Community MetaSteam | April 2019 - "Objection!" the One Finger Fatality

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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Just finished Grow Up. Very enjoyable ~4-5 hours (didn't do everything though).
If you liked Grow Home, you'll probably like this too.

Are there any similar games? As in, games primarily about exploring a strange world with a focus on traversal.
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Is there a site that looks at your games and tells you which one is quick to beat/100%?
don't know about a site that looks at your games, but you can look up a game on howlongtobeat and see how long it takes to get 100%.
Go one step further. On just scroll down on the home page a little to where it asks how long to beat your Steam collection. Just enter your Steam username and it'll look it up. There's then sorting options to change it from shortest to longest.
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Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
Past 55% in Konami pixel puzzle and it's getting too hard, or more precisely too much guessing and I hate that. I think I really need to uninstall it, I just cant stop playing it until I finish it and at this point it's mostly frustrating.:sweaty-blob:
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I did it, I finally finished Umineko: When They Cry Part 2!
That really was one hell of a long game (both parts took me just a bit under 80 hours, and I would be lying if I didn't feel like the length was exhausting at points), but what an amazing end of an amazing story. I can't really think of anything like it and after reading it I can also affirm that it is absolutely a must-read VN.
That awesome soundtrack too.

Finally I can take a look at the store page for the Fighting game without getting spoiled.


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
Past 55% in Konami pixel puzzle and it's getting too hard, or more precisely too much guessing and I hate that. I think I really need to uninstall it, I just cant stop playing it until I finish it and at this point it's mostly frustrating.:sweaty-blob:
The other day I cleared all the Normal puzzles and am left with Boss Puzzles.
My life feels empty now....
I only ever used Hints to solve the handful of puzzles left interestingly enough. I hardly used them before even on the harder ones hehe.
Make sure to apply basic math and probability and you can solve the harder ones without much hassle.
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OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
Past 55% in Konami pixel puzzle and it's getting too hard, or more precisely too much guessing and I hate that. I think I really need to uninstall it, I just cant stop playing it until I finish it and at this point it's mostly frustrating.:sweaty-blob:
I don't think you need to do any guessing in Picross, unless the puzzles are badly designed.
Read up on some advanced techniques here
I did it, I finally finished Umineko: When They Cry Part 2!
That really was one hell of a long game (both parts took me just a bit under 80 hours, and I would be lying if I didn't feel like the length was exhausting at points), but what an amazing end of an amazing story. I can't really think of anything like it and after reading it I can also affirm that it is absolutely a must-read VN.
That awesome soundtrack too.

Finally I can take a look at the store page for the Fighting game without getting spoiled.
Just in time for Ryuukishi07 to announce the 9th Umineko episode, amirite?
Wonder if we'll see it translated...


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Well my young cousin learned about Ancient Egypt and Hieroglyphs, so i figured I'd get the AC Origins from Hamble Monthly a little early. Will aim to play it during the summer and beat it so I can let him explore a virtual Ancient Egypt and spare his parents the money for a trip there :V
I haven't played it myself, but Origins has an "education/explore" mode as well, isolated from the main game.
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OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
I've restarted playing Konami Pixel Puzzles through Bluestacks.
Just couldn't handle touch only controls for 15x15 puzzles on my phone.
Now I have no control issues, it's just the bloody bootup process for Bluestacks that's annoying.
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Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
The other day I cleared all the Normal puzzles and am left with Boss Puzzles.
My life feels empty now....
I only ever used Hints to solve the handful of puzzles left interestingly enough. I hardly used them before even on the harder ones hehe.
Make sure to apply basic math and probability and you can solve the harder ones without much hassle.
Wait you can choose? I always get random and I've done bunch of bosses already. Now I seem to only have left five star puzzles.

I don't think you need to do any guessing in Picross, unless the puzzles are badly designed.
Read up on some advanced techniques here

Just in time for Ryuukishi07 to announce the 9th Umineko episode, amirite?
Wonder if we'll see it translated...
I do see myself little of a picross veteran.:D but it being on mobile and the puzzles are smaller I guess I'm more stressed and in a hurry than I would usually be.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Seems like Jedi Knight 3, hope it's good, the only thing hinting at gameplay was the guy's cut-scene wallrun, maybe you can do that stuff as in Titanfall 2.

Hope this is good cos the VR SW game didn't look very promising, like a dodgy episodic Life is Strange type thing with puzzles and some dodgy combat.

