Oh, is PC Gaming dying again?
My 'F' key is going to wear out at this rate and my lawn is starting to stink from all the beer i've poured on it.
I suppose from an American, Console, AAA-centric view it's looking pretty bad as you can't easily get a top/mid-top end GPU for decent prices but unless your rig is dying on it's arse you're probably ok with your current machine for a while. Most people i know have a low/low-mid PC or laptop for league, TF2, Minecraft, WOW, use their mobiles for most of their daily or gacha type distraction games and their consoles for AAA releases or COD or FIFA.
PC Gaming and hardware is in a bad place at the moment for sure but we've been here before and came out the other side just fine.
As an extreme enthusiast who has to have the best but doesn't have "Fuck you" money or someone who wants to get in at the top/middle-end then sure it's a bit grim... but that just teaches you the best skill for PC gaming. Patience. (lol)