Community MetaSteam | November 2020 - There Was a Title Here. It's Gone Now.

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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
That's weird, I have zero problems with the game and I game on damned MacBook haha!
Yeah I'm really fucking tired of this shit. I was thinking, maybe buy a new pad, the disconnections might be my pad usb being borked, but that doesn't explain the fps drops from 60 to 40 or 30.
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Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
That's a real shame since I really enjoyed Titanfall 1 and still would have jumped on from time to time but I the lack of players was one of the reasons that I stopped and then years later when I jumped in I was told about those people that would break the servers.

Even though the game doesn't work I still I will still keep it in my Steam library the game only cost about $6 USD and I spent a lot of time on it already on the past and it would be nice to get some Titanfall 1 themed stuff for my Steam profile. Especially with how in the feature Valve will likely make some other changes to Steam profiles.
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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
Anyone else having problems downloading on Steam? I never had problems downloading at full speed (11MB/s 100 mbit)
But today it is only getting 4MB/s spikes and crawls at 100 too 500 kb/s

Other sites are fine


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
You can use the Steam Input UI (it's built into both Big Picture and the classic Steam Overlay) to map the touchpad in a lot of different ways, to keyboard buttons, or combinations of button presses. If MSI Afterburner is set to react to, for example, the F7 button, then you can easily use Steam to map your DS4 touchpad to that.
Only thing you can't do within Steam is binding buttons/chords to launching specific Steam games.
(Simply solved by binding some unused keyboard combo and using AHK or similar to launch Steam shortcut on this combo)


Apr 18, 2019
Speaking of broken games, I'm growing more and more bitter with Elite.

Mining was fun for a while, until I realized how utterly broken the pulse wave scanner was, that is the tool that is used to ping asteroids to figure out which one you should have a crack at. Thing is mounted backwards and doesn't display any hits on things in front of you. Has been broken for three months apparently, and the next thing Frontier does? Why nerf mining of course.

As in, tweak values but in no way actually work on the game. They are nerfing other mining disciplines, and keeping the one requiring the afore-mentioned broken tool more or less lucrative... While not fixing the PWA. It absolutely boggles my mind. The intent is clearly to restore the grind with vague promises about buffing other professions, which I don't buy in the slightest, and leaving deep core mining effectively broken. For all the shit the Elite fanbase gives Star Citizen, at least CIG lives to work on the game and pushes massive updates every quarter, let alone lets people know what is coming. Frontier can't be arsed to implement a fucking toggle for mouse relative mode after five years of people asking and people still have little to no idea of the scope of Odyssey, dropping in a few months. Also, what's that excuse about DCM requiring more skill than disco-laser mining? The only thing it requires is a mini-game and more user interaction, meaning people can't afk-youtube-bypass-the-grind, which I guess is the only thing they really care about.

Speaking of, FA off is actually not giving you access to the ship's full capabilities that you can employ in the blue zone under FA on. That bullshit is still in effect and only by flying a Challenger did I not notice because the thing can actually maneuver like a proper spaceship instead of a plane in space. This game does not have proper physics after all, or at least not an even remotely consistent physical behavior for thrust, which really amounts to physics being bonkers for all intents and purposes.

I'll stop there, but while not completely disgusted with the game, I am very pissed and fed up at this particular moment. Frontier needs to get a fucking grip and deserve every bit of shit the fanbase gives them. Speaking of fanbase, the behavior of their community managers and employees on their official forums has always been beyond the pale, but the patch notes thread reminded me how contemptuous they were. Passive-aggressive snark at people unhappy with the patch, condescension and what have you. But nobody says a thing, for some reason. It baffles me.

On a more positive note, Yakuza 0 has drawn me in in ways I hadn't expected. They are playing the mood and tropes straight, and it just works so damn well.
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Apr 17, 2019
Once I finish Soma I'm gonna replay DOS2. It's one of my favorite games ever and it got so many updates since I played it at launch, not to mention I want to try the 2 characters I didn't use the first time. Should be worth the time investment of revisiting such a massive game.


