Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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Im gonna get it as soon as Im done with some other games on my list.

Too many good games being released these days. Still have to get AoW: Planetfall, Remnant and Greedfall too.

he's not wrong

Considering Epic is rushing to fix up their half-ass launcher after Steam's beta has everyone happily playing around with their libraries, this stinks of them being petty and trying to take as many little jabs at Valve as they can. How many people bitched about the Cool Spot game, or Pepsiman, or Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool? It's not like this is the first time a product has ever been made into a game for advertising purposes.

he's not wrong
He's also not totally right.

I don't love that the thing exists, but it is still a game, and largely much higher effort than a traditional ad would be. I don't know under what grounds you could deny that game from being on the store.

Like MJunioR just said, the (Burger) King Games trilogy was kind of funny. Pepsiman is dumb and simple, but still technically a "real" game. Cool Spot, despite being a 7-Up ad is actually a fairly decent game. Chex Quest was a pretty charming total conversion of DOOM. One of the rarer Atari 2600 games you see collectors looking for sometimes is Chase the Chuck Wagon, which is a dumb advertisement for Purina Dog Food.

And if you want to really be technical, all the sports games like Formula 1, FIFA, NBA 2K, WWE 2K, and NASCAR Heat are all glorified league advertisement and product placement.

I dunno, I think this is a weird thing to get worked up about. Advergames have existed for almost forty years, they're nothing new. Why get self-righteous about them now except to shit on Valve?
And as an addendum real quick to address this line: Next: McDonald's Breakfast Sim, Cola-Cola's Christmas Adventure & Russia Today's Newsroom Tycoon?"

It's funny that at least two of these imagined examples (which are supposed to inspire us with horror I guess?) already exist.

Coca-Cola Kid came out in the 90s for the Game Gear. McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure came out in the 90s as well for the Genesis. And I'm not sure if they were ever made, but Russia's Ministry of Culture was indeed paying their Military History Society to make games.

I'd certainly draw the line at country-made/paid propaganda like those Russian games, or America' Army...but guess what?

America's Army has already been on Steam before lmfao.

Again, I don't love the KFC game, but it's weird to me that a dumb VN parody is suddenly when people get upset about advergames. They've been around for almost 40 years, it's not like the sanctity of gaming is just now having its virgin purity besmirched or something.
Code Vein looks like it has solid gameplay, from a stream I watched.

And I decided on picking up the new Destiny. I didn’t mind the first round for what it was, despite its leaning toward mindlessness. This looks to bring it back toward tinkering with loot and builds, so that with the core gunplay should entertain me for a little while.
It's solid, at least judging from the 5 or so hours I played so far.

However, the coop isn't as well-balanced as in Dark Souls and might make it a bit too easy. Very fun though!
Is it? I was waiting for your opinion since I know you liked the Souls series
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One of the stories in code vein just legit made me tear up a bit.
Like, seriously, the game is fantastic. Very glad i picked it up despite the reviews.

It's solid, at least judging from the 5 or so hours I played so far.

However, the coop isn't as well-balanced as in Dark Souls and might make it a bit too easy. Very fun though!

Nah, the game is just too easy in general. It's definitely the games biggest flaw. Coop or not.
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One of the stories in code vein just legit made me tear up a bit.
Like, seriously, the game is fantastic. Very glad i picked it up despite the reviews.

Nah, the game is just too easy in general. It's definitely the games biggest flaw. Coop or not.
Yeah, they were talking about difficulty so much pre-release I expected it to be harder. But it's still good.
I think Apple are racists, there are two color profiles for my Mac "Color LCD" and Colour LCD", checking the info there's no difference they are both made by apple, BUT, "Color LCD" is so much better, such vibrant colours! Damn Americans who think they are better than everyone.
I dont have a favorite one tbh, I dont follow it much but I always enjoy watching pro play every other month.

also I suck at it :p
I definitely don't watch it as I used to but it's always fun to catch up, this is the first tournament that I watch since the Major New Legends stage.

Regarding Astralis vs Liquid, Vertigo will be a blast to watch. I love watching this map even though all the hate it gets from pros is kinda justified.
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Reactions: NarohDethan
Volvo Support pls
1- I've been in my country for weeks now
2- I've purchased with my card IN my country from steam before
3- I've not used VPN to buy anything at all these past couple of days

I am not using a card outside my region. Volvo Support pls.....

Anyways, have some Mini Ninja
Also watching Liquid - Astralis. I was a huge fan of the Brazilian core back when they were dominating, nowadays since they suck I don't really care for any of the big teams, but probably Liquid is the one I like the most
Also watching Liquid - Astralis. I was a huge fan of the Brazilian core back when they were dominating, nowadays since they suck I don't really care for any of the big teams, but probably Liquid is the one I like the most
I have a bit of faith in this new MiBR. It's kinda strange to see FalleN without cold but kNg is super fun to watch and in Moscow fer was playing like it was 2015 all over again, good stuff

99 pages, wow, this must be the first month we reach this number, almost 100.

I think that the June thread still has holds the record but it's great to see the monthly Steam threads growing consistently :minos_cozy:
MJunioR Gevin how’s the game looking? I got off ir because I was talking to my mother, apparently some assholes broke into the house next to hers and another one down the block, and she is understandably concerned.
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MJunioR Gevin how’s the game looking? I got off ir because I was talking to my mother, apparently some assholes broke into the house next to hers and another one down the block, and she is understandably concerned.
Woah, that sucks. Take care Naroh.

Regarding the game, Liquid had a good start, they had a 6 - 0 lead until gla1ve and xyp9x went nuts and started getting some rounds, ending the first half 9 - 6 to Liquid. On the second half Liquid disappeared and Astralis just rolled over them, 0 - 10 for the Danes, so the first map ended 9 - 16 Astralis
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Reactions: NarohDethan
I just finished Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and it plays really well with the Steam Controller.

I've tried a bunch of games and all of them have problems with Steam controller.:/ But I think it's mostly me using beta OS on my Mac, and Steam being in beta also, so can't expect much from trying to game with niche hardware.XD

Nope, doesn't look like it.
It isn't really needed, but I enjoyed it as an in-between the main games. I think they say that it's an aside thing, but also that it is part of the "whole".
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Reactions: Ascheroth
I was interested before in Rebel Cops but the limited number of save for normal difficulty kept me away. They appear the have patched the option for unlimited saves now so I will probably grab it.

In unrelated "news", found out today that it was a fucking Widows patch ( KB4515384 ) that was messing the sound levels in several games (like Greedfall) for me. Well... at least they just released a fix.

Do you have the inbetween episode also? A Bird Story?
Butting in just to say I was just looking for something short and interesting to play today or tomorrow and it's cheap over here, so thanks :P
started some Ni No Kuni 2 and i know its been a long time since the first one i had played on ps3 but this is more ARPGy so far. looks gorgeous though
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Reactions: BO7AMMOOD
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