News Epic Games Store

Álvaro de Campos

O nada que é tudo.
Mar 12, 2019
They deserved the backlash. And true, personally I don't give one single fuck that they got harassed.
Revealed content
Deserved is a strong word - and well above my pay grade - but they certainly weren't trying to make any friends with that blog post. Considering how well-versed the devs are in the topic of toxic gamer culture they certainly must've known what they were getting into. One doesn't wear a Klan uniform to a Black Panther meeting.
I also personally don't give a single fuck that they got harassed, wouldn't care if they won the lottery either, I have nary a care about anything that happens to them; I simply don't have the capacity to care about people I don't know, even if they act like complete asses and then play the surprised victim, and I can't imagine how awful it must feel to actually care about them.
My heart is not so open that it bleeds for anyone, for it would be nothing but constant pain.
Consider that my charitable support of your controversial post.
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Phoenix RISING

A phoenix always RISES!
Apr 23, 2019
Ann Arbor, MI
I've been reading this thread for a few days now trying to put my thoughts into words, so excuse me if this comes out as a rambling mess.

I have been around GAF and it's ilk for a long time. I lurked Gaming-Age when it started in '99. I seen some shit over the years. I read/joined/lurked just about every offshoot of that community (The Bore, Opa-Ages, etc) and survived all the moves and database loses GAF had in it's infancy. I'm also not the most prolific poster, so I've gone under the radar for my entire "forum career". I remember when NeoGAF was hell for Nintendo fans (the MAF and Drinky Crow days for those that also remember) to the dramatic tonal shift of Off-Topic and subsequent silencing and banning of the Republican posters. And I was there for the downfall of Tyler and the mass migration of the community to ResetERA.

The family of forums we have come to call home is console-centric. They also love system warring and schadenfreude. Most of those posters rallying around EGS don't even own a PC, nor purchase games from digital storefronts. They hate Steam because Steam reignited the PC marketplace. Steam took their precious exclusives and bullet-points and gasp made them available to people that didn't buy their closed box of choice. We aren't a part of their "team" so they took offense to that. EGS pulling this shit is their way of getting one over on PC gamers. And any controversy (like Ooblets) lets them troll openly without the fear of punishment.

I've been PC gaming for a long time (1992). Just like GAF, I've seen trends come and go. I watched our market almost kill itself over piracy and chasing that elusive MMO buck. I've also watched Steam prove that piracy truly is a service issue. I've witnessed the rebirth of PC gaming and even the unthinkable become commonplace, Japanese developer support. Never in my wildest dreams since I played the original Wolfenstein would I ever imaged playing some of the biggest and smallest JRPGs on my platform of choice.

I guess the jist of my ramblings is this. Don't worry about what idiots like Nathan Grayson are pushing. He's just preaching to the choir. He, PC Gamer or any other host of hot take garbage aren't swaying any minds. The people rallying around those hit pieces are people already either not buying games on Steam, or aren't even PC gamers to begin with and just have an axe to grind because "system wars".
I'm close to your age, and when I wasn't doing GAF, I was on Antagonist. Inc on AOL and, Secrets of the Sega Sages, and GameFaqs when it wasn't a punchline, and I 100% concur.

I'm looking at EGS right now like the industry was looking at PUBG a couple of years ago.

Fortnite will run its course eventually just like WOW did...the target audience will age-up, and EGS will have to find a new cash cow.


Mass Erect
Jan 21, 2019
I'm close to your age, and when I wasn't doing GAF, I was on Antagonist. Inc on AOL and, Secrets of the Sega Sages, and GameFaqs when it wasn't a punchline, and I 100% concur.

I'm looking at EGS right now like the industry was looking at PUBG a couple of years ago.

Fortnite will run its course eventually just like WOW did...the target audience will age-up, and EGS will have to find a new cash cow.
I was actually such a sucker for forums, I even got granted access to Matt Casamassina's hidden Gamecube Underground forum on the IGN boards. He actually did leak information on that board until a fellow Gaffer started leaking back to NeoGAF. I knew who was doing it too, lol.
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Miserable old git
Jan 22, 2019
Pfft all you younguns here. Who remembers trying to sort out sound blaster conflicts on DOS cause some fuckin game wouldn't work until you did some tweaking 😛 That and things like logging onto bulletin boards to download some 30MB South Park realmedia file that took for fuckin ever to download and then looked like shit to boot!


