Community MetaSteam | September 2019 - Valve, I Know What You Did Last Summer!

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The game was on sale for 75% two times in the 4 weeks, got steadily increasing discounts before that and it was also in August's Humble Monthly. Also lots of streamer were and are playing on Twitch. Not sure what more they could've done tbh.
The base game had big discounts but the complete edition was still around 20€ or more depending on where it was on sale. They should have been more aggresive selling the complete edition for less.
The game was on sale for 75% two times in the 4 weeks, got steadily increasing discounts before that and it was also in August's Humble Monthly. Also lots of streamer were and are playing on Twitch. Not sure what more they could've done tbh.

Yeah and you seen the discounts on the DLC? PFFFFFT. The base game has always got good discounts.
I had Surge in my library and didn't even know it a couple months ago. I've got it installed but still haven't played it.

They might be too quick to trash bin a game and not keen enough to invest in it for the long haul.
gabbo great write up, I wonder if the big guys know there is a possibility of this coming hence the big push to services.
Usually I find the big guys are always trying to mitigate risks, current and future and as mentioned , the big guys are already headed to f2p , services.
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The base game had big discounts but the complete edition was still around 20€ or more depending on where it was on sale. They should have been more aggresive selling the complete edition for less.
I believe it has nothing to do with discounts and DLC. People just have had enough after playing the first game which is not that great, especially since the sequel is not that much different. This is a a common theme in many sequels.

Code Vein is a new IP with barely any marketing, and it does much better.
he finally made the video:

Better video on the topic. Especially since Ross had the audacity to try and call Hoeg out lmao.

gabbo great write up, I wonder if the big guys know there is a possibility of this coming hence the big push to services.
Usually I find the big guys are always trying to mitigate risks, current and future and as mentioned , the big guys are already headed to f2p , services.
Between digital resale possibly being mandated, and regulation of lootboxes/MTX, it seems pretty obvious that the move to subscriptions was an early contingency plan.

Other entertainment industries and the software industry saw the writing on the wall years ago. Games are just playing catchup now.
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I set up my Logitech G560s and well the results are a bit mixed. They are cool and I do get loud sound of them. I wanted to make more use of the Surround Sound feature that they have but it just sounded weird. Part of that might be because I have the satellite speakers behind my monitor instead of in front of it, The reason I did this was because there is not a lot of space on my desk and there is room behind my monitor.

I played Sekiro with the default setting and boy was it something, you could hear the bass and all of that good stuff.

I think I may need to do somethings with the profile of games.

The audio play back for music on Youtube was nice
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gabbo great write up, I wonder if the big guys know there is a possibility of this coming hence the big push to services.
Usually I find the big guys are always trying to mitigate risks, current and future and as mentioned , the big guys are already headed to f2p , services.
I mean EULA's aren't legally enforceable already, so they've been riding this out for well past its expiration date. I would be shocked if publishers didn't have contingency plans for this sort of thing squirreled away somewhere, "Break glass if digital used games" sort of thing. I think the only reason publishers took this long to get into some kind of service model is a)the upfront investment, and b)untested market. Gametap tried and fizzled out, gmg started with this and dropped it after like a year. What incentive is there for EA or Activision if someone else wants to use their own money and they just give them a small piece of each <sub/etc> and learn from their mistakes. Microsoft is getting on the ground floor and can withstand the losses for a while with their cheap entry point and give aways, but not everyone can..

I myself would only sell games I didn't like (looking at you AvP 2010), so im in no huge hurry to see this take shape, but I can see from a consumers rights perspective why this is good and other applications (though north american copyright is a joke which would hold up several)
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My OlliOlli2 save didn't get backed up to the cloud or I'm just unlucky. It not the worst thing in the world, since OO2 is a bunch of fun to replay. It's also incredible with the Steam Controller. I wish Valve would do something for the SC like they did with the touch configs. Just showcase a bunch of them.

Oh yeah. I'm back pimping the Steam Controller, so hold onto your butts. I don't have to deal with randos telling me its the worst controller of all time.
My OlliOlli2 save didn't get backed up to the cloud or I'm just unlucky. It not the worst thing in the world, since OO2 is a bunch of fun to replay. It's also incredible with the Steam Controller. I wish Valve would do something for the SC like they did with the touch configs. Just showcase a bunch of them.