May 5, 2019
So how many of you had your 16th steam birthday a few days ago?:D
My first steam after HL2 was the original Prey!;D
Steam was just "stupid online DRM" for us, so we didn't see a reason to have independent accounts. It was a different time, buying games exclusively digital was unthinkable and many publishers were testing new and pretty annoying DRM methods. PC was being put down as a worthless platform that consisted to at least 99% of pirates and all kind of extremely strict, anti-copy protections were put into games. Often enough those measures prevented people from enjoying their legit copies.

It was a heated atmosphere and Valve mandating an "online authentication" felt like another draconian measure.
I've had my Steam account since February 2011. Before 2008 I never had PCs capable enough to play current games, and then I guess I didnt buy Steam-only games until Magicka, which was my first Steam game (bought the retail copy, found out it requires Steam). After that came Deus Ex (first purchase on the Steam store), then Duke Nukem Forever (retail), Terraria (Steam store) and then soon after the 2011 Summer Sale and quickly my Steam library became bigger than my physical collection (which was not very expansive at that point, anyway).

But yeah, I remember Steam being that "stupid Online DRM" as well. When it was announced DNF would use Steam, I was not happy about it. But when I started using it, it was fine pretty much immediately. It felt no different than logging into World of Warcraft. I might have mentioned it, but around the same time, I found out about the EA Download Manager, Origins previous name, and that I could play Dragon Age Origins without having the disc in the drive. I much preferred that, so I used Origin for pretty much just as long (since May 2011).
However, as we know, despite being quite old now as well, Origin never came even close to being as good as Steam is.

More than 60% users play with a controller, given the option.

PlayStation controllers keep growing in popularity, now at 21% share.
too bad the sticks are in the wrong place
Honestly, I never liked asymmetric sticks, honestly.
I don't mind the xbox controller, great ergonomics, the feel of it in your hand is amazing, but given the option, I always want the sticks to be at the same height. The real killer feature of the recent Playstation controllers, though, is the easily remappable touchpad. Having two buttons you can set how you want can be amazing in certain types of games.
I can go with either and I liked both the DualShock 4 and the Xbox One controller (and the Steam controller). Not sure I'll get the new ones anytime soon, since I hardly use controllers when I can avoid it. But it is very good of Valve to implement DualSense functionality so quickly.


May 5, 2019
going to need more than this twitter account.
As with all rumors, I just wait until a Steam page with a purchase button exists before I get excited ....and usually I'm not really excited so much even then ;) Just for a handful of games I still really get excited: last example was HZD. In this case I wasnt a fan of RDR 1 even though I do own that for PS3 (or did? I might have given it away at some point, cant remember).

my stance on it all is "at long last, every game will eventually come to Steam". Im sure there is a meme involving Gabe for this sentiment ;P


Burn baby burn🔥🎵
Dec 9, 2018
So how many of you had your 16th steam birthday a few days ago?:D
I'll have it next week ;)
Nov 17th for me, my Half Life 2 copy didn't come in the mail until a day after it came out.
Still on dial up then, I remember the painful process of having to activate HL2 on steam, took longer than installing the game. After I beat Half Life 2 I didn't touch my Steam account again until I got a copy of The Orange Box on sale for $25 on the black friday after it came out (and thankfully I had DSL by that point).
My first one after HL2 was the HL platinum pack. Got it by activating Blue Shift / Opposing Force, can't remember which one was it. Feels like yesterday o_O
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Mar 1, 2019
But yeah, I remember Steam being that "stupid Online DRM" as well. When it was announced DNF would use Steam, I was not happy about it. But when I started using it, it was fine pretty much immediately. It felt no different than logging into World of Warcraft. I might have mentioned it, but around the same time, I found out about the EA Download Manager, Origins previous name, and that I could play Dragon Age Origins without having the disc in the drive. I much preferred that, so I used Origin for pretty much just as long (since May 2011).
However, as we know, despite being quite old now as well, Origin never came even close to being as good as Steam is.
Over the years I was getting more and more used to having to log into steam to play a game. While I was still mainly buying physical copies around 2007, it became clear to me that Steam is there to stay and that buying digital isn't necessary super bad and so I decided to "branch" of and create my own, personal account.
Around that time I also started looking forward to Steam Sales. I still feel like they were a lot more special and games significantly higher discounted back then. But memories are often misleading.

