Community Gaming Screenshots 2019

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Dec 24, 2018
that bad, eh? well at least the screenshots are awesome as always
I don't know what it is about the game... I'm just not feeling it. I really don't like the combat, and I just landed on a planet with nonstop combat down a very long, linear section. Then after all that, I get to another large town with a ton of stuff to start doing, but at that point I was burnt out.

It's.... ok. I'd probably like it more if I just turned the difficulty down and played it for the quests. Maybe I'll continue with it after a little break.

Onto the next game that I'm somewhat disappointed about...

Suckiro: Ucharted Jedi Souls. Or... no. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. There we go.

I'm a little ways into the game but didn't want to take shots. But I gave it a go. Pretty basic ones.



Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
It's.... ok. I'd probably like it more if I just turned the difficulty down and played it for the quests. Maybe I'll continue with it after a little break.
yeah, that might not be a bad idea :)

also - those shots are fucking incredible! :)


Dec 24, 2018
I gave this game's visuals a lot of shit before I played it but... seeing it in motion is another story. For a sci fi game with new planets to explore, thus limited opportunities for photogrammetry, it does a fantastic job.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I gave this game's visuals a lot of shit before I played it but... seeing it in motion is another story. For a sci fi game with new planets to explore, thus limited opportunities for photogrammetry, it does a fantastic job.
yeah, it can look really really good!

The Janitor

Junior Member
Jul 13, 2019
HUD toggle for Halo Reach:

Just two unspectacular gameplay shots, I tried restoring the bloom effect that got lost from the 360 version with Reshade.
I wish there was TAA, or atleast a resolution slider that goes above 100 because downsampling from 4K isn't really enough.



Hentai Specialist
Sep 20, 2018
Nice, thanks for the hud toggle, gonna use that when I play reach, but man that gun is so damn huge in fps these days.
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The Janitor

Junior Member
Jul 13, 2019
Nice, thanks for the hud toggle, gonna use that when I play reach, but man that gun is so damn huge in fps these days.
You can set crosshair position to classic which lowers the gun but it' s pretty weird having the crosshair so far down on the screen.
Wish there was a way to only lower the model without affecting where the gun shoots.


Sep 8, 2019
aww, i'm gonna miss those ... and these are spectacular, as always! :) good job

not bad ... not bad at all, especially considering how old this game is :)
It looks better with sharpening and all that jazz, honestly in movement its very convincing ! I still can't understand how in the world did that cost 80 millions and how much of a failure it has been management wise

I don't want to think about new "mmos projects" such as Lineage Eternal but I kinda do and it makes me sad. The only promise that has been fulfilled is Lost Ark it seems like
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
They did it, they really did it.. one can never leave the screenshot life. They will always pull you back in. :p

Once again I bring more early Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order screens. Still trying to decide on a lightsaber color to stick with, thanks for that mod by the way EdwardTivrusky! So look for it to change quite often during my first few batches.



Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
Haven't gotten much in depth with the Cam mode of FH4, but it's fun even in default

Sakura Wars Fan Translation - SSF Emulator. Very modern-feeling VN/Dating Sim/SRPG-Lite game!
Off-topic, but how has the game been like? Are there issues with SSF as opposed to RetroArch?
And any issues with the translation patch?


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Off-topic, but how has the game been like? Are there issues with SSF as opposed to RetroArch?
And any issues with the translation patch?
No issues encountered yet. It just doesn't run in SSF by loading the cue file directly, it needs to be mounted with Daemon Tools instead (which is fine, it's only semi recently that SSF even added the ability to load the files directly - or I hadn't noticed it was there early enough). It feels like an official release except for the untranslated screen warning you to input Disc 1 instead of 2 if you try to start a new game from 2 (there's probably going to be a similar screen telling you to input Disc 2 if you try to load a save from that with Disc 1 in) and in another instance during a card mini game where the involved girl has some VA without a subtitles window present as there's a different GUI altogether so that remains untranslated as it also isn't a FMV video they could have encoded the subtitles on, but it's probably just minor flavor stuff and exclamations, you have proper dialogues before and after and the mini game elements are properly translated.
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Sep 8, 2019
Darksiders Genesis

All done with it, I'm frustrated because I can't get the achievement tied to Apocalyptic difficulty completion (its bugged) but I will say this : there's not a single Darksiders game that I found "average". They're all very competent games and it also occured to me that the characters / voice work in there is some top notch shit since the very first one

Can only recommend this game, for 20€ on cdkeys its an absolute steal


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
It's just SSF emulator's scalines enabled with 50% opacity or whatever that slider it has is. Something like 70% in the first set. SSF doesn't have shaders and stuff, the only enhancements you can do are the scanlines, bilinear filtering, real transparencies in place of Saturn's mesh transparencies and also to deinterlace games like Virtua Fighter 2 so they don't look weird. I also played it in a larger window but SSF's own screenshot function seems to always grab the image before the upscale but using MSI Afterburner screenshot function it gets a black bar at the bottom instead like it doesn't capture the whole image.
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