|OT| Steam Weekly Top Sellers - A thread about weekly data



Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
I love these weekly updates, especially since I personally don't pay as much attention to this currently as I usually do. Keep it up!
Much appreciated, Durante, I'm really glad you all find this interesting and helpful :blobhug:

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Thank you for keepin us updated Mor!. Past week numbers were expected, maybe the surprises were Teardown reaching #6 and ARK getting #10 I guess it got an expansion or a sale right?
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Thank you for keepin us updated Mor!. Past week numbers were expected, maybe the surprises were Teardown reaching #6 and ARK getting #10 I guess it got an expansion or a sale right?
That's correct, Ark and Fifa 21 were week sales, one as part of EA strategy and the other as new expansion announcement soon (teaser dropped this week)
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
It's a very interesting week, what do you think? let's check it out.

First things first, Destiny is the king, the chosen one, not only did the expected movement by taking the first place but as it has different bundles it got not 2 but 3 places in the chart which is really impressive, as you can see first place is for Deluxe Edition, second place is for Standard Edition + Season Pass and seventh place is for Standard Edition alone, will it remain there? don't really know and don't think so, at the very least 1 of the 3 bundles will drop next week but we will have to wait and see.

Third place is, surprisingly, for Index, usually the range for this one is from fourth to sixth in a constant rotation but looks like this week it was a bit stronger than past weeks, good for the VR scene (perhaps it was influenced by the latest VR awards given to Valve? could be or could be not)

Fourth place if the debut of FM21 (which BTW is multistore with EGS but that later on this post) not a bad spot for a debut and considering the numbers made SEGA must be really happy with this and Yakuza 7 (game that unfortunately didn't make into the top 10) because as you will see later, the performance of both have been greater than their previous entries but that will come after this part.

Phasmophobia is THE TAKEN KING (you get it? [UWSL]:evilblob:[/UWSL]) because it went from first to fifth this week after being the king for 4 week in a row, let's just say that this will probably be back to higher places next week and this is an exception given the very busy week we had in terms of releases, in any case, I can confirm that popularity and population of the game hasn't decreased as fast to consider the moment of this game has passed, we will have to wait but I can see this coming back to the top 3 in no time.

Sixth is for Sea of Thieves, nothing really to comment here, it had a good sale (very rare, I must say) but that's it, the game is very popular and surprisingly people jumped in very quickly (much more quick than others like GTA V or RDR2, if we take into consideration other sales)

Among Us is the hard hit this week, from second to eighth, pretty much like Phasmophobia, the reason of this decline was probably the highlight of other releases as the trend for Among Us is still strong, steadier than before but still strong, I think they will come back to their natural spots next week.

Cyberpunk gets the number 9 and not surprising, as I commented earlier today with last week's data, the delay also made people to hold their pre-orders just in case, the closer it gets to the release date, the above higher it will go.

Fifa 21 is same case as Sea of Thieves, a sale, nothing to comment here.

Well, I want to talk about some games IN GENERAL and to be more precise some games that aren't in here but I think it's worth highlighting sue to the very importance of this facts. Let's just say that at the very least SEGA should be happy as hell.

Let's start with FM21.

Game engagement was better than FM20, it reached the same numbers in less time and with steadier trends, we don't know how much has affected the fact that it also released on the EGS, however, in terms of initial numbers is doing better than last's year entry as you can see in this two graphs.

FM21 54,1k ccu peak in 5 days.

FM20 55,7k ccu peak in 19 days (189,4k peak was free weekend)

When it comes to Yakuza, well, YAKUZA: LIKE A DRAGON IS THE BEST DEBUT OF THE FRANCHISE ON PC [UWSL]:dualbladesblob:[/UWSL] [UWSL]:dualbladesblob:[/UWSL] [UWSL]:dualbladesblob:[/UWSL]

Not only got a higher CCU peak than Zero's (previous CCU peak of the franchise) but also has quite a few things to keep in mind; Price tag is completely different (60 vs 30), game is the seventh entry of the franchise and we lack of 3-6 on PC (at the moment) but this can be sorted as it's a soft-reboot, genre is completely different AND it's completely locked in Asia (unlike Zero) so yeah, let me tell you that it is indeed impressive.