Mass Erect
Jan 21, 2019
Pfft all you younguns here. Who remembers trying to sort out sound blaster conflicts on DOS cause some fuckin game wouldn't work until you did some tweaking 😛 That and things like logging onto bulletin boards to download some 30MB South Park realmedia file that took for fuckin ever to download and then looked like shit to boot!
I have nothing to add but fuck Realmedia.


Nov 4, 2018
Pfft all you younguns here. Who remembers trying to sort out sound blaster conflicts on DOS cause some fuckin game wouldn't work until you did some tweaking 😛 That and things like logging onto bulletin boards to download some 30MB South Park realmedia file that took for fuckin ever to download and then looked like shit to boot!
IO 220

These numbers are etched on my brain.


Travel in Stygian
Aug 4, 2019
The family of forums we have come to call home is console-centric. They also love system warring and schadenfreude. Most of those posters rallying around EGS don't even own a PC, nor purchase games from digital storefronts. They hate Steam because Steam reignited the PC marketplace. Steam took their precious exclusives and bullet-points and gasp made them available to people that didn't buy their closed box of choice. We aren't a part of their "team" so they took offense to that. EGS pulling this shit is their way of getting one over on PC gamers. And any controversy (like Ooblets) lets them troll openly without the fear of punishment.
It's just a launcher though, am I right? Repeat ad aeternum.

People have been gaming on PC for a long time, they've seen PC get ignored by a lot of developers over the years, "lately" PC gaming is getting stronger than ever and it's as you say, it bothers people that are irrational. All of a sudden you also can't criticize any developer taking these deals because a bunch of morons can't behave like human beings.

This is coming from someone that has no problem with a dev cashing in those Epic dollars, but just say it as it is: "We want the money". Obviously I'd prefer they didn't, because I'm not buying a single game on that store, but I understand.

Epic won't be able to keep this very aggressive push forever and I'm not sure when these deals stop that they'll be at the place that they want, meaning, the top store, or close to it, where people go to for deals and to build their library.

We'll see.


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
I see we still are the ElderCouncil over here.

Yes, SoundBlaster conflicts were a pain. Between it and a MIDI card (for the MT-32), and some other cards (LPT maybe and a modem later on) I remember almost running out of IRQs, specially because it was hard to know what your motherboard was using for itself.

All of worth it for experiencing things like the intro for Wing Commander 2 :p

So yeah, we been through some annoying times before, and the biggest threat to PC gaming that was UWP had faded for now, so let's see what's after these... "turbulent" (to say the least) times.


Press Any key, where the hell is it ?
Aug 5, 2019
Buncha nerds in here.

Besides you are never a true PC gamer if you don't remember the struggles of trying to get the mouse driver into Himem.

The thing about the whole EGS thing is I am not against a new store. If I could think of a single solitary good thing that can possibly come out of what Epic is doing I would be cheer leading them all the way. But there isn't, there is no good outcome to this. The path Epic are taking leads to a bad outcome for consumers, developers and the PC platform.

Now I got to tell ya sometimes I feel like I am the only sane person in the bloody asylum how can people far more intelligent than me not see how this is going to be nothing but bad news in the long term.


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
Buncha nerds in here.
Bunch of old nerds please :p

Nerds these days don't even know what a autoexec.bat/config.sys are. We watch LGR videos not to see what's was interesting in old hardware/software but to say "Holy crap I remember/had that!"

get off my lawn!
Sorry, my back is acting up so I'm going to have lie down in your lawn for a while.

Now I got to tell ya sometimes I feel like I am the only sane person in the bloody asylum how can people far more intelligent than me not see how this is going to be nothing but bad news in the long term.
It is frustrating. Joking aside, is hard to see how anyone with even a lit a bit of experience in PC gaming, that has taken advantage of it's openness, can't see how these things are not good long term. So either they are being stupid on purpose or simply aren't that involved with the platform...or maybe both :p

Though to be fair, feeling like you are the only sane person left is something I'm getting a lot these days including things outside of gaming. And yes, everyone else is crazy and I'm not out of touch or anything :)


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
This is now the PC nostalgia thread.

