Community MetaCouncil Co-op Corner


Lucas isn't sure what to do anymore
Apr 18, 2019

I know that it's going for a different feel, since you're not supposed to feel totally helpless against the tyrant, but speaking purely in terms of gameplay, RE Project Resistance seem like a more balanced version of Friday the 13th. I mean, seeing this trailer, the survivors look like they, crazily enough, have an actual chance of kicking the tyrant's butt :LOL:

Having massively enjoyed the gamepley of RE2 I feel like this could be a good candidate for co-op council when it's released, assuming it delivers of course and enough people buy it.


"My destiny is to continue fighting"
Oct 31, 2018
Castelló, Spain

I know that it's going for a different feel, since you're not supposed to feel totally helpless against the tyrant, but speaking purely in terms of gameplay, RE Project Resistance seem like a more balanced version of Friday the 13th. I mean, seeing this trailer, the survivors look like they, crazily enough, have an actual chance of kicking the tyrant's butt :LOL:

Having massively enjoyed the gamepley of RE2 I feel like this could be a good candidate for co-op council when it's released, assuming it delivers of course and enough people buy it.
Let's see if the beta feedback is positive, it can be a strong candidate as you say BO7AMMOOD

Deleted member 113

Well, there's always Umbrella Corps. :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:
I'm not sure how it plays now, but it's a multiplayer title, right?

The only experience I had with it was launch it, see some appalling mouse acceleration at work, and giving up until it was patched.
I'm not sure if it ever was.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
As a huge RE fan I'm totally keeping an eye on Project Resistance. Not exactly expecting much given how some of the past ones have turned out, but I like the idea of the mastermind mode and after how amazing RE2 Remake was I'll be hoping for the best! :dmcblob:


Lucas isn't sure what to do anymore
Apr 18, 2019
As a huge RE fan I'm totally keeping an eye on Project Resistance. Not exactly expecting much given how some of the past ones have turned out, but I like the idea of the mastermind mode and after how amazing RE2 Remake was I'll be hoping for the best! :dmcblob:
That's why I'm sort of optimistic about this game. If they build smartly on the foundation laid down by Resident Evil 2 remake, then they could be onto something here!


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Random assortment session starts in 2 hours for those that would like to attend! Everyone is welcome to hop in and play with us or even suggest some that would be good to play together. :)

Also as Li Kao mentioned on Wednesday, don't forget to check out the OP to vote in the poll for our next community event game. The poll will be ending on Sunday night at midnight EST again. I'll come back and give the hours left as we get closer to that point. :thumbsupblob:

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Another great multi session today. Some Renegade Ops to warm us up then serious shit had to be done. For Super Earth, for Democracy ! You can call us... Helldivers :smiling-face-with-sunglasses:
And shit was done, aye, but it happened too. Echoes got crushed under a landing pod (don’t ask), I discovered the joys of gravity, the AI took a liking to one shot-ing me at the very last seconds of our successful missions, just for the lulz, playful that AI.
The game is not perfect and I fear that its interest in solo is quite terrible. But with a full squad of councilors ? So good.

As an addendum, feel free to give me some ideas, I will soon have to set up a Patreon to fund my multiplayer games. This whole Co-Op thing could become costly, gentlemen ! The hunger, it is real :blobdrool:

Mmh, I will die in you place in multiplayer games, 10 bucks a month with a signed postcard. Tight plan. Shrewd.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Had a great time as always getting together with BO7AMMOOD, Li Kao and Echoes! Thank you all for the great suggestions for our assorted games!

Been wanting to try Helldivers for such a long time and with it having a really good discount on Steam I couldn't pass it up. It was so much fun! Even the accidents that occurred were great. That turret I kept placing really seemed to like you a lot, Li Kao. :LOL:

It was also nice to jump back into Renegade Ops. That game really holds up. The voice acting is just as corny as I remember it, in that original GI Joe sort of way, and the gameplay is still top notch. It's only made better when you get to enjoy all of that with some good folks! :smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes:


"My destiny is to continue fighting"
Oct 31, 2018
Castelló, Spain
I can't say much more after your excellent summaries Li Kao and blindrhythm. The whole session was a lot of fun and as I said it before some coop games really shine with a full squad. I am so glad that you liked Helldivers, even though we barely scratched the surface ;)

I hope we can get things going soon because this sessions have been memorable :D

PS: Trying to set the example by getting crushed by the starting pod, each time I relive the scene in my head I can't stop laughing :ROFLMAO:

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Uh, yeah, solo Helldivers... Don't want to say it's shit, maybe it requires some familiarity with the systems, but I wiped in a middle difficulty planet.
Then again we are seemingly at the very end of the actual galactic campaign, it surely limits my mission choice.
For Super Earth !