As you can see the trend is not only better (it goes up instead of down) and the engagement with the players is really good (almost no decline)

Zero trend for comparison

And lastly but no less important, SAKUNA: Of Rise and Ruin, well, let's say the reception on PC was really good and it became (IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN) the second biggest debut on PC for Xseed excluding Kagura games (which are a completely different thing) so, I think it's worth highlighting this piece of news because they deserve it [UWSL]:cat-heart-blob:[/UWSL]

And that was this week's little review, hope you like it and if you want to ask anything I will try to answer with all my honesty and all what I can offer that I know or guess [UWSL]:blobhug:[/UWSL]

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018

Sixth is for Sea of Thieves, nothing really to comment here, it had a good sale (very rare, I must say) but that's it, the game is very popular and surprisingly people jumped in very quickly (much more quick than others like GTA V or RDR2, if we take into consideration other sales)
One interesting point about Sea of Thieves, it had its price lowered in some regions around October so in the last sale it may have reached an attractive price point.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018

One interesting point about Sea of Thieves, it had its price lowered in some regions around October so in the last sale it may have reached an attractive price point.
Interesting, didn't know that fact and now that I checked it's true, there has been an adjustment to the base price in some areas, amazing retroactive effect, thanks for the data point, much appreciated :blobhug:
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
THIS IS A GOOD WEEK!!! :blobeyes:

So, things look quite a bit different since last week, right? let's see what changed.

First of all, Cyberpunk 2077 reached the first place, it's the king of the week, thanks to the latest city wire (which had gameplay) and the fact that the release date is getting closer and closer, the game went from ninth position to the very top, the trend quickly changed due to this facts, more to the first one than the second one, we will see how it stands until and after release, in fact, we will see what number reaches.

Another surprise this week, Index pack reached second place of the chart, quite unusual and probably due the fact that there was more stock available but it is a good thing for the VR scene (I think I should talk more about this) let's see how it evolves next week.

Phasmophobia went from fifth to third, it's getting normal numbers now, last week was quite different due to Destiny's new expansion release, Sakuna and Yakuza among others, the trend and curve is stable and it seems it's holding quite well in terms of player retention, I thought after Halloween the momentum would freeze but looks like it still has some, I don't expect it to fall any time soon.

Same as Phasmophobia, Among Us went from eighth to fourth as this week seems to be normal, while the momentum of this game is not frozen, the population hasn't increased overtime, this might change once the new map is announced next month, in the meantime it seems it will hold quite well in those positions.

FM21 beta went down 1 place getting the fifth one, it's a beta, it's FM, will probably go up overtime once it gets the 1.0 and more people jumps in but right now I think we will see a decline in positions over the next few weeks, nothing to worry, as I said in my latest report (it's a few posts above) the game did the same as last year's version in less time which in relative numbers is a good thing.

SAKUNA! what a lovely case we have here, released last week it didn't debut on the chart until this week, not only that but it's also beating it's own numbers a week after the release, that's quite unusual for an small Japanese game, it's officially the second best Xseed debut on PC right after DxM (8kccu) and surprisingly the reviews are really positive (over 700) and the player retention is amazingly good, more to share after the top 10. Rice power, BABY!!!

Destiny 2 got steady with just 1 edition on the chart instead of 3, not the best release of the game, retention is relative but it hasn't been bad at all, I think it might stay in the chart one more week but I think this might be it, seventh position, not bad, not good, just average.

Hades, a true champion, is back, last week it dropped due to the weird presence of Destiny but now that things got steadier, the game is back, it has been on the top chart for over 8 weeks now (unfortunately not consecutive) but it's doing frankly well.

Wallpaper Engine got a sale and it entered, first time I see this happening, might be some more reasons but I don't know anything else in this case in particular.

Total War Warhammer 2 latest's DLC debuting at tenth position, not bad, very hardcore community but not as big as you would expect for the side content.

Well, I will tag Durante because I'm sure he will love this piece of information as he's playing it right now, so let's talk about the unusual case of Sakuna.

Sakuna released last week and didn't debut at all in the top 10 chart and while it became the second best debut for Xseed on PC (right after DxM with 8k ccu) a very cool accomplishment that was well received, since then the player-base has been steady and the number of reviews have already exceded the 700 with an overall positive result, what's the deal then? the week after release the game not only entered the top 10 chart (which is already unusual) but it also peaked once again it's CCU number, this time a bit over 7k ccu players which isn't still reaching the numbers of DxM but it's proof that the game has been doing well overall since release.

A really sweet surprise that shows how the scene has changed in terms of reception for this little japanese games.

Before we move to the next week, I also want to comment the curve of Yakuza Like a Drgon a little bit, game hasn't exceeded it's previous CCU peak nor has entered the top 10 this week (unfortunately) however the retention has exceded previous entries (perhaps because it's a day and date release), the number of reviews is already over 1200 with, again, a very positive result and in general I think it has been quite a good debut for the saga on PC, check how the trend is, quite similar to Sakuna's one, don't you think? Absolutely marvelous :cat-heart-blob:

And that's it for today's post, please share your thoughts and if you have any piece of information, any doubt or want to share your opinion, please do.
Have an amazing week.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Interesting week for sure.

While Cyberpunk 2077 jump was expected it went straight to the #1 position so that was a surprise.

Sakuna appearing was another surprise, it didn't appeared on top 10 during it's launch but I guess the good word of mouth and user reviews helped it.

