New page killing the old. Sucks cos there was so much cool stuff by the end of the last one. Anyway, Praydog released his RE Engine VR mod for the new year!
GitHub - praydog/REFramework: Scripting platform, modding framework and VR support for all RE Engine games
Scripting platform, modding framework and VR support for all RE Engine games - praydog/REFramework

- A fleshed out scripting system using Lua
- Generic 6DOF VR support to RE7, RE2, RE3, RE8, DMC5, and MHRISE
- Full motion controls in RE2 and RE3 (when using FirstPerson, it is not enabled by default)
- Physical knife damage in RE2/RE3
- Physical grenade throwing in RE2/RE3
- Early WIP motion controls for RE8
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