Juggling too much at the moment.
I'm into the castle on a Hardcore run of Resident Evil 4 (2023). I'm enjoying it, but I have criticisms. I think I may do a replay of the 2005 version afterwards for comparison. The remake feels clunky in a lot of ways, but I don't remember the original well enough to know if this is just how it plays, or if some of the changes here are a bit wack.
I'm 30 missions into Yggdra Union. It keeps throwing unfair garbage at me, and it's starting to grate. Mission 29 interrupts your turn when you step on a specific square to spawn a mob of axe users surrounding you. Not fun for my spear unit who was caught out of formation and immediately died. It forces a lot of save scumming.
I started up Valkyrie Elysium again. I bought this a sale ago, then refunded it because it felt so underwhelming. But Wanted: Dead, from the same devs, impressed me so much that I decided to pick it up again and give it another chance. So far, I think that was a good decision. The game is rough and doesn't leave a good first impression, but I'm finding a lot to like about the combat system as I dig into it.
Also still chugging through Steelrising and Bonfire Peaks, and have also replayed Pizza Tower like 3 times, and will probably do at least a few more this week. Once you've got the hang of it, it's a real comfort-food type of game to just rush through in a couple hours.
I have a preorder on The Last of Us Part I, but with all this stuff on my plate, I'm not sure I'll bother starting it this week.