Wallpaper Engine is the one I wasn't expecting at all to appear in that list.


Oct 30, 2018
Wallpaper Engine got a sale and it entered, first time I see this happening, might be some more reasons but I don't know anything else in this case in particular.
That is a weird one. Never discounted and suddenly here. I wonder if there is something anime-related.

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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
That is a weird one. Never discounted and suddenly here. I wonder if there is something anime-related.

Heck, must have mixed with another product to say the sale thing, I even had it noted :S

Thanks for correction, something must have triggered it.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Last week was.... predictable but still awesome :blobeyes:

Cyberpunk keeps the crown, even in the middle of a sale the game stayed in the first place, hype is real with this one, pre-order numbers are really strong so keep in mind that the CCU peak will be interesting. Not only I think it will be superior to TW3's peak (94k) but also it will probably be over 150k+, just my pure speculation with this one.

Index stayed second this week too, stock and production must have stayed steady and well, X-mas is coming, so a lot of people might be jumping to get a headset (let's remember this also benefits HL:A but that's another topic)

Football Manager 21 gets a better result, from fifth to third, performance is good and inside the numbers expected for this saga.

Phasmophobia went down by 1, from third to fourth, it is due to the Autumn sale, it will probably go up next week again.

Hades, the true champion of this top 10, from eighth last week to fifth here, the nominations for GOTY and the fact that it's an amazing game only makes it stronger!!!

From here to the end of the top 10 is games returning fue to the autumn sale, nothing to comment.

Sorry this post wasn't that long but, to be honest, there's no that much to comment aside that Among Us went out for the first time after 15 consecutive weeks in the top 10, an absolute monster, it will probably comeback next week, as the chart is revenue based, it's difficult for it to compete with all this higher prices adversaries.


Sep 19, 2020
I think you might be lowballing Cyberpunk's potential concurrent users. Even though it'll be available on two other storefronts, I still think the Steam version can crack 250-300k concurrent. I don't think it'll beat Fallout 4's record of 472k, but it's going to do ridiculously high numbers.

Also comparing FM 2021 CCU to FM 2020 CCU, the peak concurrent users for FM 2020 the first weekend after launch was 68k. It peaked at 84k concurrent this weekend. Even though it's on Epic, it doesn't appear to have hurt the Steam version's sales (of course the world is very different today compared to last year too).

I think it's very impressive how Phasmophobia manages to maintain a high position even during the sale.
I thought it would have faded away after Halloween. Goes to show my prediction skills aren't great.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
RIP Among Us :toucan:

Jokes asides it's incredible seeing those smaller games reaching the top 10.

About Cyberpunk 2077 it seems to have already sold 1.3 millions copies on pre-orders in Steam and GOG.


Sep 19, 2020
About Cyberpunk 2077 it seems to have already sold 1.3 millions copies on pre-orders in Steam and GOG.
I actually did some more looking at this, and the number given appears to be the people following the CDPR bilibili account. Here is the link to their profile page which has a follower count that is virtually the same as the one on the promotion page.

That's not to say there aren't a ton of Cyberpunk preorders, but I don't think the 1.3 million in China alone is legit.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Autumn sale is over and things went back to normal, more or less. Let's take a look, shall we?

Cyberpunk is, for the third week in a row, number 1 and the king of the week, as expected given the release date is almost here, I think it will stay there for at least 2 more weeks, however I could see a surprise movement from Among Us with the new map presentation, doubt it will get the number 1 spot but you never know, still the game is doing extremely well.

CS:GO Operation Broken Fang got the silver, once a year the game receives a new operation and a battle-pass, players wait for them a lot so it makes sense to see this in such a high position, is still one of the most played games of the platform and in the world.

Index dropped one place but still above the usual area of 4-6, nothing weird here, probably less stock or less purchases although it will be interesting to see how this one evolves this X-mas.

Phasmophobia stays in the same place as last week, it is quite impressive how this game holds, I mistakenly said back in October that once Halloween was gone the game would drop in popularity due to the theme but not at all, the game stayed there quite well, don't expect serious changes until Winter sale.

Among Us is back! as I said last week due to the Autumn sale and the low price tag of the game, Among Us went out for the first time in 15 weeks however it was going to be coming back as soon as the sale was over, and here we are, game claims the 5th place of the chart, in the middle, this one will be interesting to follow because, as I said in Cyberpunk's paragraph, Among Us is getting a new map presented in TGA and that could potentially bump the numbers quite a bit, we will see.

FM21 is declining but not that fast, we should probably see it switching positions in the center area of the chart for a bit until it declines even more, game still selling at a good pace and population is within the expectations for this title, reason is due to the limited number of fans for this saga (which are quite a bunch hehe) but just natural progression.

PUBG goes up by one place getting the seventh spot, new season/battle-pass is quite recent so people are still jumping in, nothing to comment here as it will have some bumps and dips.

