Q&A Inconveniencing NPCs


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
What are some of the things you do to inconvenience NPCs? I don't mean something story related or you do to pass time while waiting for animations to finish or whatever.

To give simple examples in Dishonored games I purposely would mess up the room for characters I didn't like. I would jump on their tables and kick things around. If something had physics I made sure to displace it or break it.

I'm playing The Witcher 3 and I had some pompous buttholes prep me to meet an important fellow. So before picking my outfit and talking to the chamberlain to move things forward I attempted to stay just in a towel, and when he didn't allow that, I walked around and put out every candle in the room.

These things shouldn't have any actual impact to the NPC. I'm looking for things that you do only for your own satisfaction in your mind. Tell me what you do so I know I'm not the only one that makes sure bad-natured or annoying NPCs have terrible lives that the game doesn't address, but you know after you turn off the game the NPC is going to bitch about it.
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Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018
Take of all clothes and talk to the person. Except a few, no games have consequences for that.

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
I do find it amusing when an NPC is giving an important speech or briefing and im going right up into their face and running around the room like a loon.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Oh god, some people go bananas when they find out that you wander off during an NPC speech or jump up and down on their tables and stuff. I like to see if i can push them about the room a bit, sit in their chair, or try to balance stuff on them, throw things at them etc

Mostly i just stand there and listen but sometimes it's more fun to dick about. Part of the reason i play Lalafell in FFXIV is because of the cutscene glitches and oddness that happens when the game can't quite keep your short-arse in view. Mind you i've never been one to clutch at pearls and cry mournfully about "my immersions" so eh.

Hello, NPC-Spod have a bucket hat!