Oh yeah. I'm back pimping the Steam Controller, so hold onto your butts. I don't have to deal with randos telling me its the worst controller of all time.
Randos just be hatin cuz they can't style with a goat controller and struggle their big hands with them baby sized joycons :v
Tho unless ninty or another company release a bigger and more sensible sized and designed joycon, i would stick with wiimotes for wii emulation:v
How connected are the Atelier sub-series? For example Mysterious series. I might be buying Atelier Sophie since it's the cheapest game, but I am not sure if I want to buy the other two games
How connected are the Atelier sub-series? For example Mysterious series. I might be buying Atelier Sophie since it's the cheapest game, but I am not sure if I want to buy the other two games
Sophie is a finished story on its own (and also the first game in that sub-series).
I haven't played the others in the sub-series yet though.
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Some time in the past 10 hours they uploaded library assets for Prey Typhon Hunter (previously the main game had it but Typhon didn't).

Yay, Beautiful too.
I kinda don't get devs/pubs who doesn't update their cover art. I mean, why? Why do you want yoru game to look ugly in peoples library? :p

Dave Gilbert said in the Wadjet Eye discord that Valve did not do a very good job of telling the devs that the change was coming. Don't know how accurate that is, but that would explain some things.
The more i play, the more i enjoy Code Vein.
It's that that right kind of anime edge of the early 2000's where the creators (and fans) think an anime is mature and "grown-up" just for having blood and tiddy en masse. I think it works really well because the game isn't even trying to be satirical or smart about it, it just is those animes.

Like man, one of the character backstories is essentially inspired by the beginning of Elfenlied and even though i despise Elfenlied, i can't help but love it in this case. I think it's triggering a sort of nostalgia in me for something i wasn't yet aware i had nostalgia for.

Gameplaywise it is the usual souls formular in a sort of casualized manner, but the hitfeedback feels nice an the job system - for the lack of better words - is cool and keeps you motivated.
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Dave Gilbert said in the Wadjet Eye discord that Valve did not do a very good job of telling the devs that the change was coming. Don't know how accurate that is, but that would explain some things.
tbh at this point i kinda doubt ,given the public knew about the change coming for months and the beta was announced well before its luanch .... not sure how it was in dev spaces but still even devs exist in public space and expect Valve to spam email them everyday or something
tbh at this point i kinda doubt ,given the public knew about the change coming for months and the beta was announced well before its luanch .... not sure how it was in dev spaces but still even devs exist in public space and expect Valve to spam email them everyday or something

not like emails work either ... volvo has always been spamming devs with emails about new currencies and still TONNES of them didn't bother setting prices in those currencies until people started asking them on twitter (and some STILL haven't done it to this day)

Dave Gilbert said in the Wadjet Eye discord that Valve did not do a very good job of telling the devs that the change was coming. Don't know how accurate that is, but that would explain some things.
Erm, it's total bullshit.

IMHO at least -- I don't know what others' standards are for "being told", but to me 2 specific emails about the change, the first several months in advance, are more than sufficient.

Edit: not blaming anyone for not reading all their emails -- I'm plenty of guilty on that myself -- but that doesn't mean that you weren't told, it means you didn't read it ;)
Erm, it's total bullshit.

IMHO at least -- I don't know what others' standards are for "being told", but to me 2 specific emails about the change, the first several months in advance, are more than sufficient.

yeah, volvo always tell devs about that stuff in advance

i personally got 2 emails about the Halloween thing a few days ago ... it's really hard to miss, lol ... unless you ignore your emails, i guess

but if that's the case then i really don't know what those devs are expecting ... a personal call from Gaben or something?
I kinda don't get devs/pubs who doesn't update their cover art. I mean, why? Why do you want yoru game to look ugly in peoples library? :p
New library is still beta you know.
but if that's the case then i really don't know what those devs are expecting ... a personal call from Gaben or something?
They wanted from gaben: email spam, subscribe to twitch, follow on facebook, retweet, refer 10 friends. Well same way devs promote their games lol.
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New library is still beta you know.

true ... but honestly i'll be EXTREMELY surprised if we reach 50% by the time it's out of beta (it's at about 70% right now ... games without new assets, i mean)

unless they plan on keeping it in beta for the next few years, then maaaaaybe
Updating the artwork for games for a beta version of the client is probably very low on the priority list of any publisher/dev and frankly I can't blame blame, if I were in their shoes I wouldn't even bother until it's out of beta.
You'll probably see more updates once it's out of beta, and even then it's probably something that's going to very low priority.
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ehhhhh not for me. I mean a free game is a free game if I can find a good deal for a 2070 Super. The issue is it has to be on Amazon because I have $600 CAD in giftcards but Amazon never has the best price :(
If you end up getting the card and don't want to play CoD I can volunteer to buy it at small price if I don't happen to find it cheap elsewhere :blobgamer:

Is the game even good? It looks quite mediocre
After things start clicking it's goddamn great, last 2 days I've already spent 17 hours with it.

My chara:
It all makes sense, Snowflakes would be the first to get a meltdown regarding climate change.

Édit: to clarify, I'm talking about those angry at a kid being the real snowflakes!
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