|OT| Genshin Impact - Breath of the Elements


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
WOW! There is so much coming!

There are 2 more patches before Natlan right? I wish there were some character leaks! I need to know who I am saving for.
Probably, yeah.
We should still have a 4.8 summer update with a temporary new area and another batch of skins.
That's probably also when we'll get a trailer introducing the Natlan characters (at least I'd hope so!)
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Dec 21, 2018
Well huh, with the lvl50 BP fate I rolled a tenner on the standard banner

That was 23 pity, after the last Qiqi at 45... not that I'm going to use Diluc C2, but still. I might use Chevreuse soon though!
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I hope Chevreuse is one Clorinde's banner. I like "specialized" niche teams, Nilou teams are one of my favorites.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Emelie drip marketing!


"How incredible. I can perceive emotions through water, which humans cannot, yet they are capable of using it to regulate their mood... And they accomplish this with a fragrance in liquid form? I see. I believe I have a better understanding of this concept now." — Neuvillette

◆ Name: Emilie
◆ Title: A Thousand Scents Traced
◆ Renowned Perfumer
◆ Vision: Dendro
◆ Constellation: Pomum de Ambra

I think a lot of people are disappointed she doesn't look like the concept art, but do GI characters ever end up looking like the concept art? I love the design, though not enough to know if I will pull for her.
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Dec 21, 2018
I like her design more than the concept arts, the shorter hair and slit dress gives her a different feel han the kiddy designs.
But why the breast curtains though, Cloud Retainer stop influencing fashion. :weary-face:


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I like her design more than the concept arts, the shorter hair and slit dress gives her a different feel han the kiddy designs.
But why the breast curtains though, Cloud Retainer stop influencing fashion. :weary-face:
Yeah, I hadn't noticed the boob-thing right away. As soon as someone pointed it out I just sighed. It's so silly.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Don't have any strong feelings about Emilie's design one way or another.
Will need to see if her animations, personality/story and kit can sell me on her. If her kit is indeed Burning related, that would be a big thing in her favor, I like characters bringing something new to table.
But it will also depend on how Clorinde pulling is gonna go and how many of the Natlan characters that we'll hopefully get to see soon appeal to me on first glance.

Clorinde's demo was great. Killer music. Literally.

Clorinde's banner on the other hand... lol. Sethos, Kaveh and Chevreuse was way too good to be true. I guess I'll just hope for a bunch of Sethos' and off-banner spooks.


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
Everyone is hating on her banner, but it actually has me tempted to fish for some 4-stars! My Bennett and Thoma are both only C2, and I think Sethos' design is great(though I'm not a big charge attack bow fan). I also wouldn't be sad if I got an early Clorinde, though I doubt I would pull for her specifically.

Of course, pulling for 4-stars is always a bad idea so I dunno.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I dislike the banner mostly because I already have Thoma and Bennett at C6 and there were a lot of reasonable options that I didn't have yet.
But it is what it is, 4 star selection really doesn't factor into my pulling decisions at all anymore.

Also, 4.8 leaks are starting and once of them is even more permanent content.
Character-Specific challenge stages that require level 90, friendship 8 and "keys" that can be gotten via the Theater. Rewards include movement SFX (trails) for the character. First "batch" are Diluc, Kirara, Ningguang, Qiqi, Jean.

Hoyo really took the complaints last year about the 2nd half of Sumeru being dry personally, lol.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
That sounds great! I don't know if it will actually encourage me to build/play Diluc or Ningguang(I don't have the other 3 yet), but... maybe?
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
That sounds great! I don't know if it will actually encourage me to build/play Diluc or Ningguang(I don't have the other 3 yet), but... maybe?
I really like the direction they are going in. Permanent content that incentivizes you to build more characters and/or rewards you for having already done that for your faves is great. The rewards being cosmetic stuff is also really nice, even if they are "small" things - really curious how these effects will look like.

Also Kirara is apparently the 4.8 free character (and seems to get the free skin this time around), so there's at least 1 more char you could work on :p
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
After I got Diluc jumpscared the game made it up to me with my first ever double 5 stars in one 10 pull

And I got 1 Sethos too

That's my first ever Limited 5 star beyond C0 :cold-sweat:
  • Sweating
  • Gib
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
After I got Diluc jumpscared the game made it up to me with my first ever double 5 stars in one 10 pull

And I got 1 Sethos too

That's my first ever Limited 5 star beyond C0 :cold-sweat:
That's amazing! Congrats!

