018
Awesome post, I wish I had the capacity of writing that much lol.

For my part, Baldur's Gate is my absolutely favorite series, they are such incredible games. I also like a lot Shin Megami Tensei (counting Persona, etc), Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and the first two Fallout. Some of the stuff you mentioned is cool too, like Ys or Shadowrun.

Star Ocean and the Tales series are great but a lot of their games are JP only which sucks (we are getting some on Steam though)

Fire Emblem is something i always wanted to try but the lack of Nintendo consoles in my life has not made it easy lol.

Also as a standalone, The Last Remnant is an amazing RPG, with perhaps the most anti-intuitive mechanics ever.


Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
Awesome post, I wish I had the capacity of writing that much lol.

For my part, Baldur's Gate is my absolutely favorite series, they are such incredible games. I also like a lot Shin Megami Tensei (counting Persona, etc), Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and the first two Fallout. Some of the stuff you mentioned is cool too, like Ys or Shadowrun.

Star Ocean and the Tales series are great but a lot of their games are JP only which sucks (we are getting some on Steam though)

Fire Emblem is something i always wanted to try but the lack of Nintendo consoles in my life has not made it easy lol.

Also as a standalone, The Last Remnant is an amazing RPG, with perhaps the most anti-intuitive mechanics ever.
I played the Balur's Gate games for the first time a few years ago! Loved em. I also really like the Star Ocean and Tales series, and the only reason they're not in the list is because it was already 95% JRPG and I needed to leave some stuff for other's to post. :LOL:

As far as trying the Fire Emblem games, you could try playing the Gamecube Fire Emblem via the Dolphin Emulator, I heard it runs pretty well!

The Last Remnant was great, actually looking forward to replaying the remaster sometime in the near future.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I think my first RPG was Pokemon Crystal back when I was a kid. I loved it. Pretty sure I had multiple hundreds of hours on it in total.

Afterwards I played Gold, Silver, Blue, Red, Yellow and Ruby :p
Ruby was my last one though.

My favorite RPG series is without a doubt the Trails/Kiseki series. Sure, it can't compete with the big boys in terms of production value and I don't like some trends Falcom has started pursuing with the latest games, but the sheer scope and ambition of the series is unparallelled in my eyes.

(Only showing the ones available in English here).

This is a series that now spans 9 games in total (separated into 3 sub-series), all of which are connected and part of a larger story and set in the same world, and the worldbuilding and foreshadowing is straight-up amazing. I can't think of a series of this scope where the world feels so alive, largely due to Falcom's phenomal NPC work, which I consider best-in-business.

Let me explain: Most NPCs have names, lifes, relationships and their own character arcs - entirely optional. After every little thing you do that advances the main story, every NPC gets new dialog. That dialog tells you about their lifes or about the world, like history, places, organizations or even economy. While you progress through the game, the world changes, the lifes of NPCs change, they have small character arcs. Sometimes even over multiple games. It's absolutely great.

It's amusing that I'm always gushing about world-building and NPCs first when talking about Falcom games, even though their other aspects are no slouches either. The music is great. The main story is great. Trails in the Sky has one of the best female JRPG leads ever, if not the best. The other cast members are great too - Although halfway through the Cold Steel series opinions generally are that they are not as good as the Sky characters, but we'll see how things are after the second half of the series reaches western shores. For me Trails of Cold Steel makes up for this with another element the game prominently features that is unfortunately a massive spoiler, so I wont mention it here, lol.
The combat system is good too: Turn-based with some positioning and turn-order control elements.


Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018
Amazing OP,
I think my first ones were baldurs gate, neverwinter, icewindale etc... all the classics
Morrowind/gothic were the ones that clicked hardest with me.

Now I play as many RPG's as I can, probably my favourite genre.

Right now I am playing E.Y.E : Divine Cybermancy. strange game, taking a while to click, but has a lot of potential for me.


Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
I think my first RPG was Pokemon Crystal back when I was a kid. I loved it. Pretty sure I had multiple hundreds of hours on it in total.

Afterwards I played Gold, Silver, Blue, Red, Yellow and Ruby :p
Ruby was my last one though.

My favorite RPG series is without a doubt the Trails/Kiseki series. Sure, it can't compete with the big boys in terms of production value and I don't like some trends Falcom has started pursuing with the latest games, but the sheer scope and ambition of the series is unparallelled in my eyes.
I figured you or Schnitzelfee would post Trails. Good games, even if I am one of the odd ones who prefer the Cold Steel games overall. I've only ever played one Pokemon game (Pokemon X, so I could trade the X exclusive stuff to a friend who is a pokemon fanatic) but I did enjoy what I played.

I kinda prefer the Digimon Cyber Sleuth games over Pokemon, though.

Trails in the Sky and Front Mission are love!

I will ad my "list" a bit later

Of COURSE I was gonna have some Front Mission love in my post. I'm still gutted that the last Front Mission game we got was that abomination. All they managed to do was piss off the fans of the franchise, and the game was so mediocre even shooter fans didn't like it. So, good job Squeenix.
Even though I listed it, I expect lots of gushing over Dragon Quest from you, Sir.

