|OT| Valve's Steam Deck (OLED)- coming to Straya in Nov 2024

its still the case that devs have to manually switch on Linux support in EAC/BattlEye, correct? I
That is correct, sadly a lot of devs using BattlEye are enabling it but not so many using EAC.

For me personally, Im wondering when Valve will fix the video codec incompatibilities in Proton, rather. Those affect me more. Fatal Frame still doesnt run, for example.
Unfortunate to hear as Fatal Frame was one of those games that I wanted to play on Deck, hopefully soon.
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its still the case that devs have to manually switch on Linux support in EAC/BattlEye, correct? I

For me personally, Im wondering when Valve will fix the video codec incompatibilities in Proton, rather. Those affect me more. Fatal Frame still doesnt run, for example.
Wouldn't it be possible to fix all of these on the user side by installing some system extension that adds support for all of these licensed video codecs?
I know Valve can't officially state to do that for legal reasons, but from what I remember of Linux, there should be a workaround for that.

I like the packaging, did you got inspired from certain Apple perhaps? :geek:
I hope though that it isn't shipped like that, I would hate to receive my unit all beaten during the travel...
Wouldn't it be possible to fix all of these on the user side by installing some system extension that adds support for all of these licensed video codecs?
I know Valve can't officially state to do that for legal reasons, but from what I remember of Linux, there should be a workaround for that.

Maybe - I haven't found a way yet. In case of Fatal Frame, it uses DirectX Shared Resources, which isn't implemented in Wine/Proton yet - whatever that means exactly (Just something I read online).

But there's a bunch of games that use weird codecs and the videos show up as TV test images. But at least that's better then breaking the game completely.

And it sucks when videos can prevent a game from running properly. For example, Bright Memory Infinite runs fine, but the first cutscene froze on me all the time. I got past it by using GeforceNow. But that's hardly a fix-all solution. And not something Deck users should have to deal with.

Valve needs to find a way to deal with that, but I have confidence that they will.
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I like the packaging, did you got inspired from certain Apple perhaps? :geek:
I hope though that it isn't shipped like that, I would hate to receive my unit all beaten during the travel...
They'll probably put that small box in a larger one with some kind of cushioning. So it should be fine.
A few Steam Deck updates:
  • It's interesting how generally, "better" (Windows) ports run much better in Proton on Deck, even if they are more demanding games. I have several rather low-effort K-T or IF ports that have various issues (none of which should be secret, just check the proton github tracker), but e.g. Valkria Chronicles 4 (still one of the very best ports of any JRPG-style game IMHO) runs perfectly at 150% supersampling.
  • Suspend/resume got way faster in the last system update. It's now literally a second or two.
A few Steam Deck updates:
  • It's interesting how generally, "better" (Windows) ports run much better in Proton on Deck, even if they are more demanding games. I have several rather low-effort K-T or IF ports that have various issues (none of which should be secret, just check the proton github tracker), but e.g. Valkria Chronicles 4 (still one of the very best ports of any JRPG-style game IMHO) runs perfectly at 150% supersampling.
  • Suspend/resume got way faster in the last system update. It's now literally a second or two.
So, not sure if you can share this info, but how stable is the suspend/resume, in your experience with it? Would people have good time with it right now if the Deck had kept its original shipping date?
One thing I feel with the Deck is that unlike the PS5 and Switch (not sure about MS's) I expect the Deck's updates to be day and night better than the consoles. The Switch still feels like it's missing half it's potential and the UI while good for some stuff is super limited, and the PS5 also feels like for the machine that powers it, the UI is very dumb. The way you can't really customize either systems game list at all, do any organizing and have very little control over them, as well as both feel very underwhelming for their length on the market. And both systems have an absolutely vomit-worthy waste of space and horrible use of the screen's real-estate.

The Deck on the other hand I expect to see more (good) changes in a year or two than either console has seen over multiple generations (in many regards both the PS5 and Switch are gigantic steps backwards - perhaps even gigantic leaps backwards - over the 3DS and PS4 - hard to believe - folders anyone and the ability to organize the order of games). How basic super-used stuff like sleep is tucked away under way more button inputs than needed on the PS5 bewilders me.
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So, not sure if you can share this info, but how stable is the suspend/resume, in your experience with it? Would people have good time with it right now if the Deck had kept its original shipping date?
Well, I can't really answer that since I'm not running the tests you'd need to do (i.e. suspending/resuming 100s of games all the time). I can say that since the update that made it fast it has worked 100% of the time for me, but in terms of mass market testing that's not saying much at all ;)
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Wouldn't it be possible to fix all of these on the user side by installing some system extension that adds support for all of these licensed video codecs?
I know Valve can't officially state to do that for legal reasons, but from what I remember of Linux, there should be a workaround for that.

