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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018

back in Final Fantasy 14

  • when playing the current expansion: Oh no! the MSQ is finished, I had hoped to get more :/
  • when finishing the previous expansion to unlock the current expansion: OH MY GOD! WHEN DOES THIS FUCKING END! I WANT TO PLAY THE CURRENT EXPANSION!


Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018

back in Final Fantasy 14

  • when playing the current expansion: Oh no! the MSQ is finished, I had hoped to get more :/
  • when finishing the previous expansion to unlock the current expansion: OH MY GOD! WHEN DOES THIS FUCKING END! I WANT TO PLAY THE CURRENT EXPANSION!
This is why I lost interest in the game honestly. I came back for HW and going through that trudge at the end of ARR - while your experience was maxed too - doing all those fetch quests was miserable and you get nothing to show for it. Later, I gave up halftway through the end of HW content when I tried to come back for Stormblood. I don't want to spend tens of hours. if not at least a hundred, doing irrelevant content to catch up to the majority of people. I know everyone raves about the story, but I found ARR and HW to be pretty bland - I just want to do dungeons, raids, crafting, etc.:blobweary:


Dec 10, 2018
So wasn't intending on grabbing anything in the current sale. However hadn't noticed that the MCC was in there with 50% off. So grabbed that.

Then spent the weekend playing FF14 and Adeptus Titanicus (tabletop).

Guess that's another one for the backlog.

Now to try and avoid buying Ender Lillies.


back in Final Fantasy 14

  • when playing the current expansion: Oh no! the MSQ is finished, I had hoped to get more :/
  • when finishing the previous expansion to unlock the current expansion: OH MY GOD! WHEN DOES THIS FUCKING END! I WANT TO PLAY THE CURRENT EXPANSION!
I get this as well. I am about 2/3rds of the way through Stormbringers and it just isn't as good as Heavensward (still good though). But doesn't help that the people I usually group up with are doing the Nier Automata raids and I really want to be working on them.

But I am really enjoying the game and I think it is the best JRPG story I have played in a long time.


Nov 4, 2018


Dec 10, 2018
Welp, I'm out. :disappointed-face:
Yup, same here. I love the Dark Fantasy Aesthetics of the game but I just can't handle this sort of difficult game anymore. Same problem I had with Hollow Knight. Loved everything about the game except the difficulty.

But I am glad these games exist, I can at least admire them from a distance. Plus the people who love difficult games get something to chew on.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
Well I've refunded 2 of the games I bought during the sale. Both were cheap and short and I couldn't be bothered to get halfway through either. Really dissappointed especially in Lithium City, I'm not sure where all the positive reviews are coming from as they don't really reflect the game I played - design issues abound, a terrible checkpoint system, it's not puzzle-like at all (enemy attacks are essentially RNG as they may try to melee you from across the screen resulting in you dashing into a hitbox and dying for no actual reason). It's like, 60-70% of the way towards being a game I would think more positively of but it's just worse than everything like it I've played for obvious reasons and isn't fun once any attempt at "depth" starts to get added.
It reminds me of my experience with Bloodstained. It truly felt like no one that reviewed it positively had played the same game as I did and I pushed through and finished that hoping it would get better eventually, and it never did. I do wonder if having played a bunch of really excellent metroidvanias made it hit that much weaker, and having played so many games like Hyper Light Drifter and Hotline Miami made Lithium City underwhelm so strongly.


Oct 9, 2018
Yup, same here. I love the Dark Fantasy Aesthetics of the game but I just can't handle this sort of difficult game anymore. Same problem I had with Hollow Knight. Loved everything about the game except the difficulty.

But I am glad these games exist, I can at least admire them from a distance. Plus the people who love difficult games get something to chew on.
I’m kinda the same; I like Souls-likes but I’ve only so much time and energy to give to a genre that is inherently difficult and rather stressful.
I tend to stick to From’s titles and little else these days.

although Code Vein is anime Souls so I’ll maybe give that a go on game pass 😛🤔

It's getting a free big expansion at some point, might leave game pass before that is out, just fyi.
On the other hand that expansion has been promised for more than a year now at least, if not longer, and still has no date I believe.
If I were interested in playing it I’d just go for it and not wait, cos god knows how long you’ll be waiting.
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Nov 4, 2018
Here's our review of Ender Lilies, my colleague really liked it.

