So I was thinking I wanted to practice Kanji writing a bit (I don't think I'll ever need that skill, but I think it helps getting these Kanji to stick, since you need to engage with them on a deeper level) and I stumbled across
Kanji Tree (well actually it turns out I downloaded that a year ago but didn't do much with it

) and have been refreshing my Kanji knowledge with it a bit.
It features Kanji recognition (ordered either by school grade or JLPT level), reading/vocabulary tests with the most common 8000 words and writing. For vocab only words containing Kanjis you've encountered in recongnition mode are used by default and writing also only lets you practice learned Kanji by default.
The writing mode is... somehow a lot of fun

It's super snappy, looks very nice and gives immediate feedback on every stroke.
My only worry is that out-of-context Kanji/Vocab learning isn't that great and I don't like the JLPT/Jouyou Kanji order a lot. You can make your own custom lists in the Pro version (which isn't really expensive, so maybe I'll go for that if I decide it's worth it), but before I do that I've been looking for some other Apps that might do the same thing, but I haven't found anything that is as snappy and fun to use.