"My destiny is to continue fighting"
Oct 31, 2018
Castelló, Spain
Uh, yeah, solo Helldivers... Don't want to say it's shit, maybe it requires some familiarity with the systems, but I wiped in a middle difficulty planet.
Then again we are seemingly at the very end of the actual galactic campaign, it surely limits my mission choice.
For Super Earth !
Solo is not very fun, the option is there if you want to try some weapons or look for science pods I guess. The real thing is playing with a team of n00bs friends :p


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I realized I forgot to figure out a time for our Friday the 13th session today. :LOL:

Does the usual time work for everyone or should we try for an hour earlier or later? Also I'm totally up for turning this into another assorted session if we are short on folks or if someone has to leave early. Which might be me unfortunately, I've only got about two hours that I'll be able to play.


Lucas isn't sure what to do anymore
Apr 18, 2019
Another great multi session today. Some Renegade Ops to warm us up then serious shit had to be done. For Super Earth, for Democracy ! You can call us... Helldivers :smiling-face-with-sunglasses:
And shit was done, aye, but it happened too. Echoes got crushed under a landing pod (don’t ask), I discovered the joys of gravity, the AI took a liking to one shot-ing me at the very last seconds of our successful missions, just for the lulz, playful that AI.
The game is not perfect and I fear that its interest in solo is quite terrible. But with a full squad of councilors ? So good.

As an addendum, feel free to give me some ideas, I will soon have to set up a Patreon to fund my multiplayer games. This whole Co-Op thing could become costly, gentlemen ! The hunger, it is real :blobdrool:

Mmh, I will die in you place in multiplayer games, 10 bucks a month with a signed postcard. Tight plan. Shrewd.
Beautifully put Li Kao ! I definitely don't mind setting aside some dineros each month for Metacoop recommendations if it's going to be this fun :LOL:

Had a great time as always getting together with BO7AMMOOD, Li Kao and Echoes! Thank you all for the great suggestions for our assorted games!

Been wanting to try Helldivers for such a long time and with it having a really good discount on Steam I couldn't pass it up. It was so much fun! Even the accidents that occurred were great. That turret I kept placing really seemed to like you a lot, Li Kao. :LOL:

It was also nice to jump back into Renegade Ops. That game really holds up. The voice acting is just as corny as I remember it, in that original GI Joe sort of way, and the gameplay is still top notch. It's only made better when you get to enjoy all of that with some good folks! :smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes:
No, thank you blindrhythm for taking an active part in orchestrating these fun sessions :cat-heart-blob:
Poor Li Kao :D

I can't say much more after your excellent summaries Li Kao and blindrhythm. The whole session was a lot of fun and as I said it before some coop games really shine with a full squad. I am so glad that you liked Helldivers, even though we barely scratched the surface ;)

I hope we can get things going soon because this sessions have been memorable :D

PS: Trying to set the example by getting crushed by the starting pod, each time I relive the scene in my head I can't stop laughing :ROFLMAO:
Thanks Echoes for setting us properly on the path to become legends... become legends... become legends...

Doesn't hurt either that I've been wanting to play this game for ages now and yesterday was the perfect opportunity! Really enjoyed what we played of it, especially your moment of crushing glory! I genuinely laughed out loud when it happened, absolutely golden. I also love we unanimously agree that this moment, along with Li Kao Newton moment are the highlights of the show :LOL:

I realized I forgot to figure out a time for our Friday the 13th session today. :LOL:

Does the usual time work for everyone or should we try for an hour earlier or later? Also I'm totally up for turning this into another assorted session if we are short on folks or if someone has to leave early. Which might be me unfortunately, I've only got about two hours that I'll be able to play.
Would have loved to join today as well but it seems like even the one hour I could spare tonight won't be possible. Something good happened today which I will share on Metacouncil later! You guys have fun tonight though :cat-heart-blob:


Dec 22, 2018
Is there any way we can set something up for tomorrow? I'm finally off weekend shift for a couple months starting tomorrow and feel like Ive missed out since we did the inaugural Sonic or if there is something, can someone point me to the post? This has become kinda sprawling


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Is there any way we can set something up for tomorrow? I'm finally off weekend shift for a couple months starting tomorrow and feel like Ive missed out since we did the inaugural Sonic or if there is something, can someone point me to the post? This has become kinda sprawling
Don't worry! You haven't missed anything as far as the community events go. These sessions that have been discussed recently are smaller get togethers where only a handful of folks usually attend and really don't have a set plan, just whenever enough folks are up for it we put something together.

The main focus right now is Friday the 13th The Game, but we've also tossed around ideas for other games to try. Some of the ones we've played have been Killing Floor 1, Renegade Ops and Helldivers. With plenty more to come I'm sure. :smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes:

As for the actual event, that's still happening too! There's currently a poll in the OP for folks to vote in. Once that's finished I'll put together another Google Sheet so we can find out who will be attending and what dates and times work best.

And I'd love to figure something out for tomorrow! I should have more time and if folks are up for it we can hopefully get a session going! :highfiveblob:

Deleted member 113

I'm glad to hear everyone had fun last night. :highfiveblob:
Sorry I couldn't attend. :giggle:

Regarding tonight, what games should I install?
I have most things uninstalled. I already installed F13th, what other games would you suggest, just in case we play a few matches tonight?