Sadly the game is not for me, my hopes were rekindled when I read that there's a levelling system but it seems that you are still quite fragile even on higher levels. That means I can't apply my Dark Souls trick of grinding until I am way overleveled and steamrolling everything :surrenderblob:
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Dec 17, 2018
On the other hand that expansion has been promised for more than a year now at least, if not longer, and still has no date I believe.
If I were interested in playing it I’d just go for it and not wait, cos god knows how long you’ll be waiting.
Well it is free, the DLC was not suppose to happen, probably the game sold much better than expected and the devs wanted to make people happy. I see absolutely nothing wrong with the developer taking their game with a free big DLC.

Noone was promised a free DLC for the game, noone was promised any sort of DLC, it's just the devs wanting to do more as a "thank you", really. The DLC being both big and free is just the cream on top of the latte.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Here's our review of Ender Lilies, my colleague really liked it.

Sadly the game is not for me, my hopes were rekindled when I read that there's a levelling system but it seems that you are still quite fragile even on higher levels. That means I can't apply my Dark Souls trick of grinding until I am way overleveled and steamrolling everything :surrenderblob:
You can always just tweak the difficulty with Cheat Engine.


Nov 4, 2018
You can always just tweak the difficulty with Cheat Engine.
I have actually never used cheat engine before, the thought never occurred to me. Once Hollow Knight became too difficult for me I just stopped playing. It's not a "you cheated not only the game but yourself" thing I think, but I do feel somewhat weird at the thought. I honestly don't know why.


Jan 9, 2021

back in Final Fantasy 14

  • when playing the current expansion: Oh no! the MSQ is finished, I had hoped to get more :/
  • when finishing the previous expansion to unlock the current expansion: OH MY GOD! WHEN DOES THIS FUCKING END! I WANT TO PLAY THE CURRENT EXPANSION!
I'm waiting for the Make It Rain campaign in july to play another month, last time I really enjoyed doing cozy side things as Triple Triad, Gold Saucer, crafting and fishing :steam_pigblanket:
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
I have actually never used cheat engine before, the thought never occurred to me. Once Hollow Knight became too difficult for me I just stopped playing. It's not a "you cheated not only the game but yourself" thing I think, but I do feel somewhat weird at the thought. I honestly don't know why.
don't feel weird ... that's how i play the majority of my games :p as in: playing normally until i get bored, or the game gets too difficult ... and then cheat my ass off until i'm done with it (i mostly really care about stories in games anyway)


Apr 19, 2019
don't feel weird ... that's how i play the majority of my games :p as in: playing normally until i get bored, or the game gets too difficult ... and then cheat my ass off until i'm done with it (i mostly really care about stories in games anyway)
It's funny looking at the different approaches each one of us has regarding the same medium.
Personally I like difficult games and usually play them in their hardest difficulty setting. I really enjoy the feeling of overcoming a tough obstacle or being able to "break" the systems the developers made (min-maxing for instance).
And I also never used cheats :cuteblob: Not judging anyone that does, it's just a silly badge of honor I like tobrag about from time to time :face-savouring-delicious-food:


Dec 10, 2018
don't feel weird ... that's how i play the majority of my games :p as in: playing normally until i get bored, or the game gets too difficult ... and then cheat my ass off until i'm done with it (i mostly really care about stories in games anyway)
I nearly always play easy mode in games, when there is that option, I will happily be the Ninja Dog or work through the Story Mode if it is there.

I loved Nier Automata, but at parts had to use Cheat Engine to get past a couple of bits.

I also think that is why I have kind of gone off Sony Games. Not so much they are bad, but when I get to a point I can't get past (as you said either through boredom or difficulty), no cheat engine. It's telling that my favourite of the Sony Games is Horizon Zero Dawn which had the story mode in it. Even then I preferred the story to the game play, I am sucker for scifi involving nanites/grey goo.

I need to go back to hollow knight and put cheat engine on that...


Apr 18, 2019
I kind of like difficult things... if the nature of the difficulty is something I buy into. That's a pretty big discussion in itself, and in general I'm not a big fan of "memory challenges" that are typically the hallmarks of souls games where pure reactions and reflexes usually aren't enough to survive with the sort of HP you have. Then there's the tedium of retrying. If the game has a nice sort of difficulty, but it takes me 30 seconds of faffing about to retry, I'm usually getting pretty irate at my time being wasted. I tend to like having as little distance between the challenge I need to overcome and my death.