Amazing OP,
I think my first ones were baldurs gate, neverwinter, icewindale etc... all the classics
Morrowind/gothic were the ones that clicked hardest with me.

Now I play as many RPG's as I can, probably my favourite genre.

Right now I am playing E.Y.E : Divine Cybermancy. strange game, taking a while to click, but has a lot of potential for me.
Thanks! Sadly, I've never played Morrowind / Neverwinter / Icewind Dale. I own them, but they're all backlogged. :eek:

I've looked into that E.Y.E game before. It did look interesting, wasn't sure if it'd be for me.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
Final Fantasy VII was the one that got me into RPG. As a kid, I couldn't even read English at the time, and I didn't exactly I play the game as I only watched my friend play it. We used a walkthrough to understand what's going on with the story, as well as what to do next. It was an amazing experience.

My favorite series? I dunno man, that's something that I can't decide. I have too many favorite series.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
I played tabletop D&D before I played any video game RPGs but I think Eye of the Beholder 2 was my first? The first one I really remember beating though is FF6, and it remained my favorite game for years and years. I of course liked Chrono Trigger and FF7 as well, although not FF8. Parasite Eve is a different style but I really enjoyed it.

Fallout 2 though is my favorite RPG to this day. I don't think I've experienced a game doing "RPG" better than it while still being accessible and entertaining in its own ways.


Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
A friend lent me his Chrono Trigger snes cart and then his Final Fantasy 3, I have been hooked since then.

I don't like series per se I just like to have fun in the worlds but It has been years since I played one fully, I'm still trying with Battlechasers...
I've yet to beat Chrono Trigger. I'm going to try again soon with the PC version. Final Fantasy 3 as in 6? Haven't played that one yet either. Shame on me. Battlechasers is in the backlog too.

More RPG fans are always nice to see tho!

Final Fantasy VII was the one that got me into RPG. As a kid, I couldn't even read English at the time, and I didn't exactly I play the game as I only watched my friend play it. We used a walkthrough to understand what's going on with the story, as well as what to do next. It was an amazing experience.

My favorite series? I dunno man, that's something that I can't decide. I have too many favorite series.
I knew there'd be another FF VII person! As far as series, I probably could have named more than three as a favorite. I stuck with those three simply because they're the ones that would get me to buy whatever system their on.

I played tabletop D&D before I played any video game RPGs but I think Eye of the Beholder 2 was my first? The first one I really remember beating though is FF6, and it remained my favorite game for years and years. I of course liked Chrono Trigger and FF7 as well, although not FF8. Parasite Eve is a different style but I really enjoyed it.

Fallout 2 though is my favorite RPG to this day. I don't think I've experienced a game doing "RPG" better than it while still being accessible and entertaining in its own ways.
Man. Tabletop stuff. Takes me back, I never did any tabletop D&D but I did play some P&P Vampire and Werewolf stuff back in the 90s. Parasite Eve was great too. I really need to replay it someday.

Fallout 2 will probably forever be the best Fallout game. Tho Derrick01 will probably disagree, if he ever gets in here.
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Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
This is exactly my kind of thread.

The first RPG I've ever played was probably Might and Magic III on my dad's 286 PC.

Might and Magic III

The game was already a few years old then, but I distinctly remember skipping homework, dinner, basketball practice and pretty much everything else just so I can play it. There's something magical about solving puzzles, gearing up your characters into demi-gods and goddesses and exploring dungeon full of monsters when you're only 10 years old. I still can feel that magic even today, playing Dragon Quest XI -- although I'm more responsible now :p

Kiseki (Trails) Series

My favourite RPG series has already making an appearance in this thread. The Trails (Kiseki) series. I've already played a few Final Fantasies and a couple of Dragon Quests and Personas over the years before I got the chance to play Trails in the Sky FC, but nothing has grabbed my attention fully from the get-go as this scene does:

Perhaps it's a combination of where I was in my life and my state of mind at the time, or perhaps I'm just bored of other RPGs, but I knew I found something special in this game. As Ascheroth has described in his post: the world-building in this series is top notch. Every single character feel alive (their dialogue changes as the game progresses), Our main character develops and respond to characters' act and motivations around her, and under it all, there's a certain secret of the world which we as the player can't really pinpoint what it is (or whether it's sinister or not), but it is there.

There is a heavy investment involved with this series, in which there are 9 games in total (of which 4 remains unlocalised). There are a lot of text to parse through across 5 games, especially when you're a completionist. The lore is deep and it feels like we've barely scratched the surface without knowing what happened in the unlocalised titles. However, I can say that this series is well worth the investment. Don't let the "generic anime" others has claimed deter you. There are a lot of other aspects of this series which elevate it higher than most other RPGs out there.

Now, for my other favourite series y'all should check out (if you haven't)

Shadowrun: Dragonfall / Shadowrun: Hong Kong

Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong has some top notch writing in the Cyberpunk genre. Although the combat is rather serviceable, the story and characters are very memorable (Who doesn't love Glory in Dragonfall, or Gobbet in Hong Kong?). I always love the narrative device of "an easy job (or "milk run" in Shadowrun colloquialism) which went south" and suddenly you're involved in earth-shattering conspiracies.

