Instant gratification is a thing that's becoming more ingrained on out society and way of life. It's not only a gaming thing, although it's especially vile when used as a mean to Dell mitrotransactions like boosters.
Thats not quite true for everything.
Want a simple solution to performing a task in a program you are unfamiliar with?
Google it, fail to find it in writing, have to watch a video and listen to pointless drivel for 2 minutes, watch on in depair as they fail to perform the task properly or explain it when they do clumsily manage it. Skip the video back and forth in bad tempered frustration before eventually noting that the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl-ALT R and was noted in the comments shortly before the words "just Fuck OFF you tedious twat".
Even if a video was for some reason required it could have taken 4 seconds to inform you and not 4 minutes. Bring back the text based information please.
Want a recipe for something in particular?
Search for it and find the top link is the recipe on a blog. Start to wade through the text looking in vain for the recipe, while wondering why you should be giving any fucks at all about the person writing the blog, their friends, their pet dog of the most unusual breed, or any other aspect of a life more perfect that your own will ever be. You eventually discover the ingredients and method, which of course are split up between other tidbits from the writers life making it impossible to just print the fucking recipe. Please put the recipes at the top!