I ended up getting her while fishing for 4-stars. Only took 40 pulls and I was at 0 pity. There goes my guarantee though! Now I need to farm a bunch of stuff for her. I have enough billets to get her Finale of the Deep max refined, but not enough crystals to craft them all. And then of course I'll need to level it. Lots of farming in my future.

I wish I had gotten some more Bennetts and Thomas though. Got one more con of each(so they are both C3 now), plus a Sethos.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I ended up getting her while fishing for 4-stars. Only took 40 pulls and I was at 0 pity. There goes my guarantee though! Now I need to farm a bunch of stuff for her. I have enough billets to get her Finale of the Deep max refined, but not enough crystals to craft them all. And then of course I'll need to level it. Lots of farming in my future.
Congrats! Already have her at 90 with a Finale of the Deep and a level 9 skill. Am still missing a crit damage circlet though :cold-sweat:
Also haven't activated her C1 yet since I want to finish building her first and get a proper comparison.


Jun 9, 2019
After I got Diluc jumpscared the game made it up to me with my first ever double 5 stars in one 10 pull

And I got 1 Sethos too

That's my first ever Limited 5 star beyond C0 :cold-sweat:
Congrats man. That's great luck.

I logged in today just to claim the free primogems and had 5 standard banner wishes unused. Pulled a Mona constellation.

I still want to get back to this game but it bothers me that there's just no way I can catch up. Only 2 patches till Natlan and I have all of Fontaine, Enkanomiya, Chenyu Vale and side quests in Sumeru to get through. Also the heat in my country is ridiculous... Higher than 40 degrees temperatures so you just never ever feel like playing anything on the PC which is a mini nuclear reactor in terms of heat generation.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Great patch.
Archon quest was pretty great, dropping a bunch of lore bombs among other things.
Clorinde's Story Quest was fantastic, top 3 character quests in the game imo, strong conteder for current favorite.

Clorinde herself is super fun. Took me some time to get used to her, and I'm still learning, since she's quite technical, but it's worth it.

First Abyss clear was with comfy Zhongli support

But I have since tried other things and have now cleared it with Beidou instead.

I'm not sure this is going to be a mainstay team of mine, since it's less comfy than Kirara/Zhongli, but it is definitely stronger and it was incredibly fun to try out. Fastest Abyss clears for this particular lineup, though I did have to restart a few times.
Zipping between enemies to dodge and line them up for her piercing shots is so, so cool.
Beidou feels like a fantastic partner, because her small shield/interruption resistance feels like it's just enough and she adds quite a lot of damage on her own.

Not an optimal run by any means, can still work on better positioning and I realised afterwards that I should probably use Clorinde's Burst after the Skill, not before it, to make sure it has all the other buffs as well.
Was really really fun though.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Skyward Blade Clorinde with Qiqi/Furina and Zhongli is an actual thing lol

So many numbers
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Reactions: Dandy


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Theater is finally out. I like it!

Finished all stages of the with all stars.

The presentation is gorgeous, having the characters you battle with actually be in the room with you with special voicelines is great.
Trying to make the best teams with what you're given and what you're up against and strategically picking new members and buffs felt good.
Here's what I ended up with (Wanderer and Thoma are Trials, others are mine):

As you can see, Fischl was the clear MVP getting 4 uses thanks to vigor-regen buffs. The Prinzessin der Verurteilung does not let her subjects down :)


Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I don't have enough characters built to tackle Hard, so I could only do up to Normal. I love the atmosphere and the arenas are gorgeous! I found it pretty easy, except for a defense stage. I just didn't have the right units for it, so it took a few tries.


Dec 21, 2018
Maybe I should do the Theatre at some point. :thinking-face:

Anyway, 4.8 trailer

Looks like a cool zone, Kirara's outfit is fantastic. Nilou looks a bit bland to me.
That change for encounter points is more than welcome, I remember saying that when it appeared, but as it is today you can barely use events to skip dailies, risk missing rewards if you wait too long, and it discourages exploration... being able to bank them is so much better.
The teaser for Natlan is nice, but the characters don't look like what I expected... odd clothes. I like that it's different, though.
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Dec 21, 2018
Finally did the Imaginarium Theatre.