Hades, while quite a notorious decline in the number of spots, the game refuses to abandon the chart and it's absolutely impressive how well the game is doing, TGA GOTY nomination will probably favor the sales too this week, so, should be interesting to see.

RDR2 over RDO, bad debut for the Stand-alone online version? no, it's due to the price tag, RDR2 got busted by RDO even tho the price is way higher, nothing to comment here, thought we would have seen the Online version but well, as this is revenue based, makes sense.

And last but not least, TWWarhammer 2 Twisted DLC, after disappearing for one week due to the Autumn sale, this DLC comes back to the original positions, tenth.

Some debuts that didn't make it into the top 10 but I think it's interesting to share.

Both Dragon Quest XI S edition and Phoenix Point debuted better than I expected holding in the top 10 for most of the week, then, why didn't they appear in the top 10 chart? well, I think in the case of Dragon Quest was due to timing and due to positions, while the game was doing well, it fluctuated way more than it should going as low as 12th or as high as 3rd, not easy to predict the placement with this curves.

In the case of Phoenix Point, I think most have been key activations from KS campaign, I could be wrong that it's the one that makes more sense to me right now.

And that's it, hope you liked this week's chart too :cat-heart-blob::cat-heart-blob::cat-heart-blob:

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Phasmophobia still going strong! I wonder if it will manage to stay in the top 10 for the whole month.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
A bit late, I know, sorry, being busy and forgot about the top chart in any case here we are.

This last week has been quite interesting and perhaps the analysis will be short, you will see why.

From 1st place to 4th place the games have not moved at all, same games, same positions, kind of interesting taking into consideration this was TGA's week and sales were placed in past years winners, there is a lot to say about Cyberpunk 2077 and CS:GO, once I'm done with the chart I will expand this.

Hades went from 8th to 5th, greatly benefited by TGA's sale, the game stays strong week after week (12 almost consecutive weeks to be more precise) no wonder why people love it, it's an amazing game.

Among Us went down from 5th to 6th, not really benefited from the new map announcement and well, while still in, it's much lower than I expected, yet the population is strong and while slowly declining, we will see Among Us for a long time.

RDR2 went from 9th to 7th, heavily benefited by TGA's sale and the constant popularity of the title, nothing else to comment here.

FM21 keep falling, from 6th to 8th, not a bad thing, game numbers have been quite steady and even quicker than last year's edition so the results are good, however, the limit of release buyers is almost reached, next time we see it we will see that it's on sale most likely, second wave of buyers.

Both TW3 and SW Battlefront 2 re-enter the chart this week for different reasons, The witcher 3 thanks to the STUNNING cyberpunk 2077 release and CDPR's developer sale, get 9th place, Star Wars on the other hand enters 10th thanks to a developer sale from EA, lots of games were high enough but Battlefront 2 is the one that reached the top 10.

Cyberpunk 2077, what can I say that I haven't already said, huh?

Biggest SP release of the platform ever, over 1M CCU peak, 10 weeks at top 10 (4 as the top seller) and over 200k reviews by the moment of this publication. This game will be part of the platinum category in the Yearly Global top sellers list, you can safely bet that.

If we check the data we will see that the game exceded the 50% of pre-orders on Steam alone, being the biggest platform for this game.

Not only that but for the first time ever Steam had two games over the million CCU player mark at the same time, believe or not, this is insane.

And why stop here, last week a third milestone was reached, Steam as a platform reached and surpassed the previous CCU player mark, 24,8M users were playing on Steam, absolutely mind-blowing, will it reach 25 million users by the end of the year? who knows but it's really close and it's possible to accomplish.

While I said Among Us was declining in numbers (which is normal, to be honest) I decided to compare both Pashmo and Among Us curves and check the paths, both in constant decline, Phasmo is steadier (also makes sense due to lower numbers) and Among Us qhile quicker, it's still strong as hell. We will have to check if winter will help not only this two but also Fall Guys who has been out of the chart for a long time already.

What an interesting year with this few cases to study, amazing.

And that's it, I'm sorry for the delay one more time, December is a weird month and sometimes I forgot a few things but hope the wait was worthy.
More to come next week :cat-heart-blob:


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I wonder if you can reconstruct a launch like Cyberpunk from looking at an aggregate of other games' player charts.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
I wonder if you can reconstruct a launch like Cyberpunk from looking at an aggregate of other games' player charts.
Any particular thing in mind? :blobeyes:


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Last week before X-mas (it's the most wonderful time of the yeeeeaaaaar) so let's check it out, shall we?

It's an interesting week, not going to lie, while it's too similar to last week, there are a few interesting things here.

Cyberpunk 2077 is the king, still strong, still selling, keeps the first place for fifth week in a row, possibly over the 3M copies sold on Steam, little to add to this week's position, stays the same.