Now after so many year, both the account of my brother and me are reunited thanks to Steam Family Sharing. It's actually quiet amazing.


Timmy Tencent owes me money
Apr 17, 2019
Trying downloading MS FlightSim from game pass again out of the blue and it seems like it might finally download this time, but not sure, hopefully.

Hoping to grab Spiritfarer, Wasteland 3 and Battletoads at least. Autumn and christmas sale prices should be the same if I recall.
Every single time a Steam sale comes around I'm broke :loudly-crying-face:


Careful Icarus
Sep 20, 2018
Valhalla and Legion are probably the first modern games I've run into that I can't run at ultra 1440p on my 1080 at 60 or near enough. Had to turn it down to High to get them to run at or near 60fps. Though with Gsync it doesn't really matter too much anyway. Legion is especially rough in places, driving fast is a bad time 50+ down to 30s at times. I have no worries that Cyberpunk will be fine at high or better at 1440p, having an R7 helps over R3s as well.
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Oct 30, 2018
Based on the preview of Cyberpunk on the French website (in French), the game could be a bit disappointing:
  • there is not much fun to be had while playing stealthy (the AI is bad) or hacking the environment/enemies (very limited hacking interactions),
  • the UI often gets in the way, which can be annoying as you get to collect and dismantle a lot of weapons (including duplicates) which fill the inventory,
  • there are still many bugs, including ones which require to reload your save in order to start some quests.
I am not too much into guns and first-person shootouts, so that is annoying. To me, the worst would be quest-breaking bugs.
As for the rest, it reminds me of The Witcher 3: great quests, tiring fights and inventory system, hopefully alleviated by mods.
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Dec 17, 2018
Tried FlightSim via game pass, really awesome stuff, definetly grabbing it on a Steam sale.

Getting 30-70 fps at Ultra depending on environments on 1080p with a GTX 1080, which Im really happy with considering how much I've heard the game requiring strong hardware.
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Jun 8, 2020
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour PC - 94% off - [UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]1€ [/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL] ([UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]Steam[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL])
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ - 89% off - [UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]3€[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL] ([UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]Steam[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL])
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth - 89% off - [UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]3€[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL] ([UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]Steam[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL])
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - 89% off - [UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]3€[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL] ([UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]Steam[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL])
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ - 92% off -[UWSL] 3€[/UWSL] ([UWSL]Steam[/UWSL])
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition - 75% off - [UWSL][UWSL]2.50€[/UWSL][/UWSL] ([UWSL][UWSL]Steam[/UWSL][/UWSL])
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition - 75% off - [UWSL][UWSL]2.50€[/UWSL][/UWSL] ([UWSL][UWSL]Steam)[/UWSL][/UWSL]
Reason: Added more games, removed voucher discount code.
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Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I think my front USB slots might be intermitently working.
I have no idea what to do to confirm or fix that (or is it the PSU ?)
Everywhere I look turns to shit :confounded-face:


Burn baby burn🔥🎵
Dec 9, 2018
I think my front USB slots might be intermitently working.
I have no idea what to do to confirm or fix that (or is it the PSU ?)
Everywhere I look turns to shit :confounded-face:
You could borrow/buy a PCI-slot USB card and test the mobo USB connector. Then you know if it's the case's USB connector or something else like the mobo itself or PSU.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Ok, so, this account has been sharing a lot of the latest leaks, and well, even tho I was correct that said Amazon listings were fake (madjoki even proved some mistakes of it) there's this French user (journo?) that says the remaster and the port for next gen is correct and both exist.

Don't know if true or fake, in any case, here lashman, you will like this.

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