It's not great. It's an improvement for an endgame, with less reliance on time trials and more organic requirements for different builds, and it's finally a push to build many characters instead of the same broken two teams...
But on the other hand the rogue lite buffs feel pretty menial and weak (even more so than usual for Hoyo), and more importantly the way to obtain new chars is anti fun - you have to either choose buffs or chars that you will 100% need if you don't luck into stamina regen.
You can also stumble into ridiculously hard encounters if you don't have the proper teams, and while it's not that bad this time, the protect the obelisk task is a PITA if you don't have a team heavy on control - that one could become a real issue with some other elements.

I think the main issue is that the mode forces you to start with super specific chars, so you're forced to spend stamina on potentially important options and the first few fights railroad you far too much into specific teams. Plus you can only use 1 borrowed char from your friends in hard mode...
Here I think the approach that ZZZ did was smarter, they should at least relax the number of characters you need, no reason to hard lock you into 4 chars teams early...

Still, I like it more than Spiral Abyss and will do it when available. It has potential, but it definitely needs some work.


Dec 21, 2018
Hmm. It's a pretty bland teaser, not particularly engaging, and I think most characters are pretty flat, especially that bandit-Clorinde-at-home girl, it feels like reused designs from the Fontaine leaks with less frills...
At least we get more kemonomimi I suppose...?

Right after the variety of ZZZ, and this is not fair for Genshin's limited body types, but it sure shows its age...


Jun 9, 2019
Whole month since anyone posted :O RIP Metahoyo community

Highlights from the stream

  • Free 5 star standard banner selector for every anniversary
  • Slightly higher than 50-50 chance when pulling for a limited character (before the guarantee)
  • Weapon banner down to 1 fate point but still not as generous as 75-25 in the other games
  • No need to collect all the thingamajigs in Mondstadt and Liyue to upgrade your stamina. Nice change for new players.
  • There will be some currency to change the main stat on relics you get.
  • You can skip to the Natlan archon quest after finishing Liyue. Not sure what that does to the continuity of the story or how they've accounted for that but it could be an option for me since I haven't gotten to Fontaine yet. You also get 500 primogems if you complete the archon quest in the patch it's released in apparently?

Raiden Shogun is coming back in 5.0 second banner. This was leaked but kind of not believable because why her and why so early but there you go. Will have to start gathering tickets to get her to C2.
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Dec 21, 2018
The 5.0 stream is finally here. At a really strange time, but hey.

Natlan does look quite good really, with some real improvements in gameplay, I hope they'll bring some of those in older areas one day...
I really like Mualani, Kachina and Kinich also look nice but I'll need to try them, they look like their skill cause a lot of little interruptions.

Free Kachina with the story too (seems like the leaks were yet again completely wrong), and in general, a lot of extra rewards and a quick start for a lot more content (and more to be retrofitted, they said).
500 gems for completing story quests during their patch, extra mats for characters when doing their stories - enough for ascension 2 and 3 (that's a big deal for new players!), a new world level difficulty with 3 boss mats per kill guaranteed, and extra drops on mobs at all levels also.

Plus the big announcement:

Free standard 5* with every anniversary now :blobnerd:
  • Gib
Reactions: Ascheroth


Dec 21, 2018
Well, I did thought about posting my thoughts, even more so after spindoctor reminded me that it's been... a while.

And not much to say, I never finished most Fontaine zones because they're very dull and the Atlantis storyline put me to sleep...
With Natlan, the music is fantastic and it looks great, but I haven't finished the story either. I didn't even remotely like the first chapter, the circus of those arena fights really come out of nowhere and certainly nothing like what was hinted at prior to release, the entire region was clearly retconned to hell and back to be as conventional as possible.