Brandish: The Dark Revenant/The Planet Buster

I love dungeon crawlers, so a Falcom-made dungeon crawler is practically a game made just for me! One of the best thing about this game is that it never loses focus of what it's trying to do: preventing you to ever escape the dungeons. Lots of traps, trick floors, puzzles, dangerous enemies, tough boss fights and last but not least: casinos. All the while you're being served with an excellent soundtrack:

I'll make a short stop here for now since I need to do some work -- may write more later.


Oct 6, 2018
I started with FF 2 I think (whichever had cecil and kain) because I watched my much older brother play and then would try to play when he was at school or work. I couldn't have been older than 5 at the time. I got hooked on to jrpgs after that point and kept playing them all the way until the start of the 360/ps3 generation. Then I tried Oblivion and was blown away by the freedom and quests that it had. You don't experience anything like that playing jrpgs which are linear to a fault mostly. After that point I pretty much gave up on jrpgs for years and became a wrpg fanboy which wasn't all bad as my desire for more games like Oblivion eventually led me to all the crpgs I had missed growing up (no one I knew had a PC or played games on one at least). I also got to experience Morrowind and was shocked at how bad it made Oblivion look.

My favorite RPG series overall is probably Fallout. 1 is just ok but 2 and new vegas are amazing (do not ask me about 3 and 4), the latter being so great it pretty much ruined future RPGs for me. I've played good ones since then but nothing that I felt was truly amazing as I feel like they leave me unsatisfied ultimately for not reaching the level of choice and role playing NV has. This is why The Outer Worlds has gotten my interest so much. It might finally be the game that breaks that curse over me.

And I'll get to DQXI soon leave me alone!


Tetris Hell
Dec 11, 2018
Oh man this is hard. I think the first RPG I ever played was Wizardry VI with my siblings, my big brother was the one actually controlling the game, and my sister and I made 2 characters each and were telling our brother what we wanted our characters to do, and give ideas of what to do.

Of course, the game was completely in english so we didn't get that far, but man, we loved every second of it, so it has a really special place in my heart. I should play it someday and actually beat it.

Favorite I think it would be Baldur's Gate 2, the first time I played BG1&2 it was multiplayer with my brother. That one had a spanish translation, and I think we used the Clan Dlan improved translation, so we had no problem understanding those games. We had a blast, and I've replayed it a few times solo since then, but when I think of BG I mostly think of that first multiplayer playthrough.

Of modern RPGs Divinity Original Sin 2 is my favorite, such a fantastic combat system. And I really like the world and the dialogue system (describing what your character says and do instead of literally writing what they say was weird at first, but I really liked how it felt after I got used to it). Divine Divinity, while really good, is kinda old and too janky to play now. Divinity 2 Dragon Knight Saga is fun.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I figured you or @Schnitzelfee would post Trails. Good games, even if I am one of the odd ones who prefer the Cold Steel games overall. I've only ever played one Pokemon game (Pokemon X, so I could trade the X exclusive stuff to a friend who is a pokemon fanatic) but I did enjoy what I played.

I kinda prefer the Digimon Cyber Sleuth games over Pokemon, though.
For what it's worth, even if I think it has its faults, Cold Steel 2 is my second favorite Trails game right now, after Trails in the Sky the 3rd (which is literal perfection, hard to win against that).

I prefer Digimon over Pokemon too, but I haven't had the chance to play many games (only played a bit of the DS Story games and one World game I can't remember right now). ...
I'd probably prefer Cyber Sleuth over the Pokemon games too, which is why I'm doubly excited for Survive on PC next year, because it increases the chances of Cyber Sleuth on PC eventually, or the next Cyber Sleuth-like game on PC.


Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
This is exactly my kind of thread.

The first RPG I've ever played was probably Might and Magic III on my dad's 286 PC.

Might and Magic III

Kiseki (Trails) Series

Shadowrun: Dragonfall / Shadowrun: Hong Kong

Brandish: The Dark Revenant/The Planet Buster

I'll make a short stop here for now since I need to do some work -- may write more later.
Oh man. I love the Might and Magic games. I started getting into them around the early 00s, after I built my first actual computer for computer games at the very beginning of 2000. Ah memories. Athlon 600mhz, GeForce 256. lol. I still need to finish M&M X.

I've never even heard of the Brandish games. I need to look into them. Thanks!

ff6 dah best
Never played it. :p

I started with FF 2 I think (whichever had cecil and kain) because I watched my much older brother play and then would try to play when he was at school or work. I couldn't have been older than 5 at the time. I got hooked on to jrpgs after that point and kept playing them all the way until the start of the 360/ps3 generation. Then I tried Oblivion and was blown away by the freedom and quests that it had. You don't experience anything like that playing jrpgs which are linear to a fault mostly. After that point I pretty much gave up on jrpgs for years and became a wrpg fanboy which wasn't all bad as my desire for more games like Oblivion eventually led me to all the crpgs I had missed growing up (no one I knew had a PC or played games on one at least). I also got to experience Morrowind and was shocked at how bad it made Oblivion look.