Of course, that means that I absolutely loathe multi-phase bosses where you have to endure phase 1 and 2 just to get back to phase 3 and have a shot at retrying.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I have actually never used cheat engine before, the thought never occurred to me. Once Hollow Knight became too difficult for me I just stopped playing. It's not a "you cheated not only the game but yourself" thing I think, but I do feel somewhat weird at the thought. I honestly don't know why.
I kinda treat Cheats and Mods the same. If there's an aspect of a game I'm not happy with I have no qualms modifying it to my liking.
It also doesn't have to be a choice between "normal game, as the developer intended" and "unkillable game breaking god", there's a ton of options between.
Nothing wrong with activating god mode for a single especially frustrating section and then turning it off again. Or you don't need god mode, but just double your health permanently to have a bit more leeway. Etc.
Sometimes it doesn't even have to be about "difficulty", rather tedium. I happily use the speed hack functionality in a lot of games that have slow walking speed in giant maps, or slow animations and a ton of combat, stuff like that.

It's funny looking at the different approaches each one of us has regarding the same medium.
Personally I like difficult games and usually play them in their hardest difficulty setting. I really enjoy the feeling of overcoming a tough obstacle or being able to "break" the systems the developers made (min-maxing for instance).
And I also never used cheats :cuteblob: Not judging anyone that does, it's just a silly badge of honor I like tobrag about from time to time :face-savouring-delicious-food:

I love playing good challenging games (Hell, I play the Ys games on Nightmare/Inferno).

But I have no issue using cheats to bypass frustrating challenging games, or games where I'm not so invested in. Slain: Back to Hell comes to mind, a game I liked playing cause of the setting and atmosphere but some sections just felt really bad with tons of difficult enemy combinations and large gaps between checkpoints and I had no qualms putting on the god mode for these while playing the rest including all the bosses regularly.


Oct 9, 2018
Well it is free, the DLC was not suppose to happen, probably the game sold much better than expected and the devs wanted to make people happy. I see absolutely nothing wrong with the developer taking their game with a free big DLC.

Noone was promised a free DLC for the game, noone was promised any sort of DLC, it's just the devs wanting to do more as a "thank you", really. The DLC being both big and free is just the cream on top of the latte.
I’m not saying anything against taking their time developing it, not at all.
Just that if you’re someone interested in playing it I’d just go do it rather than wait


Dec 17, 2018
I’m not saying anything against taking their time developing it, not at all.
Just that if you’re someone interested in playing it I’d just go do it rather than wait
Yeah, I understand that, Im just curious how to access the DLC, like in some story DLCs for games there is a certain access point to the DLC in game main game and if you play too much you will have to restart the playthrough.

All of this would of course be solved if accessing the DLC is just it's own option in the menu.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I tend to play on Easy/Normal because Hard modes have tradionally been bullshit where the only difference is you have less health and ammo and they have more and turn into bullet-sponges or hitscan wankers. Ain't nobody got time for that.

I'll also mod a game if i see any mods that interest me or relieve frustration, i'll use SaveEdit Online to give myself more cash and i use WeMod for some compatible games that annoy me as CheatEngine triggers my AV so i can't use it that often. Xenoblade Chronicles X is one of my favorite games ever and it's been made even better because i can use XP Boosts in CEMU... dammit, now i need to play it again.

I mainly play games for story, atmosphere or because they control and flow nicely so modifying difficulty is not really a problem for me as i've never p[ayed for the "challenge".


Non-Stop MMO Searcher
Dec 22, 2018
I only use cheat engine to speed up games or to avoid boring farming.
Yes yes. This recently stood out in Yakuza 7. I walked into the final bonus dungeon and got one shot by the enemies, check online, I need the jobs at Lv.99.

Got a table, edit the exp multiplier, And turned something that would have taken hours into ten minutes.:evilblob:

As Ascheroth said, it’s a very powerful tool in line with modding. I’ve had a friend that even used it for Ni no kuni because they thought it was too easy so they edited the health and damage values of enemies. It doesn’t have to strictly be for “cheats” per say.

I mostly like a challenge, especially if a game plays flawlessly, but sometimes I’m just not invested enough which is when cheat engine is opened
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Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
Want an example of mandela effect?

In the original prince of persia, was the protagonist blonde?
Some will say yes, others no. After some quick search it seems that some ver. Of the game had the Prince with blonde hair, while others had him with black hair.

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
A blonde Prince of Persia sounds so bizarre to me! Maybe because my internal image of him is painted by all the games and art of him, so can even say for sure how I remember him in the first game:


Sep 20, 2018
Want an example of mandela effect?