I have almost negative interest in most characters, Chasca and Citlati would look right at home in Honkai, Mavuika looks like she's from the Sons of Calydon more than being an Archon, the cultural influences are surface level at best, even more so than in Sumeru and since everyone is white, it's hard to take anyone seriously, especially the Hawaiian part that is... a giant resort where Mualani plays maracas.
But I stilll got her and... she's not fun to play, supposedly there's a fix to her burst targeting coming, but she's still a nightmare as soon as mobs move or she's not on flat ground.
Kachina is one of the worst playing characters yet, and Kinich I can't stand and hate maybe even more than Xiao. His fighting style, his (non) personality, his horrendous pixel art gimmick...

And of course, since I haven't finished the story, I couldn't get the extras from completing Mualani's quest in time, because Hoyo is tripling down on FOMO everywhere, and soon that will even apply to exploration.
And it's not "just extras" like some might say, it's obviously here to raise up their faltering daily activity. In the face of the increasingly terrible Imaginarium Theater, I couldn't even try to finish it this month, and the Spiral Abyss I haven't bothered with in literal years...

All Hoyo games have trash tier endgame, trash tier pacing, and as much as I like Genshin because the exploration actually makes it a game rather than a waste of time like the others, I'm getting to the point where I'm zoning out the deluge of shitty events, shitty characters and shitty story... I doubt I'll continue playing. I didn't love Fontaine, but the story and the characters were really nice (well visually, the gameplay of Clorinde or Sigewinne is a gaggle of bad decisions), but it's all gone downhill since 4.2, and now 5.1 won't even have a new zone to explore...


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Like I said in the Zenless thread I don't have enough energy playing and posting about 3 Hoyo games, but maybe I'll try to do better :cold-sweat:
(I still am enjoying them a lot though).

5.0 was very good imo. I think Sumeru and Fontaine had a stronger opening story-wise, but it was still solid and it has potential. Exploration is good as always.
I have both Mualani and Kinich, but I only really use them for exploration cause they both want Pyro reactions and the state of off-field Pyro in this game is pitiful, so I'm just gonna wait for Mavuika and Pyro Traveler (let me cope).
Really liked Mualani's Story Quest, Kinich's was alright too.

5.1 trailer looks promising, though no new area feels weird.

Xilonen is a skip for me, honestly the only remaining Natlan char whose design I really like is Citlali.


Jun 9, 2019
So I bullied you guys into posting here and one response is just "fuck this game I quit" :steam_pig_crylaughing:

Well I've personally made nearly no progress in the game since the last time. For a while I made a push to finish off the world quests in Sumeru so I could move on to Fontaine or straight to Natlan but that lasted a week or so and then it fizzled out as well. I did manage to pull Raiden C2 though so that was nice.
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  • Toucan
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I've been playing a lot of Genshin, mostly hyped for Natlan.

So far, I'm really enjoying it! I love the music, and the zone is gorgeous! I skipped Mualani - she's cute, but I don't like her gameplay. I did get Kinich though, and he's fun to zip around on. I do hate that his(and all of the Natlan characters', I presume) I traversal is way worse out of Natlan though.

I was planning to skip Xilonen, but after seeing her in action and how busted she is, I'm probably going to grab her. I'll have to see what I have in primos when she lands, and go from there. Getting Mavuika is the priority.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I finished the new Archon Quest acts and dang... I think Fontaine and Sumeru had stronger opening acts than Natlan, but these were probably the strongest "middle parts" to an Archon Quest yet.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018

5.2 looking very good. Archon Quest Act 5 Interlude, 3 new areas, Citlali+Ororon focused main event.

But I can't get over how stupid Chasca's animation look.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019

5.2 looking very good. Archon Quest Act 5 Interlude, 3 new areas, Citlali+Ororon focused main event.

But I can't get over how stupid Chasca's animation look.
Yeah, it all looks great... but I hate everything about Chasca's design/animations. I would like to get a copy of Ororon, but I also know I'll probably never use him... so I'm going to keep saving for the archon.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Don't think I've ever had such a visceral dislike of a character just based on their animations like Chasca.
I pray Citlali and Mavuika don't follow her example.
They are the only ones I care about from the remaining known Natlan characters. Pls don't be that stupid.
Maybe I'll throw a 10 pull towards Lyney for Ororon, but eh.

Looking forward to the new Saurians though and the new big world quest area looked sick.
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