My favorite RPG series overall is probably Fallout. 1 is just ok but 2 and new vegas are amazing (do not ask me about 3 and 4), the latter being so great it pretty much ruined future RPGs for me. I've played good ones since then but nothing that I felt was truly amazing as I feel like they leave me unsatisfied ultimately for not reaching the level of choice and role playing NV has. This is why The Outer Worlds has gotten my interest so much. It might finally be the game that breaks that curse over me.

And I'll get to DQXI soon leave me alone!
See, I expected a lot more New Vegas love than this. If this is the kind of commitment you put forth, Derrick, I question your Obsidian love at all.

Oh man this is hard. I think the first RPG I ever played was Wizardry VI with my siblings, my big brother was the one actually controlling the game, and my sister and I made 2 characters each and were telling our brother what we wanted our characters to do, and give ideas of what to do.

Of course, the game was completely in english so we didn't get that far, but man, we loved every second of it, so it has a really special place in my heart. I should play it someday and actually beat it.

Favorite I think it would be Baldur's Gate 2, the first time I played BG1&2 it was multiplayer with my brother. That one had a spanish translation, and I think we used the Clan Dlan improved translation, so we had no problem understanding those games. We had a blast, and I've replayed it a few times solo since then, but when I think of BG I mostly think of that first multiplayer playthrough.

Of modern RPGs Divinity Original Sin 2 is my favorite, such a fantastic combat system. And I really like the world and the dialogue system (describing what your character says and do instead of literally writing what they say was weird at first, but I really liked how it felt after I got used to it). Divine Divinity, while really good, is kinda old and too janky to play now. Divinity 2 Dragon Knight Saga is fun.
Divinity 2 was my first Divinity game. Loved it, so much. Still need to play Original Sin 2. :(

For what it's worth, even if I think it has its faults, Cold Steel 2 is my second favorite Trails game right now, after Trails in the Sky the 3rd (which is literal perfection, hard to win against that).

I prefer Digimon over Pokemon too, but I haven't had the chance to play many games (only played a bit of the DS Story games and one World game I can't remember right now). ...
I'd probably prefer Cyber Sleuth over the Pokemon games too, which is why I'm doubly excited for Survive on PC next year, because it increases the chances of Cyber Sleuth on PC eventually, or the next Cyber Sleuth-like game on PC.
I hope so much they port the Cyber Sleuth games to PC. I would double dip in a heart beat, they were that good to me.


I worship Godd Howard
Dec 9, 2018
I get mocked pretty much every time I mention this on the SteamERA discord but my favorite RPG, to this day, is TES IV Oblivion. It's the game that introduced me to open world rpgs and it's also a game with an excellent soundtrack. Listen to this:

Everything about the game felt great to 15 year old me. The fact that I could roam the world at my own leisure was just mind-blowing to me. There were caves, dungeons, and secrets all across the map. I entered a house in the imperial city at night and snuck into the cellar only to find what seemed to be the remains of a ritual. Another time I just thought I'd run a few minutes into the forest when I came across a hidden village. I talked to everyone and found out that there are trap doors leading to an underground tunnel system. From what I remember the villagers were part of some cult that ate (?) humans and enslaved them down there. There was no quest leading me there it was just pure exploration and it was great.

The quests were varied and imaginative ( I still remember having to actually enter a painting to kill a troll that came to life inside that painting.)

Unfortunately, the game hasn't aged very well and its gameplay systems are outdated. I'd have loved it if Bethesda, instead of re-releasing Skyrim for the umpteenth time, had actually done a remaster of this game.

The fact that the game has some hilarious characters and bugs made me enjoy it even more back then.

While skyrim was a great game for its time as well it will never come close to oblivion for me.


Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
I get mocked pretty much every time I mention this on the SteamERA discord but my favorite RPG, to this day, is TES IV Oblivion. It's the game that introduced me to open world rpgs and it's also a game with an excellent soundtrack. Listen to this:

Everything about the game felt great to 15 year old me. The fact that I could roam the world at my own leisure was just mind-blowing to me. There were caves, dungeons, and secrets all across the map. I entered a house in the imperial city at night and snuck into the cellar only to find what seemed to be the remains of a ritual. Another time I just thought I'd run a few minutes into the forest when I came across a hidden village. I talked to everyone and found out that there are trap doors leading to an underground tunnel system. From what I remember the villagers were part of some cult that ate (?) humans and enslaved them down there. There was no quest leading me there it was just pure exploration and it was great.

The quests were varied and imaginative ( I still remember having to actually enter a painting to kill a troll that came to life inside that painting.)

Unfortunately, the game hasn't aged very well and its gameplay systems are outdated. I'd have loved it if Bethesda, instead of re-releasing Skyrim for the umpteenth time, had actually done a remaster of this game.

The fact that the game has some hilarious characters and bugs made me enjoy it even more back then.

