Community Gaming Screenshots 2019

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Powerslave EX

This game's stillso wonderful. Look at that map compared to modern games and consider it doesn't even clearly show the elevation, the moving parts, the back and forth based on switches, door keys, acquiring the bombs and a bunch of metroidvania skills which open other paths as you revisit previous levels to reach different exits to yet more levels on the Mario-esque world map and so on. Also, I don't even know how I pulled off some of the platofrming back on the Saturn (which had even more complex levels and more beautiful vistas compared to this PS based port and even more platforming with things like bomb jumping - using the explosion to propel yourself - required, the PS version axed that and cut down the levels). It's challenging even on modern dual analog (it's okay on mouse & keyboard but Windows 10 updates broke that, hopefully the official release will happen, fix it & maybe add the superior Saturn version).
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Dec 24, 2018
see? i knew you could make it work! looks FUCKING AMAZING!!!
We made progress with the tools. Still not QUITE there yet. But the groundwork is there. Looks like it's possible we MIGHT get a camera into cut scenes. That would be... well, incredible. Because I don't like taking bog-standard screenshots of pre-chosen cut scene angles. But these cut scenes with a freecam + ReShade = potentially amazing things.

For now, here's something a little different. Went through some old shots of mine and remembered I took some of Horizon Zero Dawn. I suck with console photo modes though.

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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
We made progress with the tools. Still not QUITE there yet. But the groundwork is there. Looks like it's possible we MIGHT get a camera into cut scenes. That would be... well, incredible. Because I don't like taking bog-standard screenshots of pre-chosen cut scene angles. But these cut scenes with a freecam + ReShade = potentially amazing things.
that sounds great ... can't wait! :D


Dec 24, 2018
Had a bunch of B-Roll Metro screenshots lined up too... but last night I played around with having a photo mode in DMC5's cut scenes. Which was nice, but only got to use it maybe 30 minutes. So they're all from the early part of the game. Going to be some awesome stuff coming out of this from everyone I bet... because the character models are amazing.

This first shot is still gameplay though... actually.

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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Had a bunch of B-Roll Metro screenshots lined up too... but last night I played around with having a photo mode in DMC5's cut scenes. Which was nice, but only got to use it maybe 30 minutes. So they're all from the early part of the game. Going to be some awesome stuff coming out of this from everyone I bet... because the character models are amazing.

This first shot is still gameplay though... actually.

that looks incredible ... wow O_O


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
ONE PIECE World Seeker - I was down on this but they've turned it around. I dunno if it holds up but it sure seems impressive. DQXI level open world ARPG? Pls!

It's reviewing pretty badly on Steam but the numbers are low and most of what I read as complaints pretty dumb and unsubstantiated so far (anime shit, plants and grass don't get stomped over as you run through, and all kinds of other shallow "first! notice me senpai!" crap) . Still it's probably wise to wait and see, press (lol) reviews aren't great either so it's possibly just for super fans of the IP than the general gamer if it doesn't hold up as much as its ambition and graphics. Either way, even if this one fails to capitalize on the concept and soon falls flat I hope we see more games trying to do this kind of thing, just a whole lot better.
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Deleted member 113

I get the feeling that you're the only one here that likes my screenshots :p

But yeah, if I take any more I'll continue to post them
Not the only one! :minos_love:

I guess most (like me) are too lazy to do anything other that to say "Wow" out loud, and then click the "like" button. :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:
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Dec 24, 2018
Sekiro is backwards as hell with its camera system so if anyone creates a freecam for it, it probably won't be me. When you move the camera, it still tries to lock onto an invisible target and rotate around it... and I don't know how to fix that.

So with that said, I'm not even as far as Queen here...

I'm not very far yet.


Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Sekiro is backwards as hell with its camera system so if anyone creates a freecam for it, it probably won't be me. When you move the camera, it still tries to lock onto an invisible target and rotate around it... and I don't know how to fix that.

So with that said, I'm not even as far as Queen here...
still ... looks amazing :)

outstanding job, as always! :D


Dec 24, 2018
Started over in Sekiro (because my first go at it was just to spend some time reverse engineering some things for a CE table).

This is a difficult game to get through because I legit do not enjoy playing it. Maybe now's just not he time for me to be playing a super stressful game that forces you to play the way it wants you to play... perfectly.

Steal edit. Replaced some pictures.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Started over in Sekiro (because my first go at it was just to spend some time reverse engineering some things for a CE table).

This is a difficult game to get through because I legit do not enjoy playing it. Maybe now's just not he time for me to be playing a super stressful game that forces you to play the way it wants you to play... perfectly.
... but man, is it pretty as all fuck!

amazing job, as always! :D
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Dec 24, 2018
Thread Status:
Hello jim2point0, There was no answer in this thread for more than 5 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Anyways, I jumped back into a little Borderlands 2 to see the texture updates. I've played so much of the game that it's hard to make it feel fresh enough to want to play it again... but I did take a few screenshots while testing out the old camera tools. Surprisingly most things still work.

An old one, but still a favorite of mine
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