That struggle to get Doom to run with 4MB of RAM. When you had to boot into DOS before Windows 3.1 loaded.
Which is why we setup our CONFIG.SYS to have separate menus and AUTOEXEC.BAT with %GOTO%

But of course, DOS4GW will refuse to play nice with everything.


Jan 20, 2019
Clifton, New Jersey
When I started playing games on the PC, the majority of them were pirated. The only ones that weren't were Half-Life, Team Fortress Classic, and Counter-Strike. I got those because a friend gave me one of the CD keys from a Half-Life collection.

I didn't stop pirating until the end of 2007 when I started buying games off of Steam.


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
I joined PC Gaming back in the Just Another Launcher Wild West days., MS Zone, ASE, Gamespy/MPlayer, TEN. Downloading 35 pieces to a patch from sketchy locations. You know the good ol' days.
Oooohh... that was so annoying. Find the site, find a good download manager because you are downloading from a modem and shit (someone is going to pick up the phone) is going to happen, hope nothing got corrupted. Try to install it, see you are missing a previous patch... start all over again.

There is a reason that as soon as Steam became more stable (the memories of the Half-life 2 launch....ouch) people jumped really fast to it... and why I find the arguments "you can use another app to do this and that" frustrating... yes, we know that, we lived through that. It is really nice to have a "baseline" of functionality for something in Steam and only choosing to use something else if it offers a better experience.

Which is why we setup our CONFIG.SYS to have separate menus and AUTOEXEC.BAT with %GOTO%

But of course, DOS4GW will refuse to play nice with everything.
Before MS-DOS added that functionality I had to made a pretty "elaborate" menu system using... I think it was called Norton Batch Enhancer. With mini-windows (in ASCII of course) and the ability to store and select 16 unique configurations :p

HIMEM.SYS, EMM386, DOS4GW, QEMM (sometime it helped, others times.. not so much), and so many others abreviations.

..... I'm old ... :(

I'm not gonna lie, I was a filthy pirate when I joined the PC platform. In my defense, there were not many games for sale in my country, and those that were, they costed a lot of cash.
What? No no no no. I was completely legit in my day. I really was..... why is no one believing me? That Space Quest 2 that we found out was missing the third disk only when we finally progressed through the game is completely original, I swear.

Over here we also didn't have a lot of options. But I did like Sierra games so much I started to annoy my father so we could buy directly from them via FAX, and then waited a lot for it to arrive via mail.


Apr 18, 2019
I have nothing to add but fuck Realmedia.
Fuck Realmedia. The real fight of our generation.

And speaking of those IRQs... I'm still having driver conflict on my laptop that really remind me of that as I have to activate two conflicting devices in the right order at every boot.
well we're certainly heading back that way :p

It's pretty funny seeing you guys reminisce about those bulletin boards and forums. As a non-native speaker, I got on english-speaking discussion boards too late to see any of that history. I would've loved to see it.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
It's pretty funny seeing you guys reminisce about those bulletin boards and forums. As a non-native speaker, I got on english-speaking discussion boards too late to see any of that history. I would've loved to see it.
Reading the 9/11 thread on the old neogaf is surreal.


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
Metacouncil on Aging.

Anyway, let's get the Epic thread back on track: Death Stranding is an Epic exclusive. Book it, ya jabronis.
Lol, I did a stupid thing and read that thread that existed elsewhere. Trololololol everywhere lol.

If so, Epic has some serious Playstation envy! Sorry Tim, I'd only play it there. :(


Just a chick who games
May 24, 2019
Metacouncil on Aging.