Index went up from third to second place, interesting as it means the stock is still good and people are buying it even more, probably a X-mas effect? might be, we will have to see how this evolves but clearly a lot of people are jumping in and that's exciting.

CSGO's latest operation went down from second to third, still strong performance tho, next week it could very well be second again but as for now, it gets bronze.

Phasmophobia is a really interesting one, fourth place again, stays really strong and the population is stable, an absolutely amazing surprise.

Death Stranding is back, fifth place, for some reason this one keeps returning each time it has a sale, PC reception seems to be way more positive than on console, maybe due to the very specific gameplay loop that is somehow more appealing to the PC audience than console audience, glad it's back.

Among Us stays the same place, sixth, didn't get a boost but at the same time it's getting a population benefit after the release on Switch and EGS, it's doing ok, do not worry.

Fall Guys is back after being absent since October, this one got a boost thanks to the winter season, ah, so this is the power of penguins :evilblob:

Hades went down from fifth to eighth, don't think it's worrying, this one fluctuates quite a lot and thanks to all the nominations and the awards the popularity won't decline that fast, what a champion.

FM21 gets ninth position, it's slowly going down and it won't take long until the game goes out top 10, but it did better than last year edition so, well done.

GTA V returns at tenth thanks to the new Cayo Perico DLC for GTO, low price entry and new DLC is a way to ensure success for this juggernaut.

The Holy Trinity of 2020 is back together once again before x-mas, isn't it beautiful? Phasmophobia, Among Us and Fall Guys together thanks to their respective new seasons, is this the power of penguins?

Yet the data suggest that player bases numbers are more or less the same.


Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Let's see if Fall Guys will maintain itself in the top 10 list for the next weeks. I'm having fun with the new season and the recently put a skin from Ninja (the streamer) and it seems to be very popular because there were a lot of them in all the matches.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
When does Valve usually post the end of year sales results? Last week of December?
usually 20th of each month - the previous month report (in december, November gets published)

can't remember if platinum, gold, silver and bronze list will be published within this month.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Valve put up the top 100 games by revenue, as a reminder the order it appears in the list is random:


No surprises there so far but seeing Among Us there is very cool as the list is based on revenue, from a game with barely any players on PC to one of the most played this year!


Here we have two games who were exclusive to MS platforms and find success on Steam. Halo MCC selling well is not a surprise as the return of the main series to the PC was heavily anticipated, Sea of Thieves appears to have found a new public on Steam with plenty of players still playing it.

Crusader Kings III must have been the biggest launch so far from Paradox Interactive Games. Also in the Gold category we have Phasmophobia, released in September a lot of us thought it could leave the top weekly sellers list after Halloween was over though it keeps selling well.

Another interesting game there is Borderlands 3. It was exclusive on EGS for a period of 6 months though it still managed to find public on Steam.


In the silver category we mostly have already established games though we also have Hades and Microsoft Flight Simulator. Hades release on Steam was well received and the game is Overwhelming Positive going by the community reviews, it also figured in some top 10 weeklies and still maintain an active number of players.


EA got 6 games in the bronze category so it seems their return to Steam was successful!

One of the biggest exclusives of the PS4 also released on PC this year and even though it had a rough launch it still made in the top 100 earners from 2020.

Persona 4 Golden did well to the surprise of no one except Atlus executives.

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I think this is worth it's own thread so I think I will do one ASAP when I have some free time, yet let me thank you for posting it and for being part of the thread week after week :cat-heart-blob:
You're welcome! I enjoy reading how the games are performing week after week.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Almost done with the year :evilblob:

Cyberpunk 2077 keeps the first place as last week, game is breaking records (as you can see in Panda Pedinte post via revenue categories) and it doesn't seem to be slowing down at this moment, we will have to wait and see but it is clear that the game is a Juggernaut.

Index keeps the second place as last week, X-mas sure helped boosting the hardware as it's an amazing present and makes sense for the holidays, VR sure is slowly going up and that's fantastic.

Sea of Thieves returns and gets the bronze, game is really popular and thanks to the Steam winter sale it got a boost in numbers, more players and a more affordable price did the thing, we will have to wait and see if it stays there or changes for better or worse next week.

Hades went from 8th to 4th, same deal, game is really popular, winter sale is here and a lot of people want to get it to enjoy the holidays, it is no secret that it's a really good game and the awards and popularity between users only help this champ.

Raft returns at 5th position, game is kind of popular on some media thanks to influencers with peaks here and there, sale price made it more attractive than before.

Phasmophobia goes down by 2 however it's the only one from the "2020's holy trinity" that stayed in this week top 10, never as popular as the other two but surprisingly it's more consistent when it comes to sales and player support.

GTA V goes up by 3, from 10th to 7th, Cayo Perico heist and Winter sale, good combination for this game, GTA V is Eternal.