I guess they chose the wrong studio to collaborate with, this should have been an awesome Insomniac level seamless action adventure, like Stormland...
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Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Hopefully there'll be a charactor creator, cos the MC is B L A N D
I expect a 0% chance of that. They wouldn't have pushed a new lead character and then featured him as focus of their new trailer if they intend to let you create your own. That would have to be part of the initial showing with the trailer going through a variety of player made lead characters and then parroting it on the stage afterwards. "That's right, you survived Order 66!"
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Wow, and I thought I might seem too invested with my few paragraphs on the topic. This guy's on another level, and with the dumbest arguments to boot. What fair play and good will has Epic shown that Valve hasn't? How's Valve being a private company whose bosses make a fuckton of money (like, what successful company's higher ups don't?) a worse deal than Epic's common public company status? He even admits his own company is private. Does he take the same wage as rando programmer and artist? Yeah right. And saying that all Steam has done is make Gaben richer is the dumbest thing, as if the service has remained the same for 16 years when they keep evolving all the time and even doing all kinds of other things like opening the way for successful home VR. And all the same monopoly crap arguments. WTF? As for Epic's new ways to license engine and shit for cheaper, that was a direct result of Unity and other engines you could use for low fees or even free expanding their capabilities and reach. And then he talks about how in the future EGS will surpass Steam in terms of features and customer support. That basically ignores Epic's own roadmap for the service which shows them remain far behind even at the end of it. Basically every argument against EGS he just says "but no it's actually not like you think and it's good" with nothing to back it up with and sprinkles it with trash talking Steam. How about not putting Borderlands 3 in 6 months on Steam then, bozo? The more you read of that rant the dumber you get. Avoid. Not recommended. 1/10.
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Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
Wow, and I thought I might seem too invested with my few paragraphs on the topic. This guy's on another level, and with the dumbest arguments to boot. What fair play and good will has Epic shown that Valve hasn't? How's Valve being a private company whose bosses make a fuckton of money (like, what successful company's higher ups don't?) a worse deal than Epic's common public company status? He even admits his own company is private. Does he take the same wage as rando programmer and artist? Yeah right. And saying that all Steam has done is make Gaben richer is the dumbest thing, as if the service has remained the same for 16 years when they keep evolving all the time and even doing all kinds of other things like opening the way for successful home VR. WTF?

The more you read of that rant the dumber you get. Avoid. Not recommended. 1/10.
The most hilarious thing is that the's convinced that his Borderlands 3 is the start of some kind of historical revolution in the games industry. And how amazing that Take Two had "the balls" to accept Epic's millions for 6 months of exclusivity? 😅


Junior Member
Dec 31, 2018
The most hilarious thing is that the's convinced that his Borderlands 3 is the start of some kind of historical revolution in the games industry. And how amazing that Take Two had "the balls" to accept Epic's millions for 6 months of exclusivity? 😅
Are you trying to imply that it's not incredibly brave and admirable that someone decided to accept multi-million dollar deal to attack Steam's monopoly on the market?

On a more serious note, I'm surprised how far some of these developers go with their mental gymnastics just to justify their doings. Like, we all know the reason you accepted the deal with Epic, is it really that difficult to take some responsibility for your own actions without treating people like complete idiots?

Ex-User (307)

Dec 11, 2018
Hopefully there'll be a charactor creator, cos the MC is B L A N D
I didn't have chance to watch the trailer, saw people saying the MC looked bland, finally just booted up the trailer and this is me right now:

That's the best they could come up with after all these years? If you're going to do some white 20-something can still do better than Cameron Monaghan. He better be immaculately written and surrounded by some amazingly interesting cast, because that did not hit any of the beats I was hoping for.
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Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
Wow at the Pitchford tweet thread....

One could probably write an entire essay on everything wrong with it, but I found the idea that somehow Epic is really "altruistic" and is always reinvesting it's profits while Valve hides it's bags of cash particularly funny.
Meanwhile, as the quality of Epic’s technology improved, so did its success in business. What did Epic do? They used their increased success to lead they way in business terms. They reduce licensing rates for developers and created new ways to become a licensee. They increased accessibility to the engine so that folks like you can download and learn how to use Unreal Engine to become a game developer yourself - for free. And, when you want to commercially release something, there is a very competitive and fair price for that. Meanwhile, Valve has taken an absurd cut of the revenue - which would be fine except they have not reinvested it. This is where looking at the values of the company are important.
Now, I don't want to diminish anything relating to the Unreal Engine, but I think the... competition (as in real competition) Unity was offering had something to do with all the changes...

In other "news", I actually 100% Supraland (22 hours). Let me again praise the game and it's great pacing. Found a super "late game" upgrade that made hunting the last chests way easier and fun :)


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Iirc CryEngine went free to use (or close to that) around that time too. They really had to do changes to the obsolete Unreal licensing terms to get back on top, especially to remain in use with the many other companies that were choosing to develop their own in house engines again. UE was faltering big time. If they didn't open up to indies in this manner I really doubt they would be at the position they're in now, even with successfully going after Japan.

If PUBG never happened they also would never have the chance for a store, Fortnite would be another failure like Paragon or Battleborn... Damn you PUBG.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
No character creator in Fallen Order = No buy for me. 😬

It's fine if they wanna feature one dude for marketing like Mass Effect and MaleShep, but please let me make my own... please? 🙏
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Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018

Stick a fork in Pinball Arcade...
Also I hope you all buy One Finger Death Punch 2, it's 1 dialled up to eleven. I think I might actually be a ninja now.
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Álvaro de Campos

O nada que é tudo.
Mar 12, 2019
The most hilarious thing is that the's convinced that his Borderlands 3 is the start of some kind of historical revolution in the games industry. And how amazing that Take Two had "the balls" to accept Epic's millions for 6 months of exclusivity? 😅
It's pure sophistry. You can make almost anything sound good by framing it as brave or courageous.
Randy Pitchford had the courage to leave a USB full of questionable content at a public restaurant when no-one else would!
Hitler was brave enough to invade Poland and turn the rest of the world against him!


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018


No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018

Got my first Mad Cat IIIX on Roguetech. Can only outfit it with half the systems in LIAO space

Y'all can clap yourself on the shoulder with that mediocre Sekiro, the real (wo)men play Roguetech.
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