Anyway, let's get the Epic thread back on track: Death Stranding is an Epic exclusive. Book it, ya jabronis.
Yup. Not that I was all that interested in playing it. Never been a big Kojima fan myself. Might've streamed it for shits & giggles, though, but I guess that ain't happening if it's Epic. Epic still hasn't gotten a single game that has made me consider breaking. The ONLY series that would get me to even think about it would be Resident Evil, and we know how Capcom loves whoring those games out on every single platform possible, so I doubt they'd ever go for an exclusive for a major game in the series.
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Junior Member
Mar 14, 2019
Deserved is a strong word - and well above my pay grade - but they certainly weren't trying to make any friends with that blog post. Considering how well-versed the devs are in the topic of toxic gamer culture they certainly must've known what they were getting into. One doesn't wear a Klan uniform to a Black Panther meeting.
I also personally don't give a single fuck that they got harassed, wouldn't care if they won the lottery either, I have nary a care about anything that happens to them; I simply don't have the capacity to care about people I don't know, even if they act like complete asses and then play the surprised victim, and I can't imagine how awful it must feel to actually care about them.
My heart is not so open that it bleeds for anyone, for it would be nothing but constant pain.

Consider that my charitable support of your controversial post.
Another awful post. I'm quoting it because you shouldn't get to hide your self-admitted sociopathy to lurkers.

Comparing these guys to the Klan. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? The blog post was very, very mildly provocative at the worst. The only sane reaction to have at reading it, is to shrug and move on with your life, period. And not only you're justifying the harassment they get and even callously admit that you don't give a shit, you have the fucking nerve to compare this to the KKK. You actually compared this silly blog post to... the worst kind of dangerous bigot antagonizing a marginalized community. This is absolutely fucking batshits insane and a perfect example of the crazy toxicity in gaming communities.

I am not a full member so I can't report you or whatever, but seeing posts like these being accepted by the community sure as shit will insure I'll likely never become one.
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Apr 18, 2019
The blog post was very, very mildly provocative at the worst
It wasn't. It was out of touch under the best interpretation of their intentions. Please don't gaslight people. The harassment is unforgivable but the critcism they received was well-deserved.

You are extremely angry, hyperbolic and calling to ban someone while misreading his arguments with a tone that a worries me. Considering that you are alarmed by crazy toxicity in gaming communities, I'm afraid you aren't exactly helping here.

Furthermore, using his reply to paint the entire metacouncil community a given way is, for a lack of better words, bullshit. Please don't resort to such hasty generalizations and ad hominems aimed at people you haven't even met and talked with.

Edit : Also, consider this. If he gets banned, what is going to happen? He's not going to die of cardiac arrest. He'll still be here, except more pissed and less inclined to listen. Even if you assume that he's such a bad person, I would rather he stayed here with us where we have a chance to change his mind rather than be radicalized further. Pushing people away and railing at them with religious fervor does nothing to solve the problem. We had a discussion about that earlier in another thread iirc.
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Álvaro de Campos

O nada que é tudo.
Mar 12, 2019
Another awful post. I'm quoting it because you shouldn't get to hide your self-admitted sociopathy to lurkers.

Comparing these guys to the Klan. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? The blog post was very, very mildly provocative at the worst. The only sane reaction to have at reading it, is to shrug and move on with your life, period. And not only you're justifying the harassment they get and even callously admit that you don't give a shit, you have the fucking nerve to compare this to the KKK. You actually compared this silly blog post to... the worst kind of dangerous bigot antagonizing a marginalized community. This is absolutely fucking batshits insane and a perfect example of the crazy toxicity in gaming communities.

I am not a full member so I can't report you or whatever, but seeing posts like these being accepted by the community sure as shit will insure I'll likely never become one.
Should I compare them to idiots who walk into tiger dens? Or the ones that somersault into dangerous rivers?
Don't mistake my view of the situation as justification, it is simply a fact of life that exposing oneself to danger will increase the odds of shitty things happening, like walking alone at night or leaving your personal belongings somewhere. Antagonizing a community that is known to be toxic and send threats is stupidity to the highest degree, especially on the internet where your garden-variety sociopaths can jump on the bandwagon for shits and giggles.
My point has nothing to do with virtue. It has nothing to do with morality. It has to do with common sense. That's why the Klan comparison was used, because such a thing is completely irrelevant to the point I was making.

As for my sociopathy, you'll have to forgive me, because if I genuinely started caring about humans I have no relation to I'd have no choice but to kill myself; with the millions of starving people emaciated as their stomachs shrink and fold in on themselves, the thousands of people who commit suicide every day because they see no other way out, the hundreds in China who are treated as disposable as they are crushed by mechanical contraptions and accidents (and that's just the Han natives, the Uyghurs have it even worse off, with men being sent to camps as their women are forced to marry Han men), and all the Buddhist monks who set themselves on fire to fight for their beliefs in a better world.
Smart-ass first-world game devs would be on the bottom of my list anyhow.