Halo MCC returns at 8th, big popularity, the pack is complete (no games left to add to the MCC) and it has a reduced price tag due to the sale, it's a no brainer.

RDR2 returns at 9th, nothing really to comment here, just part of the winter sale and it's popular.

CS:GO Operation goes from 3rd to 10th, ouch, yeah, this one got hit hard this week however it might be due to the impulsive purchase effect of the first week of the sale, I think this one will go up next week almost for sure.

And that's it, next week it's the last one of the year :cat-heart-blob::cat-heart-blob::cat-heart-blob:

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
I'm still hoping Super Giant releases some kind of sales breakdown for Hades. I want to know how well it's doing compared to their other games.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
First of all I want to apology for completely forgetting last week's chart, I even had it ready to be written but for an unknown reason I completely forgot, the good news is that fortunately the week was more or less like the previous one and that's probably why I forgot to publish it, perhaps I got confused by the chart itself thinking it was already published.

Once again, it was my mistake and as so I want to apology.

Here you have last week's chart:

The only comment I will make for this one is that Rust reappeared after god knows how long, thanks to a server full of famous streamers called OTV, this will be expanded in this week's analysis.

This is the previous week one.

Ok, so, this week something happened and it's a very interesting one, let's check it out, shall we?

After seven weeks of cyberpunk 2077 being the best seller game of Steam, Rust climbs up to the first place to proclame the golden crown of this week's king title, game has been increasing in popularity thanks a server called OTV which is full of famous streamers, a deeper analysis will come after the chart.

VR goes up by one from 3rd place up to 2nd place, even after all the xmas campaign the hardware demand is steady, same as restock supplies, will be interesting to see how the VR population has changed after 2020.

Cyberpunk 2077 says goodbye to the golden throne of the king and goes down from 1st place to 3rd place, game still has a very active population (150k daily players) but after 7 weeks, most people who wanted it already got it and a lot of people will now wait for sales and patches, also, as an SP experience we can safely say that it has been a complete success when it comes to Steam sales.

Sea of Thieves stays strong after the winter sale however it goes down from 2nd place to 4th place, game is quite popular and from time to time it reappears here in the charts.

Phasmophobia is probably the one from the 3 big 2020 trends that still holds well, game goes up from 7th place to 5th place, natural progression, nothing new to report here.

Raft stays 6th like last week, it reappeared in the winter sale and well, here it is still, holding well, probably will stay a bit longer.

Hades is a true champion, while it goes down from 5th to 7th place, the game has been featured 16 almost consecutive weeks (1 week was out) and it doesn't look like it's going to stop here, amazing to see this.

CS:GO - Operation broken fang stays in for another week, it goes up from 10th to 8th place, nothing impressive but it really is performing well for a new operation, quite good.

GTA V goes down from 8th to 9th but stays in for another week, it's GTA V, it comes back and goes from time to time, it's already a known juggernaut, NEXT!!!

RDR2 stays in for another week too but goes down from 9th to 10th place after the winter sale, it's performing better than I expected, which is lovely to see as I consider it the best Rockstar game since RDR1 :cat-heart-blob: (RDR1 is better)

Impressive performance for Rust thanks to this OTV server full of streamers, game not only pumped up in terms of popularity but also reached a new all-time CCU peak 244,7k players and made +1M USD in terms of revenue based on Garry's data.



I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
It's always interesting how these service games can randomly (well, it's not really random in terms of cause and effect, but for the cause to happen) explode even a long time after release. The same -- or at least a very similar -- thing happened to Among Us as well.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Impressive performance for Rust thanks to this OTV server full of streamers, game not only pumped up in terms of popularity but also reached a new all-time CCU peak 244,7k players and made +1M USD in terms of revenue based on Garry's data.

In the end of 2020 Garry did the yearly blog post talking how their games performed, the part about Rust:

I wonder how many copies sold it has now

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Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
This review mirrors my sentiments on survival games like Rust.

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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Late update time, last week top 10 but as I had a busy week, I couldn't publish it before, sorry.

Nothing really interesting this week aside of a particular case, let's see what happened last week, shall we? .

Top 1-3 stays the same as previous week, Rust retains big part of the popularity thanks to the OTV server full of influencers, Index stays in a really good position thanks to the steady supply (Zurick can confirm this if he wants right now) and Cyberpunk while declining stayed strong with over 100k players each day (that number is lower today but we will see later)

Heroes of the 3 Kingdoms 8 debuts at 4th position, quite impressive for a china exclusive game, not only had a great debut but also a really interesting CCU peak with over 25k players and a great review reception, we will see if it stays up of it went out of the top quickly.

CSGO goes from 8th to 5th, demand for the new operations stays strong and probably has to do with the new league that is going to be happening this year (if possible) Broken Fang remains in a good position.

