Q&A What have you fundamentally got wrong?

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
I was thinking the other day about how I got the concept of learning a new language so fundamentally wrong. I'm learning French and in the beginning I thought that the brain would just translate the more knowledge I got, kind of like some Star Trek translation stuff, which isn't at all how it works. Instead it's about learning to put meaning to sounds. I speak three languages since before so I should have known better, so I'm amazed how I got it so wrong.

So how about you? What have you got so completely wrong?
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Finest Finn
Sep 7, 2018
The Iciest Hole
My parents never made us wear seatbelts as kids so when I was in the driving school and I had to go in and drive the car I tried to quickly work out how the belts work so I sorta mangled them all over my body causing the driver instructor to look at me with the "how stupid is this guy" look.
Le Pertti

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
My parents never made us wear seatbelts as kids so when I was in the driving school and I had to go in and drive the car I tried to quickly work out how the belts work so I sorta mangled them all over my body causing the driver instructor to look at me with the "how stupid is this guy" look.
Haha! While my parents were the same, I'm so blown away that you never put on the seatbelt before in any other context!?
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Reading/Playing musical instruments.

I asked my parents for a guitar when I was a pre-teen and they obliged for whatever reason. I went with bass guitar cuz it only had 4 strings and I thought it'd be easy. ... I was wrong. Very wrong. Looking at music sheets was like looking at alien writing without first learning how to read musical notes and annotation. I didn't expect all the handcramps and calluses either. Up to that point my hands were smooth and ladylike, it was maybe three weeks into it my fingers were all messed up with cracked nails and bleeding blisters. o_O

I did stick with it though, but never got too far, or found people to play with. Thankfully my parents recognized my perseverance though, and when I asked for a piano they let me have one of those too and that at least is something I still play today. (y)


As a kid I never could really appreciate the taste of various Wine/Spirits/お酒 and in school they really tried to scare you about it. "It'll destroy your body and your life" lol, that kinda stuff. I thought for sure since it tasted so bad, nobody could be drinking this stuff because they enjoyed it?

...Yet as an adult I've come to appreciate the way many of these things taste, and more, I find myself oddly attracted to the calming effects of Alcohol. Not like to the point where I could be called an Alcoholic, but damn if a good drink every now and again doesn't keep me from totally collapsing into panic.

Currently I work with Alcohol almost everyday as a Bartender. It's fun, and many people react differently under it's effects. After a while of hearing all kinds of different stories and meeting all kinds of clients it's easy to see why Adults would think of Alcohol different from kids.


The Wondering Scribe
Oct 31, 2018
Puerto Rico

I'm a very impulsive person, but it's mostly due to the newfound knowledge of my ADHD that has been diagnosed since I was a toddler with my parents choosing to never medicate me, but rather put me into therapy. While I never found out about that condition until late last year, I was always labeled as a very pushy & hyperactive person, though I never did see it that way until I got into college where I noticed patterns I never noticed beforehand.

I decided to seek professional help & I'm currently medicated to keep that in check, though that also requires a lot of discipline from my part. Discipline, I'm currently developing as time goes on. It's extremely hard, especially when your parents where very oblivious to the fact & still forget that my learning patterns differ from most people.

For the most part, friends & high school classmates have been very forgiving when I explained them my condition which I am thankful for. Though it's very difficult to explain to someone that doesn't fully understand what ADHD is.

Though I've grown to explain it with ease.

Imagine if you had Chrome open with hundreds of tabs open, but you can't seem to find where the music is coming from or how to stop it.
(For example: I cannot handle more than 6 people talking at once, it diverts my focus trying to keep track of everything that makes me want to give up or leave at times due to amount of stress.)

I also use this one that helps a lot as well.

Imagine if you had a task list where upon completion, you find one thing that has been neglected far too long to notice until it's far too late.
(For example: I forgot to pay my electric bill & they cut my power, though it was quickly fixed it was a nightmare to handle)

It's a huge problem that I'm still working the kinks, but thankfully my college has programs that help people like that. Keeping study habits, managing my time spent & keeping a habit of leaving notes around as a sort of reminder has been helpful to not impulsively spending money that I don't have or maintaining a consistent budget with priorities kept straight.

If I could have as much money as possible I'd be an impulsive person that would either get as many games from people's wishlist to them or accomplish as many gags or thank you packages to a lot of people that have been helpful to not only me, but many other over the course of the years.

I'd love to do it, but I need to develop the discipline to keep expanding quickly & instead focus on improving what I have at the moment.


Nov 1, 2018
When i grew up i thought i was an immensely picky eater.
Eventually i got around some and realized i'm a human trashcan and eat everything, my mom just couldn't cook even the most simple things.
Probably didn't help that we were poor lol.

I guess that's part of the reason I love cooking for myself