Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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Woah, that sucks. Take care Naroh.

Regarding the game, Liquid had a good start, they had a 6 - 0 lead until gla1ve and xyp9x went nuts and started getting some rounds, ending the first half 9 - 6 to Liquid. On the second half Liquid disappeared and Astralis just rolled over them, 0 - 10 for the Danes, so the first map ended 9 - 16 Astralis

Wow that first half of Dust 2, as soon as it was 4-0 I thought it was series over, but the clutches were amazing.
Steam is down!!!
Finished Blasphemous, fun game but holy hell it's been a while since I've had to deal with so many bugs to the point it hindered the experience. I got stuck in so many ledges, had bosses jump out of the screen and not return, sheesh.
Erm, it's total bullshit.

IMHO at least -- I don't know what others' standards are for "being told", but to me 2 specific emails about the change, the first several months in advance, are more than sufficient.

Edit: not blaming anyone for not reading all their emails -- I'm plenty of guilty on that myself -- but that doesn't mean that you weren't told, it means you didn't read it ;)
I don't know, Durante. GabeN didn't personally visit him and his family to talk about this, so I feel he has a point there.
How can you expect anything important to be told over email? If Valve actually cared, they would have sent a letter, or wired a telegram, or if it was really, really important used a carrier pigeon.
code vein is awesome im loving it very much. i recommend it to any fans of souls or souls type games,

yes its easier thats a certain (especially with the ai partner) but u can remove that element if u wish. but the game is fun, it has also of skill depth and choices, and u arent ever locked into one type of weapon/skill tree as such.

i also must say that i felt in dark souls or most from software games two handed weapons always felt like absolute crap to use and almost janky.

code vein so far ive not even touched a single handed weapon i got a 2hander at the start and right away it felt so good to use
it's good that steam is back but if that ever happens again, I'll transition to GOG since it lets me download my games and I don't need a client.
code vein is awesome im loving it very much. i recommend it to any fans of souls or souls type games,

yes its easier thats a certain (especially with the ai partner) but u can remove that element if u wish. but the game is fun, it has also of skill depth and choices, and u arent ever locked into one type of weapon/skill tree as such.

i also must say that i felt in dark souls or most from software games two handed weapons always felt like absolute crap to use and almost janky.

code vein so far ive not even touched a single handed weapon i got a 2hander at the start and right away it felt so good to use

I actually prefer that it's easier, to be honest (and the fact that people who might want to make it harder can do so). Big fan of the AI going with me and how aggressive it is.
Yeah, i don't need every game i play to be a trial of frustration and Code Vein is easy enough for me at the moment. I'm sure if i "Git Gud" i'll start to think about making things harder but as someone who is not used to the Souls style of game i'm happy enough even though i've died a few times as i'm still trying to work out the parry and guard timing.

NarohDethan Don't watch this.

Yeah, i don't need every game i play to be a trial of frustration and Code Vein is easy enough for me at the moment. I'm sure if i "Git Gud" i'll start to think about making things harder but as someone who is not used to the Souls style of game i'm happy enough even though i've died a few times as i'm still trying to work out the parry and guard timing.

NarohDethan Don't watch this.

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I've tried a bunch of games and all of them have problems with Steam controller.:/ But I think it's mostly me using beta OS on my Mac, and Steam being in beta also, so can't expect much from trying to game with niche hardware.XD

What kind of problems? I use the Steam Controller for 100% of my gaming and I can't remember any game causing issues. It might indeed be a Mac or beta thing.
What kind of problems? I use the Steam Controller for 100% of my gaming and I can't remember any game causing issues. It might indeed be a Mac or beta thing.
It's usually that it doesn't really work, like in A Short Hike, only up works and some button presses but most often it's that it doesn't work at all. But some games it works just fine, thus far Chasm and Hollow Knight work.

But yeah it's probably the beta thing, had some issues with it even with the xbox controller, it works worse than the steam controller.
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