Phasmophobia goes from 5th to 6th, while declining a bit the popularity of this title is something stunning, it is possibly the one from the big 3 that less impact had in terms of peaks and social media content, however it is the one that stayed the longest and the steadiest within the charts, it has a very dedicated community and while not so numerous as the other two in their biggest moment, phasmophobia remains while others failed already.

Raft goes from 6th to 7th, since winter sale, this game went up in popularity however it wasn't due to Twitch or any other platform, it's just people who likes the game and as it getst updates and seems like survival fans likes this title.

RDR2 goes from 10th to 8th, it's an amazing game and it's on sale right now, I mean, it's obvious that it will stay up each time the game goes on sale.

GTA V stays the same, same as RDR2 but instead of sale moment, it's due to low price tag and because it's GTA V

SoT goes from 4th to 10th, the biggest drop of this chart but surprisingly stayed relevant way longer than expected after the winter sale, great game, great community and in general an amazing example of how a game went from almost irrelevant to be shining in popularity within a certain community.

I want to say something, last week was my 30th week doing this 🎉:blobeyes:🎉




Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
I wonder what impact the official Chinese Steam "fork" will have on game launches like this.
Probably a big one due to the lower number of games available in that launcher, it will be interesting to see if we will be able to track the CCU peaks and in general the current available data for all the apps in the WW steam.

In my personal opinion I think there will be a big impact for those releases.


Sep 19, 2020
I'm interested to see if Dyson Sphere Program reaches #1 this week. That's another game developed in China.

I wonder what impact the official Chinese Steam "fork" will have on game launches like this.
It all depends if Steam International is blocked when Steam China launches. Valve and Perfect World have been annoyingly silent on the topic. Best case scenario is that Chinese customers aren't blocked without a VPN, but I wouldn't put money on it.

Probably a big one due to the lower number of games available in that launcher, it will be interesting to see if we will be able to track the CCU peaks and in general the current available data for all the apps in the WW steam.

In my personal opinion I think there will be a big impact for those releases.
FWIW, I remember reading that Chinese user numbers for CSGO and Dota 2 are included in the totals for those games, so whatever the user numbers for Steam China are should be baked into the total numbers. At the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if the total Steam CCU takes a decent hit if Steam International is blocked since a lot of Chinese users probably won't bother using a VPN and won't be interested in the smaller library.


Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
Wait is over, here it comes this week's top 10 :coffee-blob:

Must say this week is a very interesting one full of nice surprises so let's check it out, shall we?

Rust stays 1st, three weeks in a row, OTV server popularity isn't declining yet, we might have Rust for some time hehe, it's enjoying a very interesting second life thanks to all the influencers playing the title right now, don't think this one will change too much next week.

Everspace 2 (EA) debuts 2nd, what a pleasant surprise, reception for this one has been really great so far, 3k CCU peak might not be too high but game features a 93% of 1000 reviews positive which is AMAZING, keep in mind that the game released in Early Access so a lot of people will wait for the 1.0 as we will see later in this chart.

VR goes from 2nd to 3rd, nothing new to comment here, as last week, people keeps ordering the headset and as the price tag is so big it always stays in the upper zones of the chart.

Dyson Sphere Project debuts at 4th, another great surprise, it's an strategy game in the same sense of Satisfactory or factorio but featuring a different setup, game was made by a very small team of Chinese independent devs (5 devs IIRC) and player's reception has been a good one, eonden liked it, as you can see, over 27k ccu peak and 95% of 2600 reviews positive, woah.

C2077 goes from 3rd to 5th, kind of impressive that an SP game has stayed for so long in here without sales, after all the debacle, game is declining in positions and in the number of daily players (under 30k daily now), however it is normal and the natural progression of any SP game, game is still being heavily patched.

RDR2 goes from 8th to 6th, as I commented earlier today with last week's chart, game is still on sale and it's going up, it's a very popular game and as so it's doing great numbers.

Phasmophobia goes from 6th to 7th, game keeps declining but I will say the same as earlier today, is still the most consistent one of the three.

CSGO goes from 5th to 8th, operation did a 360º loop hehe, it went back to 8th position as two weeks ago.

Skul debuts at 9th, well, 1.0 debuts as the game released in February 2020, however this has been a warmer reception for the title, game has been quite popular in the streaming scene and that resulted on a very interesting release, over 18k ccu peak and over 92% of recent reviews are positive, really cool, don't you think?

Raft goes from 7th to 10th, Raft keeps declining, perhaps this will be the last week we will see it in top 10, who knows, in any case the popularity has lasted longer than I would have expected at first.