While skyrim was a great game for its time as well it will never come close to oblivion for me.
Man. You'll never get mocked from me. Oblivion was my first Bethesda game. I loved it. I easily had 400+ hours on Xbox 360. I'm right with you, wanting a remaster of it. :(
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Premium Title
Nov 6, 2018
United Kingdom
I never played RPG's in my younger years, found them to be too much of a time investment. My first exosure was Oblivion, which I was told at the time was a good starting point. Since then I've shifted more to RPG's, just not Bethesda ones..!
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Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I've never even heard of the Brandish games. I need to look into them. Thanks!
Please do! If you've played Xanadu Next in the past and enjoyed its level design, chances are you'll love Brandish as well since both share similar ideas for obvious reasons.

Brandish TDR can be found in PSN store for $15 or less, and it plays superbly in PPSSPP if you prefer playing on PC.

Brandish 2 is kinda tricky since it's such an old game. The physical copy can be found in the Yahoo JP Auctions from time to time for 5K Yen or more, while Project EGG has digital distribution for only 500 Yen, although their emulator is kinda terrible. Also, you can't extract the game files since it comes pre-packed with the emulator which means you can't apply the English translation patch if you like to play it in English.

You can however, purchase a copy from EGG to support Falcom, and find another copy of the game on the internet then use RetroArch or any other PC-98 emulator to play it.


Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
Please do! If you've played Xanadu Next in the past and enjoyed its level design, chances are you'll love Brandish as well since both share similar ideas for obvious reasons.

Brandish TDR can be found in PSN store for $15 or less, and it plays superbly in PPSSPP if you prefer playing on PC.

Brandish 2 is kinda tricky since it's such an old game. The physical copy can be found in the Yahoo JP Auctions from time to time for 5K Yen or more, while Project EGG has digital distribution for only 500 Yen, although their emulator is kinda terrible. Also, you can't extract the game files since it comes pre-packed with the emulator which means you can't apply the English translation patch if you like to play it in English.

You can however, purchase a copy from EGG to support Falcom, and find another copy of the game on the internet then use RetroArch or any other PC-98 emulator to play it.
Brandish: The Dark Revenant has been been added to my PSN wishlist! I'll look into picking it up to play on my Vita. Thanks!
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saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
My first RPG was first Ultima,

but I didn't even like it that much, tbh, and it certainly didn't get me into RPGs, cuz at the time of Ultima III release I was much more into pacman and tetris and other arcade games. Later I moved to strategy games and viewed those as my thing, occasionally playing Wizardry or M&M or Ultima.
It all remained this way until a day somebody convinced me to play FF4 (named FF2 then). That game enticed me good, I played it and immediately replayed it and decided to check RPG scene more closely. So I was there for SMT, Persona, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, Wild ARMS, Breath of Fire, Tales of, Atelier and of course Final Fantasy, I still was not an RPG creature though until FF6, FF6 made me, or rather FF6, Chrono Cross, FF7 and Star Ocean 2, and most importantly Suikoden, only after, RPGs became my number 1..

I was not as big of a fan of Baldur's gate as most RPG people seem to be, I liked IWD and NWN even less, I probably should blame FF7 for this, because my focus in RPGs shifted past classic stuff to wanting many diverse game mechanics and lot of different games in one, but I did like first Fallouts a lot, and M&M 6 became one of my favourite games, but the best PC RPG was is and probably will be Arcanum, don't even try to argue with this, Arcanum is the best

that's is short version of my getting into RPGs story, As for my favourite RPGs of all time:
FF7 (4(2) and series in general)
Mana Khemia (Atelier series in general)
Trails in the Sky (trilogy)
Suikoden (series)

I liked so many RPGs over the years that making a list basically means making top 50 RPGs list to be sure, if not more

but lemme tell you about an awesome game nobody played - Mana Khemia. Everything about that game is great: fun and balanced gameplay, complex and interesting alchemy, funny story and characters, night battles (it's like hard mode but implemented over day/night cycle), rumours, you name it. Unfortunately due to game releasing on PS2 when it was dead platform already, it never got attention it deserves.

also the same can be said about Devil Survivor, which was great, unfortunatelly released only on DS, very flawed device.


Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
My first RPG was first Ultima,

but I didn't even like it that much, tbh, and it certainly didn't get me into RPGs, cuz at the time of Ultima III release I was much more into pacman and tetris and other arcade games. Later I moved to strategy games and viewed those as my thing, occasionally playing Wizardry or M&M or Ultima.
It all remained this way until a day somebody convinced me to play FF4 (named FF2 then). That game enticed me good, I played it and immediately replayed it and decided to check RPG scene more closely. So I was there for SMT, Persona, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, Wild ARMS, Breath of Fire, Tales of, Atelier and of course Final Fantasy, I still was not an RPG creature though until FF6, FF6 made me, or rather FF6, Chrono Cross, FF7 and Star Ocean 2, and most importantly Suikoden, only after, RPGs became my number 1..