Sometimes installing mf-install (Windows multimedia framework) through protontricks does work. Sadly, like in the case of Fatal Frame, other features are missing from Proton that the game requires.
Sometimes installing mf-install (Windows multimedia framework) through protontricks does work. Sadly, like in the case of Fatal Frame, other features are missing from Proton that the game requires.

exactly, yes – I tried mf-install as well. Someone on ProtonDB stated that the game does run, if you have a savegame from someone, but as soon as it uses the DX Shared Resources, it'll freeze.
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A few Steam Deck updates:
  • It's interesting how generally, "better" (Windows) ports run much better in Proton on Deck, even if they are more demanding games. I have several rather low-effort K-T or IF ports that have various issues (none of which should be secret, just check the proton github tracker), but e.g. Valkria Chronicles 4 (still one of the very best ports of any JRPG-style game IMHO) runs perfectly at 150% supersampling.
  • Suspend/resume got way faster in the last system update. It's now literally a second or two.
This is great news! glad to see that software is getting noticeable improvements and the first point sounds really well.
They'll probably put that small box in a larger one with some kind of cushioning. So it should be fine.
in that case it defeats the purpose of packaging it in a smaller box. haha, but anyhow as long as I receive my unit in good condition xD
Did anyone notice any changes related to Home Page? Or is it only Steam Deck specific?
Well, last public beta was 2nd. So it's deck only. might not come until release to public beta (deck beta as separate branch, you need key for). One key got leaked sometime ago, but it's disabled now. (which xpaw tweeted images from).
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UI sounds is boring stuff to you!? How dare you! :photoblobheart:

I asked Durante some time ago if the UI has any sounds, so I am happy that Valve is implementing it.
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Boring stuff:

I wonder if they chose to give achievement pop-ups, and notifications in general, some sounds this time around. I would want this stuff to be very subtle, but going with no sound like they did in Big Picture seems like a mistake.
I like the case, the white zippers are cool and the 3D logo instead of plain impression is a cool one too.

I think I like the muted colors and flat logo of the standard case a little bit more. But white zippers look awesome!
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Interesting that they have units with different memory and different BIOS versions out in the field.
Interesting that they have units with different memory and different BIOS versions out in the field.

Maybe BIOS contains memory settings, so they need slightly different. Unlikely to have major differences.
Testing both makes sense, if there's specific issues, they can solve before launch.
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I really want the chievo toast to be more satisfying. It's so dull the way it is now.

Here's an idea: alternative sounds and visual flair from the points shop 👀
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A few Steam Deck updates:
  • It's interesting how generally, "better" (Windows) ports run much better in Proton on Deck, even if they are more demanding games. I have several rather low-effort K-T or IF ports that have various issues (none of which should be secret, just check the proton github tracker), but e.g. Valkria Chronicles 4 (still one of the very best ports of any JRPG-style game IMHO) runs perfectly at 150% supersampling.
  • Suspend/resume got way faster in the last system update. It's now literally a second or two.
Guess it's a good thing Steam Deck got delayed, will give even better first impressions and reviews.
Great to see their constant improvements in many different aspects.
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"It's a real product launch, so many thousands of people right away are going to receive Decks as soon as we're able to ship them," Coomer said. "But even talking about thousands would be quite low compared to the volumes we're shooting for in the first few months."

Valve hasn't disclosed how many Steam Deck pre-orders it's gotten, but Coomer pointed out that the Steam Deck's launch is different than many other hardware launches, where companies need to supply thousands of retail stores. For now the Deck is only being sold through Steam.

"We're going to have a launch that looks like a significant number of users right out of the gate, and then build that over time, rather than having the biggest splash on day one and then generally declining after that," he said. "If you extend the timeline out through 2022 and all the way to 2023, we expect to be building on our numbers constantly throughout that whole time, to the point where there's many millions of customers if things go the way we think they will, who are using Steam Deck by the end of that year or so, through 2023."

They seem really confident, which is good!
I wonder if there will be a secondary market for these? I want one, but I'm not sure how much I'll actually end up using it.
More than likely, but it will depend completely on the review and first impressions once consumers get their hands on the units.
Given what has happened to every technology thing that is even remotely popular over the past 2 years, I expect that you'll be able to re-sell it at new price at the very least for the first few months. If not, it either flopped completely or Valve was able to produce millions quickly, neither of which seem likely at this point.
Given what has happened to every technology thing that is even remotely popular over the past 2 years, I expect that you'll be able to re-sell it at new price at the very least for the first few months. If not, it either flopped completely or Valve was able to produce millions quickly, neither of which seem likely at this point.

Yes, if you're in the first batch or two I bet you can even get it sold for double what it lists, or more. But it'll hold its value for a good year I think.
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