And that's Mirror Stage done
Was not expecting to go through it that quickly given how long it is, but it had me on the edge of my seat. What a wild ride and that cliffhanger (cliffhangers?) was
One thing that has struck me going through all of these stories is how unconventional this feels compared to most other gacha stories I'm familiar with. There's a much bigger focus on a core cast of Dolls and the non-playable human characters take up more and more screen-time and there are more and more of them. Squads of other dolls show up here and there and do get their moments, but it's a tiny amount compared to the rest (though the Night chapters existed earlier, but they stopped at some point).
I guess the first Girls' Frontline didn't actually have gacha for Dolls, which is why they didn't need to focus on selling you on the doll-of-the-month.
Since GFL2 does have Doll-gacha I'm curious how this has affected its storytelling, if it did.
According to the Cutscene Interpreter I have Poincaré Recurrence and Fixed Point left. Longitudinal Strain is marked as WIP, but Eclipses & Saros if "normal" again, with Chapter 14 as WIP but Maze Guess, Lost in Thoughts and 15.1 not WIP.
The video playlist ends after Fixed Point.
Can someone tell me at which chapter/event the game officially is yet, and what's up with the WIPs? Do I stop after Fixed Point, or should I go until 15.1? Thanks