I was not as big of a fan of Baldur's gate as most RPG people seem to be, I liked IWD and NWN even less, I probably should blame FF7 for this, because my focus in RPGs shifted past classic stuff to wanting many diverse game mechanics and lot of different games in one, but I did like first Fallouts a lot, and M&M 6 became one of my favourite games, but the best PC RPG was is and probably will be Arcanum, don't even try to argue with this, Arcanum is the best

that's is short version of my getting into RPGs story, As for my favourite RPGs of all time:
FF7 (4(2) and series in general)
Mana Khemia (Atelier series in general)
Trails in the Sky (trilogy)
Suikoden (series)

I liked so many RPGs over the years that making a list basically means making top 50 RPGs list to be sure, if not more

but lemme tell you about an awesome game nobody played - Mana Khemia. Everything about that game is great: fun and balanced gameplay, complex and interesting alchemy, funny story and characters, night battles (it's like hard mode but implemented over day/night cycle), rumours, you name it. Unfortunately due to game releasing on PS2 when it was dead platform already, it never got attention it deserves.

also the same can be said about Devil Survivor, which was great, unfortunatelly released only on DS, very flawed device.
Sad to say, I've yet to play Arcanum. I own it! Twice even (On Steam and GOG) but I just haven't gotten around to it. The Suikoden series is amazing, 2 especially. And I've tried the PSP version of Mana Khemia, does that count?!

Also, just for the record: The Devil Survivor games did release on 3DS too. :D
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Big McLargehuge

God Cleaver
Dec 8, 2018

My favorite RPG series would have to be the Xenoblade games. The first is one of my all-time favorite games and the one that cemented RPGs as my favorite genre. From the engaging story to amazing world, Xenoblade Chronicles captivated me more than any game I played before it.

Xenoblade Chronicles X, while lacking in the story department, had an even larger world that was a joy to explore. Customizing mechs, fighting superbosses, and chatting with other players in the online mode were some of the hightlights of the ~200 hrs I spent on that game.

While I do have some issues with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (such as the gacha-like system of obtaining blades), I still consider it to be an excellent game. Getting a grasp of the combat system and pulling off multiple layers of combos was very satisfying. The soundtrack is one of the best I've heard in any game, even beating out the first game which surprised me. The expansion pass added a lot of great content, including what is practically a full prequel game.

I have played games from other RPG series such as Mass Effect, SMT, Final Fantasy, and Fire Emblem, but none quite have the same level of appeal that Monolith Soft games have for me (at least their newer games, as Xenosaga fell flat for me and I still need to play Xenogears). Although that could change, as I am playing through Divinity Original Sin 2 and thoroughly enjoying it. I had a great time with the first game (taking me 128 hrs to beat it :p) and 2 is turning out to be an even better experience that expands on the first game's excellent combat system and role-playing aspects.

I still have several RPGs in my backlog, such as KOROR I & II, the Witcher games, Digital Devil Saga, and some PS1 classics like Chrono Cross that I missed out on. So, there are plenty of RPG experience left for me in the near future!

(Also this is my first post in this site, hello everyone!)
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Oct 21, 2018
Great Thread.

To be honest I am still trying to get into them.

Pokemon Yellow was such a gateway drug and I think its the only RPG game I have ever finished.
I love starting RPGs but find it really hard to keep playing them till the end. Loved Persona 5, never finished.
Loved final fantasy 13 (it being more action based, easy, and linear were pluses for me) , never finished and I restarted it multiple times with a guide lol.

I like the idea of RPGS more than their actual experience which is why I will always dabble in them from time to time.
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Deleted member 113

but the best PC RPG was is and probably will be Arcanum, don't even try to argue with this, Arcanum is the best

A man with impeccable taste.


I'm a guy that plays video games since the very early 80's, and was always particularly found of RPGs. I probably played every series you can think of, and every subgenre (though I was partial to western RPGs). But, Arcanum is easily my favourite RPG of all time. It just totally clicked with me.

It has everything:
-a great, highly imaginative setting (take your usual fantasy setting, and place it in the middle of an industrial revolution like the one that happened in Europe; yes: coal, trains, early technology);
-a memorable, if somewhat usual soundtrack, done by a string quartet (I loved it so much, one time I stopped playing the game, and actually emailed the composer telling him how much I loved the soundtrack; he is a great guy, who replied back, talked about his work, and even sent me a couple of unused tracks from the same sessions);
-oh, and freedom of choice. So. Much. Freedom. Pretty much the freedom to pull everything you can think of.

In most RPGs, you get quests in towns from "x" character, a quest giver. Here, you have that. Or, you can simply kill every single character in a town, even quest givers (and get reputation that other towns will react to).
You can buy items in a store. Or, you can break into the store when it's closed, and steal them. Or, you can study the business hours, follow the owner home when the store closes, steal his keys (or kill him, and take them), and go to the store and steal them. Or, you can construct a bomb, use it to take down a whole wall of the store, and loot everything, before the people in town have time to react.
You can kill pretty much every character. You can destroy, at least partially, pretty much every small building/store. You can steal pretty much anything. You can use magic. You can use swords/axes/bows. You can use guns/bombs. You can craft potions. You can build equipment. The game has so much variety.

There's a reason, even today, this logo means a lot to me:

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Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
My favorite RPG series would have to be the Xenoblade games. The first is one of my all-time favorite games and the one that cemented RPGs as my favorite genre. From the engaging story to amazing world, Xenoblade Chronicles captivated me more than any game I played before it.

Xenoblade Chronicles X, while lacking in the story department, had an even larger world that was a joy to explore. Customizing mechs, fighting superbosses, and chatting with other players in the online mode were some of the hightlights of the ~200 hrs I spent on that game.

