Good progress is being made!
I finished Superliminal, that's #3. That was really good. I loved all the perspective fuckery. Lots of cool puzzles and visuals.
And afterwards I took up Virgo Versus the Zodiac again.
I finished the first area/chapter at ~3 hours and overall it's great fun. There's a lot of depth in the combat and equipment once you get the hang of it. Story is a bit of a mixed bag so far, mainly because you're more or less just dropped into this very alien setting in medias res and personally I just don't have a good grasp on things yet.
It's similar with the combat. The game has unique combat system and additionally has its own terminology for almost everything combat related.
Health and Shield are Hearts and Purity, damage types are Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed, which get affected by the primary stats Ambition, Versatility and Patience (who also effect Hearts and Purity in their own way), Destiny, Cuteness, etc.
That alone already is a hell of a lot to take in, so the game smartly limits your attack options in the beginning to the "basics" and gives you more gear/skills (they're kind of the same) over time.
However, fights are also really hard at the beginning. Your stats are low, you don't have many options and the quick time events that power up your attacks/reduce damage of enemy attacks are really unforgiving. I've had a much better time once I've turned the quick time events to "easy" (but kept enemy strength on normal, thankfully you can change this individually).
Things get easier as you gain levels, equipment and skills and I think by now I have a good enough grasp of all the systems and terminology, so putting the quick time event difficulty back would be fine, but the difficulty curve feels really backwards at the beginning.
It's a really cool game so far, but the barrier of entry is really high.