clearly epic are winning ... 51 > 33 ... can't argue with facts!On resetera
The steam sale OT is at 33 pages after 2 and a half days
The epic sale OT at 51 after its full two week cour
clearly epic are winning ... 51 > 33 ... can't argue with facts!On resetera
The steam sale OT is at 33 pages after 2 and a half days
The epic sale OT at 51 after its full two week cour
nope, not even once ... the closest they ever got was "other stores", i believe
I'm curious how many of these pro-EGS posters are actually paid shills or EGS employees. I mean, doesn't every big company have "astroturfers" to change the course of certain discussion on the internet?Seems to me it's the same handful of pro-EGS posters getting trashed with solid arguments they cannot counter every so often, proceeding to ignore it ever happened only to return in full force the next page with the same tired old recycled bullshit that have already been refuted a million times in the past like how this or that customer feature is not important/is actually bad, this or that developer feature is not important either or its existence isn't acknowledged when discussed, it's just another launcher, exclusives are no different if they're paid for or because they went to the better service for the developer and the user (the latter of which benefits the dev too as a service's user is the dev's customer) and so on and so forth. I guess the hope is everybody else gets tired of dealing with it and gives up leaving Tim level crap as the only side of the story told.
Epic doesn't want to put the work in for that. EGS was supposed to be easy money for Epic (provide practically nothing for developers nor customers and take 12% for the privilege), and it's backfiring in a monumental way.I'm curious how many of these pro-EGS posters are actually paid shills or EGS employees. I mean, doesn't every big company have "astroturfers" to change the course of certain discussion on the internet?
This said, I'm a bit surprised by the overwhelming negative response to Sweeney's Tweets. While Epic is probably hoping that the negativity around their moneyhatting strategy would could down after a few months, I rather feel like it's increasing. I'm really curious how Epic thinks to recover from such a negative reputation among the pc gaming community. At this moment, that only seems possible with a huge pro-consumer turnaround, compared to what Microsoft has been doing lately.
As someone who's currently playing Yakuza Kiwami, I picture Sweeney like Majima trying to get Kiryu's (Gabe's) attention and fight him by whatever means necessary, no matter how ridiculous or stupid they are.Seems that Tim went from annoying to annoying and sad. I mean, EGS hasn't been directly mentioned by Valve once, has it? I can't help but think that those kinda of tweets is him trying to get some form of attention, even if just a 'yeah tim, we know you have a store now' from Gabe. Can't imagine what Tim will be doing in about two, three months if he doesn't get it by then.
While there are plenty of bad faith actors out there, never put it past a company to partake in the dirty art of astroturfing.I don't think EGS needs to play shills to populate other sites at all. There's enough blind anti-pc & anti-steam venom and just plain trolls out there that people will do the shit-posting for free.
Steam ain't perfect but i'll take a Steam/GOG world over EGS every day.
[Hidden content]
You're right. I forgot about Majima's catchphrase: "The customer is king". You'll never find Sweeney saying anything remotely close to that.RionaaM I'm all for going full offensive and inappropriate when it comes to having a good laugh, but I draw the line at comparing Majima with Sweeney.
That's just going too far, mate!
Let's play a fun game about this, shall we.A couple EGS stans here and there but most everyone is mercilessly dragging him.
If you want an even bigger laugh search “Creator Code” on twitter and filter by people with it in their names. 90% of them have tweets jacking off Epic and (literally) shilling for them.Let's play a fun game about this, shall we.
Let me look at one of the most vocal EGS supporter in that thread.
and what dou you found?
An indiedeveloper studio. From Germany. Working in Unreal Engine 4. Who began development in 2018.
So you're telling me I should have sold my 8-year-old reddit account with ~50k karma instead of deleting it?It might shock people how easy it is to sell things like Reddit accounts to companies to astroturf. If your account is a few years old and has say 30k+ karma (which is fairly easy to get), you used to be able to sell that kind of account for $50-100. Go to any large subreddit like /r/movies, and there are hundreds of obvious shill posts. Bland cast announcements getting upvoted (by bots presumably) to the front of the page, low-res first set pictures, terrible posters, etc.
Anyways, I doubt every pro-EGS poster is a paid shill, but I would be shocked if there wasn't a significant contingent of the pro-EGS Twitter users who were bought accounts run by some kind of marketing farm overseas.
I was scrolling down hoping I could use this gif again. I'm gonna anyway
That's not what I was saying.The man is literally going on Twitter to troll his corporate competitors and look for people attacking his store.
There is really zero inclination in my body to feel any sympathy for his shit-stirring ass because he's getting memed on now.
That's a lot of digging, but uh so what?Posting this here because i worry it will be considered doxxing on Era
As an indidedev working in unreal engine he's got pretty ulterior motives to stan in favor of EGS imoThat's a lot of digging, but uh so what?