While I do have some issues with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (such as the gacha-like system of obtaining blades), I still consider it to be an excellent game. Getting a grasp of the combat system and pulling off multiple layers of combos was very satisfying. The soundtrack is one of the best I've heard in any game, even beating out the first game which surprised me. The expansion pass added a lot of great content, including what is practically a full prequel game.

I have played games from other RPG series such as Mass Effect, SMT, Final Fantasy, and Fire Emblem, but none quite have the same level of appeal that Monolith Soft games have for me (at least their newer games, as Xenosaga fell flat for me and I still need to play Xenogears). Although that could change, as I am playing through Divinity Original Sin 2 and thoroughly enjoying it. I had a great time with the first game (taking me 128 hrs to beat it :p) and 2 is turning out to be an even better experience that expands on the first game's excellent combat system and role-playing aspects.

I still have several RPGs in my backlog, such as KOROR I & II, the Witcher games, Digital Devil Saga, and some PS1 classics like Chrono Cross that I missed out on. So, there are plenty of RPG experience left for me in the near future!

(Also this is my first post in this site, hello everyone!)
Talk about a great first post. I loved Xenoblade Chronicles. I'd consider it one of my top 5 RPG releases of the last 8 years. I still need to play X and 2, though. I have a friend's Wii U sitting in my room with X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions, but just haven't gotten around to playing them yet. I started 2 a bit when I got my Switch, but decided to wait until all the DLC / patches were out first.

The gacha system, from when I played, was annoying. And after watching this video
found it even more annoying. That said, I did enjoy what little I played and can't wait to get back to it. I really need to play X, too. :( Ugh.

I love the Mass Effect games, only reason I didn't include them in my post was simply there were too many. And Xenogears is great, don't skip on it! KotOR 1 and 2 are both great games, 2 is way better especially if you install the cut content mods.

Loved Divinity Original Sin 1, I might even replay it before going into DOS 2. Maybe. So much of my backlog are 100+ hour RPGs, its insane.

Welcome to Meta!

Great Thread.

To be honest I am still trying to get into them.

Pokemon Yellow was such a gateway drug and I think its the only RPG game I have ever finished.
I love starting RPGs but find it really hard to keep playing them till the end. Loved Persona 5, never finished.
Loved final fantasy 13 (it being more action based, easy, and linear were pluses for me) , never finished and I restarted it multiple times with a guide lol.

I like the idea of RPGS more than their actual experience which is why I will always dabble in them from time to time.
There's really nothing wrong with that. A friend of mine will spend time checking out choice moments from RPGs on youtube, but he can't bring himself to dedicate to 50+ hours for a single game. Everyone is different. :D

A man with impeccable taste.

I'm a guy that plays video games since the very early 80's, and was always particularly found of RPGs. I probably played every series you can think of, and every subgenre (though I was partial to western RPGs). But, Arcanum is easily my favourite RPG of all time. It just totally clicked with me.

It has everything:
-a great, highly imaginative setting (take your usual fantasy setting, and place it in the middle of an industrial revolution like the one that happened in Europe; yes: coal, trains, early technology);
-a memorable, if somewhat usual soundtrack, done by a string quartet (I loved it so much, one time I stopped playing the game, and actually emailed the composer telling him how much I loved the soundtrack; he is a great guy, who replied back, talked about his work, and even sent me a couple of unused tracks from the same sessions);
-oh, and freedom of choice. So. Much. Freedom. Pretty much the freedom to pull everything you can think of.

In most RPGs, you get quests in towns from "x" character, a quest giver. Here, you have that. Or, you can simply kill every single character in a town, even quest givers (and get reputation that other towns will react to).
You can buy items in a store. Or, you can break into the store when it's closed, and steal them. Or, you can study the business hours, follow the owner home when the store closes, steal his keys (or kill him, and take them), and go to the store and steal them. Or, you can construct a bomb, use it to take down a whole wall of the store, and loot everything, before the people in town have time to react.
You can kill pretty much every character. You can destroy, at least partially, pretty much every small building/store. You can steal pretty much anything. You can use magic. You can use swords/axes/bows. You can use guns/bombs. You can craft potions. You can build equipment. The game has so much variety.

There's a reason, even today, this logo means a lot to me:

...I've played Bloodlines, that counts right?

The Temple of Elemental Evil and Arcanum are probably forever backlogged. :(


Token German
Sep 6, 2018
Outer Space
ok ... I gonna start this soft before pahamrick kills me... I speak just about one game and ad more later...

the first RPG I REALLY remember playing is this

its kinda a precursor of games like Eye of the Beholder and so on... aka dungeon crawling madness...

problem was, my English was almost no existent at that time... but I was so fascinated anyway I just tried to play it...

the great music helped too

I never got really far... but I guess this is one of the first RPG that captured me

Im not even sure how many people know this one, and it seems there was a german translated version... fuck me... but it was awesome...

