Discount culture. Are you listening to yourself? Discounts on Steam were always opt-in unlike the one EGS sale so far. Steam didn't force it on anyone and plenty devs praise the influx of revenue big events like the Steam sales bring (more than any dev deciding to discount their game at a random time on their own without the added PR from tons of other discounts at once) when that has otherwise ground to a halt given the game's age and/or competition as despite being immortal cloud data they have an expiration date in terms of market interest. If someone brought an issue it wasn't Steam, it was the whole of the industry thinking it's a good thing to do together. Physical games were always discounted after a time, it was fine then but not in the digital space? And how does EGS address discount culture by making high caliber indie games like Subnautica completely free and then doing discounts of their own that aren't even opt-in and lead to that clusterfuck that became of it? Sure, they benefit the dev of that one game short term if they're paid by Epic by download, or if during their own sale they give the same profit per copy to the dev, but this won't apply to everyone in the industry, it will likely not even apply to the same teams for their next games coming along after Epic thinks it has bought enough users from Kickstarter and other projects out to not need to keep leaking money to gain their foothold. They're pretending they fight against a problem (discounts aren't a problem, they open up sales to an audience that otherwise wouldn't buy them and generally boost profits, not because these people can afford the games but know they'll be discounted, but because they can't, if developers don't want those purchases they're free to never discount their shit) by taking it a step further? It's clear people simply attack Steam for everything it does and everything it doesn't do without considering the alternative they promote is actually worse in every aspect except the fee, a fee that on its own clearly isn't enough for devs to prefer EGS otherwise there would be no need for exclusivity deals like they're doing. Like Bethesda defaulted to Steam after their failures, devs would default to EGS and Steam would be left in the dust not by contracts but by preference. A preference we're being told we're wrong to have because it's not for EGS. Cue getting a single sentence quoted and responded to with essentially off topic rants obfuscating the topic/issue further as the rest of it goes untouched, as usual...
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