And that was it for this week, thanks a lot for reading this, I think it has been a very varied and interesting week in general, hope you think the same and hopefully we will see more of this games next week. :cat-heart-blob:


Sep 19, 2020
Dyson, Everspace 2 and Skul all look great, but I'm trying my best not to buy any new games for awhile. Game Pass and playing stuff I bought but never actually invested time in should keep me busy. The first game this year I actually plan to purchase is Monster Hunter Rise which comes out at the end of March.
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Junior Member
Aug 8, 2020
Late update time, last week top 10 but as I had a busy week, I couldn't publish it before, sorry.

Nothing really interesting this week aside of a particular case, let's see what happened last week, shall we? .

Top 1-3 stays the same as previous week, Rust retains big part of the popularity thanks to the OTV server full of influencers, Index stays in a really good position thanks to the steady supply (Zurick can confirm this if he wants right now) and Cyberpunk while declining stayed strong with over 100k players each day (that number is lower today but we will see later)

Heroes of the 3 Kingdoms 8 debuts at 4th position, quite impressive for a china exclusive game, not only had a great debut but also a really interesting CCU peak with over 25k players and a great review reception, we will see if it stays up of it went out of the top quickly.

CSGO goes from 8th to 5th, demand for the new operations stays strong and probably has to do with the new league that is going to be happening this year (if possible) Broken Fang remains in a good position.

Phasmophobia goes from 5th to 6th, while declining a bit the popularity of this title is something stunning, it is possibly the one from the big 3 that less impact had in terms of peaks and social media content, however it is the one that stayed the longest and the steadiest within the charts, it has a very dedicated community and while not so numerous as the other two in their biggest moment, phasmophobia remains while others failed already.

Raft goes from 6th to 7th, since winter sale, this game went up in popularity however it wasn't due to Twitch or any other platform, it's just people who likes the game and as it getst updates and seems like survival fans likes this title.

RDR2 goes from 10th to 8th, it's an amazing game and it's on sale right now, I mean, it's obvious that it will stay up each time the game goes on sale.

GTA V stays the same, same as RDR2 but instead of sale moment, it's due to low price tag and because it's GTA V

SoT goes from 4th to 10th, the biggest drop of this chart but surprisingly stayed relevant way longer than expected after the winter sale, great game, great community and in general an amazing example of how a game went from almost irrelevant to be shining in popularity within a certain community.

I want to say something, last week was my 30th week doing this 🎉:blobeyes:🎉


When I picked up my index headset it said ships in 4-8 weeks.... I got it in 3 days. Can confirm!

Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
Wait is over, here it comes this week's top 10 :coffee-blob:

Must say this week is a very interesting one full of nice surprises so let's check it out, shall we?

Rust stays 1st, three weeks in a row, OTV server popularity isn't declining yet, we might have Rust for some time hehe, it's enjoying a very interesting second life thanks to all the influencers playing the title right now, don't think this one will change too much next week.

Everspace 2 (EA) debuts 2nd, what a pleasant surprise, reception for this one has been really great so far, 3k CCU peak might not be too high but game features a 93% of 1000 reviews positive which is AMAZING, keep in mind that the game released in Early Access so a lot of people will wait for the 1.0 as we will see later in this chart.

VR goes from 2nd to 3rd, nothing new to comment here, as last week, people keeps ordering the headset and as the price tag is so big it always stays in the upper zones of the chart.

Dyson Sphere Project debuts at 4th, another great surprise, it's an strategy game in the same sense of Satisfactory or factorio but featuring a different setup, game was made by a very small team of Chinese independent devs (5 devs IIRC) and player's reception has been a good one, eonden liked it, as you can see, over 27k ccu peak and 95% of 2600 reviews positive, woah.

C2077 goes from 3rd to 5th, kind of impressive that an SP game has stayed for so long in here without sales, after all the debacle, game is declining in positions and in the number of daily players (under 30k daily now), however it is normal and the natural progression of any SP game, game is still being heavily patched.

RDR2 goes from 8th to 6th, as I commented earlier today with last week's chart, game is still on sale and it's going up, it's a very popular game and as so it's doing great numbers.

Phasmophobia goes from 6th to 7th, game keeps declining but I will say the same as earlier today, is still the most consistent one of the three.

CSGO goes from 5th to 8th, operation did a 360º loop hehe, it went back to 8th position as two weeks ago.

Skul debuts at 9th, well, 1.0 debuts as the game released in February 2020, however this has been a warmer reception for the title, game has been quite popular in the streaming scene and that resulted on a very interesting release, over 18k ccu peak and over 92% of recent reviews are positive, really cool, don't you think?

Raft goes from 7th to 10th, Raft keeps declining, perhaps this will be the last week we will see it in top 10, who knows, in any case the popularity has lasted longer than I would have expected at first.

And that was it for this week, thanks a lot for reading this, I think it has been a very varied and interesting week in general, hope you think the same and hopefully we will see more of this games next week. :cat-heart-blob:
Interesting week! I think we still might see Rust in top 10 in February.

Everspace 2, Dyson Sphere and Skul also in the 10 is pretty cool.
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