I ad more games later... fast enough to escape pahamrick wrath

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OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
also the same can be said about Devil Survivor, which was great, unfortunatelly released only on DS, very flawed device.
3DS as well. :)
And it's not like both of these systems don't have emulators available on PC
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Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
Not sure when the bug will bite me again or what the next one to catch my attention will be, but considering how the genre has stuck with me over the years, I don't think I've quite played my last JRPG yet.
Good stuff bro. The next bug that bites you needs to be Persona 5, I'm just saying. :)

ok ... I gonna start this soft before pahamrick kills me... I speak just about one game and ad more later...
This was such a low effort post to get me off your back, I'm not even sure I should count it.
3DS as well. :)
And it's not like both of these systems don't have emulators available on PC
I think I'd go for playing it on a DS over a 3DS. :ROFLMAO:
While your distaste of the 3DS is well known to me, the 3DS ports are the better versions of the games. Just saying.
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Rockin' Ranger

Rangers With Candy
Nov 7, 2018
The first ever RPG that I remember playing was Hillsfar when I was 6 or 7 years old. I can't say that it really captured me as an RPG when I was that age, but I loved riding the horse between area, fighting in the arena, and running around in buildings while evading capture by the guards. Even if I had been old enough I don't think I would have been able to do much else anyway since we didn't have the codewheel you needed to do quests.

The first ones that really got me into RPGs were Diablo and Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. Diablo as an introduction to raiding dungeons and then Might and Magic for my first introduction to a lot of RPG systems. I remember having no idea what something like 1d8+3 meant in the weapons I was picking up at the start Of the game. Another one that belongs here is Final Fantasy VII. I didn't have a PlayStation and was really excited to get it for my birthday after the eventual PC release. Unlike the other two games I never actually finished it as I got to the final boss battle and the times I attempted it it took too long to beat and I eventually ended up losing the save file I'd had on my computer. It was my introduction to JRPGs though and I plan on eventually going back and playing it again.
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Pricky Ricky Dicky Bob
Sep 6, 2018
The first ever RPG that I remember playing was Hillsfar when I was 6 or 7 years old. I can't say that it really captured me as an RPG when I was that age, but I loved riding the horse between area, fighting in the arena, and running around in buildings while evading capture by the guards. Even if I had been old enough I don't think I would have been able to do much else anyway since we didn't have the codewheel you needed to do quests.

The first ones that really got me into RPGs were Diablo and Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. Diablo as an introduction to raiding dungeons and then Might and Magic for my first introduction to a lot of RPG systems. I remember having no idea what something like 1d8+3 meant in the weapons I was picking up at the start Of the game. Another one that belongs here is Final Fantasy VII. I didn't have a PlayStation and was really excited to get it for my birthday after the eventual PC release. Unlike the other two games I never actually finished it as I got to the final boss battle and the times I attempted it it took too long to beat and I eventually ended up losing the save file I'd had on my computer. It was my introduction to JRPGs though and I plan on eventually going back and playing it again.
Man. Diablo. Talk about some early PC memories between Diablo and DIablo 2. And FVII is always worth going back to! It's a shame that the PS4 port is currently the best existing "out of the box" FF7 experience.
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saviour of worlds
Nov 12, 2018
fun fact: I liked original Diablo and I found Diablo 2 being way less enjoyable as in being a grind fest compared to first, then again this is true for all loot games, Diablo original and its expansion were more RPGish.

Also I congratulate Schnitz on an RPG I don't think I've ever seen, and we talking about times when I played most of stuff that was released, quite amazing.

FunktionJCB that was an awesome post, also all hail Troika!
I was so sad when Arcanum got all that bashing for being unplayable mess... because IDK what's up with that, it was not unplayable mess, even before the patch, and totally fine after it, Then again I assume some GPUs might have had a problem with it, I also miss Troika...

Knurek 3DS is as flawed device as DS, in some sense even more so.

pahamrick you should play Arcanum, really

Deleted member 113

FunktionJCB that was an awesome post, also all hail Troika!
I was so sad when Arcanum got all that bashing for being unplayable mess... because IDK what's up with that, it was not unplayable mess, even before the patch, and totally fine after it, Then again I assume some GPUs might have had a problem with it, I also miss Troika...
Yeah, I was also perplexed.
I know there are a million and one hardware combinations, but even without the patch, I didn't experience any crashes or similar issues (nor anyone I know), and I got the game at launch.

And neither with The Temple of Elemental Evil.

Now with Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, that was another story. :) In order to complete my playthrough, I had to use the console commands, because at launch, one of the sequences wouldn't load (it would simply crash; I believe this happened to everyone).

But, I'll never understand why Troika, and afterwards Obsidian, get a bad rap for buggy products, and reviews mention and reflect that, while a company like Bethesda releases products in worse condition, and most people don't seem to care.
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Dec 22, 2018
I was late to the game in terms of exploring RPGs - i never played any on the SNES i owned as a kid or the n64 or gamecube, and didn't touch them on PC until The Witcher. Since then I've opened up to the genre (and tend to co-op them a lot more, lest if be single player like the witcher series).
I dunno, I liked the kinda downbeat story around Geralt, and the english VO obviously helped a lot. I'm not sure I could go back and try older titles and I'm not big on JRPG style mechanics, so im pretty sure anything SNES would be nigh-on unplayable for me.