Note that if you wish to buy Meteor World Actor, then you can save $5 on top of the current discount and get the game for just $15. To do this, just buy the game via "Johren points", since you can currently get the first $10 worth of points for $5.
I also happened to have signed up for a giveaway they did early on, which netted me $10 worth of credit. And for $5 I am willing to give it a shot, even taking into account Jim_Cacher's less than stellar impressions.
However, that led to me finding out that you cannot remove your CC details after you've made a purchase on Johren, so that's fun. Thankfully their payment processor requires 2FA via your card issuer, so it's not a huge issue, but I'm rather annoyed that I have to go through support to get my payment details unlinked from my account. I don't even keep those saved on Steam.