May 25, 2019
Another awful post. I'm quoting it because you shouldn't get to hide your self-admitted sociopathy to lurkers.

Comparing these guys to the Klan. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? The blog post was very, very mildly provocative at the worst. The only sane reaction to have at reading it, is to shrug and move on with your life, period. And not only you're justifying the harassment they get and even callously admit that you don't give a shit, you have the fucking nerve to compare this to the KKK. You actually compared this silly blog post to... the worst kind of dangerous bigot antagonizing a marginalized community. This is absolutely fucking batshits insane and a perfect example of the crazy toxicity in gaming communities.

I am not a full member so I can't report you or whatever, but seeing posts like these being accepted by the community sure as shit will insure I'll likely never become one.
Like I'm following your grievance here and I'm with it. Besides that, this message is a bit intense. You don't need to insult the whole forum over one post.


May 22, 2019
Expressing an idiotic opinion about video games (or anything for that matter) should never attract harassment reactions and death threats.
It should be considered unacceptable to even approve those reactions too.

Generalisations do not help either. You can not paint a community bad because of a couple of bad posts. Except Nazis. Nazis are always bad, all of them.

Finally, as an old timer myself I had tried to play ET the game at its time on my cousin's Atari and my first mouse had a serial plug. And I disliked the notion of mice back then because I thought they ll make computing more easy. Idiot younger me lol.


formerly 'deftones r cool'
Apr 19, 2019
I first started playing PC games when Lego Island was cool. I was 6. Riven: The Sequel to Myst,Sanitarium, Project Journeyman, and MechWarrior 2 were my bread and butter. Before that my uncle had some like 8 bit PC we'd play Monopoly or some shit on. I wish my memory wasn't so fuzzy.

But yeah, I have multiple "it's just another browser, dude" friends. They're also the type who don't understand why I love Bernie Sanders so much. I'm fighting for their rights and they don't even know it. Typical sycophantic rhetoric ad nauseum. I don't even bother, but they love to rile me up.

Álvaro de Campos

O nada que é tudo.
Mar 12, 2019
Expressing an idiotic opinion about video games (or anything for that matter) should never attract harassment reactions and death threats.
It should be considered unacceptable to even approve those reactions too.
My (probably poorly worded) point is that it does, independent of whether it should or not. I agree that approval is unacceptable, which is why I disagreed with the term "deserved". If this was the misunderstanding then I'll accept responsibility for it.

Edit : Also, consider this. If he gets banned, what is going to happen? He's not going to die of cardiac arrest. He'll still be here, except more pissed and less inclined to listen. Even if you assume that he's such a bad person, I would rather he stayed here with us where we have a chance to change his mind rather than be radicalized further. Pushing people away and railing at them with religious fervor does nothing to solve the problem. We had a discussion about that earlier in another thread iirc.
Personally, I like this community and some of the people in it, so it would be a shame to be forced to leave. That said, I wouldn't take it personally and get angry about it, it's completely understandable for communities to not want and banish undesirables. It would certainly give me more time to read In the Buddha's Words.
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Mercenary in the Badlands
Jun 15, 2019
I wonder what Epics plans are with the actual store. Right now, it's just a bunch of smaller and bigger tiles where you have to keep scrolling and scrolling to find what you want to buy.

There isn't many games on the Epic Store already and it takes a lot of time to scroll to the end.
Assuming they have a plan for visibility on the store is a pretty big assumption.
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Chaotic writer
May 15, 2019
Assuming they have a plan for visibility on the store is a pretty big assumption.
This is one of the strangest thing about this EGS stuff.

Some people talk about how EGS is better for visibility because there's no half-baked games or doesn't experience the actual hentai games flood as Steam does, but as mentioned before, if they keep adding new games in their store, it's only a matter of time before you'll have to swim through the whole catalog to find them.

So much for visibility then. That's why I don't get it when journalists or devs talk about how visibility is better on EGS. In the actual store state, it will soon be the opposite. I wonder if they all be going back to Steam for their next games, they should if this was a legit and honest reason to sign with EGS...