Community Birthday Council - Level Up!


Dr. Boom Boom
Oct 17, 2018
Quebec, Canada
Happy birthday r3n4ud, Xclash and sprinkles! Hope it's a great one for you three! :partyblob2:

Thank you both for the birthday wishes (technically it doesn't start for another 45 minutes in my time zone)
Happy Birthday r3n4ud and Xclash!
Have an awesome day!

And, for the second time in a week, Happy Birthday to you as well, sprinkles! 🎂
Man, you're getting old twice as fast as everyone in here! :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:
Happy birthday r3n4ud and Xclash! :partyblob2::partyblob2::partyblob2:

And happy birthday sprinkles! :partyblob::partyblob::partyblob: See you next week for your next one.
Thanks a lot guys. Really, it means a lot :cat-heart-blob:


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Fuck it. Happy birthday @lashman, you old dog:giggle:
It's @lashman's birthday? :face-screaming-in-fear:
Happy birthday @lashman! You've been an amazing friend and deserve to have a great day! :partyblob2:
I have no idea when lash’s birthday is 😂
hm... happy day, lash :p
In that case, Happy non-birthday, @lashman.
it's not my birthday ... stop that :disapproval-blob: