It's pretty affordable for me. The overhead gets high (console, PC upgrades) but aside from that, I can't remember the last time I spent more than $40 purchasing a single game, unless it's something I'm giga-hyped for.
Most of my money goes towards my primary game, League of Legends (~$450 over 5 years).
I'm pretty blessed since I live in the States, have family support, and will likely be working for the government when I get out of college (next year). That way, I can buy games w/out a second thought. Still, I just find that most games don't give me that visceral excitement like they used to when I was a teenager. Perhaps it's reading all those gaming industry horror stories and seeing all that micro-transaction BS that's made me jaded. Therefore, I don't really buy most stuff until it's $20 or less, which happens relatively quickly.
Hopefully when I start working full-time, that love of gaming will re-kindle.