It looks like you've just found some developer's alt/shit-posting account.
That's a pretty natural thing to have, in order to avoid having personal/unprofessional talk associated with your brand.
As somebody who posted a "crappy photoshop" I feel obligated to response.Guys, I'm starting to get a little uneasy reading this thread. The personal attacks on Sweeney in the form of crappy photoshops and stalking of the people astroturfing for Epic goes a little far for me. I think all this looks a bit chidlish and distracts from the real problems with EGS.
And as customers with substantial buy-in on the platform, we've got pretty ulterior motives to stan in favor of Steam, IMO.As an indidedev working in unreal engine he's got pretty ulterior motives to stan in favor of EGS imo
It's all in good fun, people. Gamers have been photoshopping industry figures since forever. They're rich corporate executives, I'm sure they'll be ok.
It's not about the harm done, I'm not sure I have that level of empathy for him given his actions. It's about how it makes us look.-snip-
Our motives as a customer is to simply prefer the better product of the ones that are available, that's not the same as being directly paid, or striving for a direct payout of the product owner that exists outside the qualities of the product itself, which is what most developers in this EGS conversation tend to be.And as customers with substantial buy-in on the platform, we've got pretty ulterior motives to stan in favor of Steam, IMO.
Trying to discredit people like this is silly and only serves to undermine the credibility of your complaints against Epic and the EGS.
You don't have to ascribe ulterior motives to everyone that disagrees with you.
Oh no, not at all. I can handle critique, It's all good.I'm also sorry if I was hurtful to you.
We have absolutely no evidence that this developer is on Epic's payroll and the only connection between their professional account and EGS is them responding to a joke tweet by Tim Sweeney. You had to go digging through old forum posts to connect their alt account to their professional profile, but I doubt that the developer expected Tim to do the same. What is the payoff, exactly? And while it is certainly possible that this developer (indeed any developer) hopes for a cash injection from Epic, it is simply intellectually bankrupt to write off people on the mere possibility that it might be the case.Our motives as a customer is to simply prefer the better product of the ones that are available, that's not the same as being directly paid, or striving for a direct payout of the product owner that exists outside the qualities of the product itself, which is what most developers in this EGS conversation tend to be.
It's the same reason you don't take the arguments of a marketing department seriously.
It wouldn't be nessecary for Tim to do that if the dev indeed reached out in an attempt to obtain an exclusive deal.We have absolutely no evidence that this developer is on Epic's payroll and the only connection between their professional account and EGS is them responding to a joke tweet by Tim Sweeney. You had to go digging through old forum posts to connect their alt account to their professional profile, but I doubt that the developer expected Tim to do the same.
But it would be no more intellectually honest to write off Steam users because of their emotional investment, and that is why I am trying to discourage you from doing the same with people defending EGS. Consider the arguments and opinions on their own merit, on both sides, and don't just attack the persons.[/QUOTE]What is the payoff, exactly? And while it is certainly possible that this developer (indeed any developer) hopes for a cash injection from Epic, it is simply intellectually bankrupt to write off people on the mere possibility that it might be the case.
lolGuys, I'm starting to get a little uneasy reading this thread. The personal attacks on Sweeney in the form of crappy photoshops and stalking of the people astroturfing for Epic goes a little far for me. I think all this looks a bit chidlish and distracts from the real problems with EGS.
Really?We have absolutely no evidence that this developer is on Epic's payroll and the only connection between their professional account and EGS is them responding to a joke tweet by Tim Sweeney. You had to go digging through old forum posts to connect their alt account to their professional profile, but I doubt that the developer expected Tim to do the same. What is the payoff, exactly? And while it is certainly possible that this developer (indeed any developer) hopes for a cash injection from Epic, it is simply intellectually bankrupt to write off people on the mere possibility that it might be the case.
As for our motives simply being a preference for the better product, you have to look no further than this thread, indeed any thread on Epic/EGS, to see that people are far more emotionally invested than can be explained by mere pragmatic consumerism (and here I am not counting backers who got bait-and-switched). That should not come as a surprise, considering that people have years of their gaming history, their communities, and many thousands of dollars tied up in the Steam ecosystem.
But it would be no more intellectually honest to write off Steam users because of their emotional investment, and that is why I am trying to discourage you from doing the same with people defending EGS. Consider the arguments and opinions on their own merit, on both sides, and don't just attack the persons.
If our motivation is indeed just a matter of preferring the better product, then we certainly don't need to stoop so low and undermine our own credibility in the process.