In the original prince of persia, was the protagonist blonde?
Some will say yes, others no. After some quick search it seems that some ver. Of the game had the Prince with blonde hair, while others had him with black hair.
That's the opposite of the Mandela effect, though. There were some versions that had it blonde, so those people are accurately remembering what they experienced as a child. The Mandela effect is about people mixing up things in the past and "remembering" things that didn't occur. Like how they insist Mandela has been killed, when they are just mixing him up with other black civil rights activists.
(Or if you insists, this is proof that some people are from another dimension if you have an overactive imagination)


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
That's the opposite of the Mandela effect, though. There were some versions that had it blonde, so those people are accurately remembering what they experienced as a child. The Mandela effect is about people mixing up things in the past and "remembering" things that didn't occur. Like how they insist Mandela has been killed, when they are just mixing him up with other black civil rights activists.
(Or if you insists, this is proof that some people are from another dimension if you have an overactive imagination)
Hmm, thing is, for the longest time I remember the Prince being blonde, and while alt. versions or editted versions of games (for other regions) had existed before, I didn't know about it for PoP 1. So for the longest time I just accepted the Prince being blonde in PoP1, until I discussed it one day with some others online and they mentioned a different look or design for the prince.
That's prob. why I see it as a mandela effect for me :X
But I'll stand corrected if this isn't a proper example of it.


Dec 17, 2018
I hope game pass PC works for The Ascent, the price is somewhat high, so I wanna try it out on game pass for a few min before deciding if Im getting it day 1 or later on sale.

Like I downloaded Phog yesterday on PC game pass to try it out and see if it's worth a buy, but no matter what I did the game didn't wanna open, so I had to use my Xbox to try it out. Fucking ridiculous.

My main problem with game pass is that it is a rental service and I wanna play games at my own pace. All the technical issues are secondary. Still, would be very nice not to worry about something fucking up.

A bit ironic is that at the start, when game pass PC was introduced a long time ago, I didn't have the problems I've come across for the past year or so, things worked, didn't even have downloading issues that I know a ton of people have had for a long time. Like I felt lucky that I never had any problems downloading Gears 4, FH3, FH4 etc. whey they releases long time ago.

It's like the more features, the more MS is updating the app, sysem and services on PC, the more problems are introduced.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
It's impressive how a big streamer starting a new MMO can spark interest in a game. I mean, not talking about the obvious surge of new players, but FFXIV is clearly discussed more and in places where it wasn't discussed that much anymore.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, a user in our little board is gonna 1) start the game and 2) posted in something other than the Steam thread ! :fearful-face:


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
It's impressivehow a big streamer starting a new MMO can spark interest in a game. I mean, not talking about the obvious surge of new players, but FFXIV is clearly discussed more and in places where it wasn't discussed that much anymore.
FFXIV gets cycles of attention each time a new Expansion is Announced/Released. there's also a lot of people increasingly dissatisfied with WOW and they are migrating into checking FFXIV. It's been happening for years but each time there's more people involved and more coverage. FFXIV used to have a huge stigma amongst the alpha wow community as being "Weeb Shit" but as more and more mainstream WOW Content Creators have tried out FFXIV then that stigma is reduced.

One of the main problems i had with FFXIV was the increasing numbers of bots and that i got to a point where i had to rely on Public Groups to advance the MSQ. When i get some time i need to read up on their AI Dungeon Helpers and other recent changes but i've other things on my plate before i get back to Eorzea.
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Dec 10, 2018
One of the main problems i had with FFXIV was the increasing numbers of bots and that i got to a point where i had to rely on Public Groups to advance the MSQ. When i get some time i need to read up on their AI Dungeon Helpers and other recent changes but i've other things on my plate before i get back to Eorzea.
I started back in January/February from the beginning of a Realm Reborn and I am about 2/3rds of the way through Stormblood, in fact going to do an MSQ dungeon tonight or tomorrow, depending on how I feel after work. At the moment I am waiting maybe 20 ish minutes to get into Trials/Dungeons/Raids. I do think the roulettes help an awful lot with that though. Only ever used the Duty Finder and never had to use the Group Finder (or whatever it is called).

Also a Tuesday is a good day to get things like that done, all the weekly duties reset then.

I do have the luxury of 2 friends who play as well. I can usually rope them in to helping out if I really struggle (Coils of Bahamut is the only area I have found this).
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Dec 10, 2018
All this FF XIV talk makes me want to pick it back up. :blobeyes:
I'm right after ARR and just stopped cause other things became interesting again. It's a big time investment though :grimacing-face:
Tell me about it, 370 hours since I signed up earlier this year.

