I'm so tired this year for some reason, I said running never got easier for me even though I've been at it for over a year, but at least I was getting better results, but since this year started running actually got progressively harder each day, at first I thought it's the speed I was going at (even though I didn't run that much faster), because I was trying to speed things up, but that doesn't seem to be the case because I'm gradually running slower again, this has lasted for weeks if not months, every morning I struggle to complete my bare minimum and sometimes I even have to stop a bit earlier, but I try to compensate by taking the uphill routes for days like that just to make sure I tried my best.
Back in November I was basically running almost 2x to 4x the distance I'm currently running each day, I haven't really been doing anything different in terms of diet or sleep, in fact I don't doze off during the day now probably because I don't run as much, but man I feel drained each morning, but I'd feel worse if I just sit and do nothing (I already do jack shit the rest of the day sitting around).
I'll keep at it but man shit sucks

I also dropped lifting completely because I'm just not in the mood for that crap anymore.