Sweeney is making a fool of himself and he will bear the consequences. He went from being one of the most respected engineers in the industry, standing shoulder to shoulder with Carmack, Anderson and Sousa to a glorified twitter troll. He will never regain that stature and that is good enough for me. Yes, his bullshit is irritating but then I'd rather break it down methodically rather than call him names. As Exzyleph said, attack the argument and not the person.Oh no, not at all. I can handle critique, It's all good.
I don't hate Tim, he didn't personally hurt me or my loved ones (or other people afaik). I dislike him and think he is dishonest, self loving and bad for the industry. But so far I've not seen anything that would qualify as hateful in this forum. Anger about games being taken away and the whole situation, satire, comedy, critique but no direct and personal attacks or hate. But maybe I've overlooked something?
The Epic Games Store business strategy is based entirely on nothing else than Tim's ego. Criticism of the store will always inherently criticise the man, too.That's not what I was saying.
Memes and personal attacks look really petty and distract from the problems with EGS. I'm saying that this weakens the sensible and reasonable arguments being made because it looks as if it comes from a place of chidlish hatred.
Not making funny photoshops of Sweeney isn't going to change anyone's mind about the community. From the first day the reactions against Epic started we've been called every derogatory name in the book. Satire is a great weapon against those with wealth and power.It's not about the harm done, I'm not sure I have that level of empathy for him given his actions. It's about how it makes us look.
I feel shocked by what you are saying. Would you behave this way with a stranger? I'm sorry, the rest of you guys have a point with humor as I said but this is scaring me.But I like to attack the person while I attack the argument because that works good together. There would be no stupid argument to attack if there would be no idiot behind spewing it.
Swenhir, I get what you're saying, but you should consider that this thread is basically one that was created so that people could "vent" a bit regarding Epic.I feel shocked by what you are saying. Would you behave this way with a stranger? I'm sorry, the rest of you guys have a point with humor as I said but this is scaring me.
I mean, for fuck's sake the first thing you learn as an engineer or anyone related to a scientific field is not to attack the person but the argument. It's basic decency, don't be an asshole or nobody will respect or argue with you. While I will admit Sweeney is a special case, if you are applying what you are saying to everyday life, I can't help but hope I'm not the only one not okay with this..
I understand what you are saying and I do enjoy venting over Epic as much as anyone else here. It's just that I got uneasy reading some posts and thought I'd speak up. So far, all of you have been civil and I really have appreciated that. I still don't agree but there's not much more I can say. However don't take that as me become suddenly mortally crossed with anyone here. I can't speak for those that spoke to me but I'm fineSwenhir, I get what you're saying, but you should consider that this thread is basically one that was created so that people could "vent" a bit regarding Epic.
People are a bit upset with what Epic has been doing, and this is basically the equivalent of a group of friends getting together, and talking trash about some other guy. Is it always respectful? Not even close.But I really have no doubts that this does not reflect the level of respect and empathy fellow MC members have in their daily lives.
You aren't very likely to find proper information, or level-headed discussion in this topic, because it's not really the point of it.
Personally, and despite having plenty of reasons to be upset with their practices (I was a backer of both Phoenix Point and Shenmue III, I was a beta tester on Steam for Operencia, and I had pre-ordered directly from the developers Rune: Ragnarok), I still think wasting our time getting upset, and insulting Epic and Tim is pointless. It's only giving them free publicity, and I have better things to do than to waste time talking about a company I don't wish to support.
I much rather reward and support companies whose practices and products I see as positive, and I choose to treat with complete irrelevance companies like Epic, and some of the developers that have been doing things that, at least, are rather disrespectful to their customers, or crowdfunding supporters.
So please, don't get upset with one another over Epic, or over an obnoxious billionaire CEO.
Neither are worth it.
I do. It's my life philosophy. If you make a stupid argument you are an idiot. Simple.I feel shocked by what you are saying. Would you behave this way with a stranger? I'm sorry, the rest of you guys have a point with humor as I said but this is scaring me.
I mean, for fuck's sake the first thing you learn as an engineer or anyone related to a scientific field is not to attack the person but the argument. It's basic decency, don't be an asshole or nobody will respect or argue with you. While I will admit Sweeney is a special case, if you are applying what you are saying to everyday life, I can't help but hope I'm not the only one not okay with this..
Sweeney is in charge of one of the most trusted companies in gaming. Leaving aside that the Epic Games Store is an inexplicably poorly designed piece of software which inexplicably keeps failing to follow its own development roadmap, as far as the average games developer is concerned, Unreal 4 is a cornerstone of the games industry. (As is Fortnite in a different way.)Sweeney is making a fool of himself and he will bear the consequences. He went from being one of the most respected engineers in the industry, standing shoulder to shoulder with Carmack, Anderson and Sousa to a glorified twitter troll. He will never regain that stature and that is good enough for me.