Last years time sink was Terraria at around 300 hours.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I started back in January/February from the beginning of a Realm Reborn and I am about 2/3rds of the way through Stormblood, in fact going to do an MSQ dungeon tonight or tomorrow, depending on how I feel after work. At the moment I am waiting maybe 20 ish minutes to get into Trials/Dungeons/Raids. I do think the roulettes help an awful lot with that though. Only ever used the Duty Finder and never had to use the Group Finder (or whatever it is called).

Also a Tuesday is a good day to get things like that done, all the weekly duties reset then.

I do have the luxury of 2 friends who play as well. I can usually rope them in to helping out if I really struggle (Coils of Bahamut is the only area I have found this).
Yeah, i'm effectively solo as the group i'm in is just me and another who doesn't speak or interact but the tag is cool so i stuck with it. lol, and finding a new grou is a pain especially with my superior social avoidance skills.
When i last played 18 months ago it was taking a while to join groups even with Healer priviledges so i kept doing FATES and Events.
I'm a level 32 Conjuror lol because i need to do some MSQ Dungeons.
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Dec 10, 2018
Yeah, i'm effectively solo as the group i'm in is just me and another who doesn't speak or interact but the tag is cool so i stuck with it. lol, and finding a new grou is a pain especially with my superior social avoidance skills.
When i last played 18 months ago it was taking a while to join groups even with Healer priviledges so i kept doing FATES and Events.
I'm a level 32 Conjuror lol because i need to do some MSQ Dungeons.
Tell me about social avoidance skills. Never spoken to anybody in my FC other than the leader, who is a mate. This also comes down to being an older player as well.

Have to let me know what server you are on/would be on. Worse comes to worse I am sure we could get a group together. I know there are ways to jump servers

Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
One of the main problems i had with FFXIV was the increasing numbers of bots and that i got to a point where i had to rely on Public Groups to advance the MSQ. When i get some time i need to read up on their AI Dungeon Helpers and other recent changes but i've other things on my plate before i get back to Eorzea.
Basically from Shadowbringers onwards every dungeon is part of the MSQ and you have the option to run them with AI NPCs. It won't be as fast as doing it with real people but aside from the big trial boss fights you can play the entirety of the MSQ as a single player game now, though that isn't avaiable to the older expansions.


Vogon Poetry Appreciator
Sep 6, 2018
Been playing some Risk of Rain 2 over the weekend with a few friends, and it's scratching the same itch as Returnal; one I didn't know I had until a week ago. It's so intense and fun, and each character adds enough variety that when coupled with the different upgrades you acquire along the way, makes each run feel unique. Instead of the bullet hell patterns of Returnal, here you are confronted with an overwhelming amount of enemies at the same time. I'd say this is a little more unfair than the PS5 exclusive because some bosses can 1-hit kill you, which is always a bummer. Still, great game, and a lot of fun with friends.

PD: it's been ages since I last posted here, so hi everyone!


Apr 18, 2019
Two things turn me off way too much with FFXIV. Namely, the extremely long skill GCD and the aging rendering engine. I can't quite get over those things :/.


Jun 8, 2020
If only I could afford to pay FFXIV sub I would try it again. I was one of the very few players (~10k population at that time) from the 1.0 version that remained until 2.0 released.

It seems my "little" old character is still alive or so I believe.

Also, sorry for the off-topic, got nostalgic a bit.


*doom noises*
Feb 16, 2021
Katana Zero is so amazing, a lot of my friends won't even try it though as they "hate" pixel art style.:angry-face:
Soundtrack is great as well.
Been playing some Risk of Rain 2 over the weekend with a few friends, and it's scratching the same itch as Returnal; one I didn't know I had until a week ago. It's so intense and fun, and each character adds enough variety that when coupled with the different upgrades you acquire along the way, makes each run feel unique. Instead of the bullet hell patterns of Returnal, here you are confronted with an overwhelming amount of enemies at the same time. I'd say this is a little more unfair than the PS5 exclusive because some bosses can 1-hit kill you, which is always a bummer. Still, great game, and a lot of fun with friends.

PD: it's been ages since I last posted here, so hi everyone!
Just so you know and others playing who don't know.
Unless you have the Lunar item Shaped Glass, you have 1 hit protection as long as you're above 90% HP if I recall. (you can see the section when you look at the left of the healthbar).

Most seemingly 1 hits happen by DOT effects like burns. Or getting unlucky and hit by 2 enemies at basically the same time.

EDIT: worded the HP backwards.
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