I still don't know how to play F13th... :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I still don't know how to play F13th... :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:
Neither do I! :LOL:

I felt horrible when I killed everyone so quickly in that round I was Jason. None of us had a chance to figure anything out.. most of my abilities didn't even come off cooldown yet! :disappointed-face:

For games to install I have good news on that front, I also picked up the Capcom Beat 'Em Up bundle so now most of us have that as an option too. Helldivers was also a lot of fun. Full Metal Furies and Gauntlet were mentioned and Renegade Ops is still a blast to play.

Deleted member 113

For games to install I have good news on that front, I also picked up the Capcom Beat 'Em Up bundle so now most of us have that as an option too. Helldivers was also a lot of fun. Full Metal Furies and Gauntlet were mentioned and Renegade Ops is still a blast to play.
You're still missing an important one: Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara. :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:

Ok, so I now re-installed:
-Capcom Beat'em Up bundle
-Renegade Ops
-Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed

And, I added a beat'em up that most already own, and that should be playable by at least 4 people: Castle Crashers.



sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Sorry that I had to leave before Gauntlet, but it sounds like you all had a great time! Can't wait to try it out with you all! :blobcheer:

Helldivers was full of accidents and great moments again, though I'm starting to think that maybe Funktion is getting too generous.. he shared a lot of bullets with me.. from his gun. :ROFLMAO:

It was nice trying out the Capcom Beat 'Em Up bundle too. Definitely have to do more of those in the future.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Haha! That's fair and Li Kao did share a lot of explosions with you in the form of carpet bombs. And I might have failed to mention the size of the blast with the bomb for bug nests that got both of you. :face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye:

Though it was actually more just me forgetting how short the timer is on those things. For as big as that blast radius is they sure don't give you a lot of time. Plus there's no input command to arm it.. it just goes! :fearful-face:


Lucas isn't sure what to do anymore
Apr 18, 2019
Yep. :grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes:

And they even made me play Gauntlet, that was forgotten in my library for years. :giggle:
Damn, I already like you Helldivers I swear you don't need to keep winning me over :LOL:

And I would love it if we could go for Gauntlet too in future sessions. I haven't played it but I enjoy isometric action games and they really shine in co-op!

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
I’m sorry gang, but I’m not sure I will be available tonight. I went to sleep at 4-5 am two days in a row and my body is on strike. There are chants of ‘you are 40, you idiot’ and ‘less pixels, moar sleep’.
I fear a revolution. This is a French body, after all.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
I’m sorry gang, but I’m not sure I will be available tonight. I went to sleep at 4-5 am two days in a row and my body is on strike. There are chants of ‘you are 40, you idiot’ and ‘less pixels, moar sleep’.
I fear a revolution. This is a French body, after all.
No worries! I'm kind of in the same situation. I've gotten a total of maybe 20 hours of sleep in the past four days and add that on top of doing a lot of physical labor most days.. I'm exhausted. :LOL:

What's worse is that I"m someone that's usually incapable of napping. :anguished-face:
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Apologies for not giving a heads up sooner about the poll ending. So instead of ending at midnight my time, which is less than an hour from the time of this post, I will close the poll once I wake up tomorrow. Which should give everyone plenty of time to get some last minute votes in. :)

Thank you to everyone that has voted so far and I look forward to playing whichever game wins with all of you! :cat-heart-blob:


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Sorry for the weekend peeps! I was easily distractable this weekend and played GreedFall and We Happy Few: Lightbearer and Cube World and totally forgot about the time. Turns out i didn't have any of the games you played anyway, so...

Anyway, i will be digging out my headsets which i have put "somewhere safe" and now cannot find at all, typical.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Sorry for the weekend peeps! I was easily distractable this weekend and played GreedFall and We Happy Few: Lightbearer and Cube World and totally forgot about the time. Turns out i didn't have any of the games you played anyway, so...

Anyway, i will be digging out my headsets which i have put "somewhere safe" and now cannot find at all, typical.
No worries! Folks should never feel forced into playing co-op games! As long as you're having a great time with whatever you're playing I don't think anyone will be upset. :)

The poll has been closed and the OP updated! Our winner is Left 4 Dead 2! :blobcheer:

The event sign up sheet is back in the OP and I'll go ahead and link it here real quick too. Can't wait to see all the great folks that will be joining us for the event!

Revealed content


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Are you guys fine with recording? If we do a session I may record them for YT, but I need permission to do so.
A recording of the gameplay or gameplay and Discord voice chat? I personally don't mind either option, though I would have to change how I talk with the second one.

Folks might not believe it given that I very rarely ever do it when I post, but I swear a lot when talking. Never out of anger or frustration, usually just a wtf or for comedic effect, but they still slip out quite often. :LOL:

Edit: Realized I should clarify, since when I do swear when posting it is usually the opposite. Those rare times I do swear in a post it's for emphasis for something I'm either extremely passionate about or if I'm genuinely upset. The latter of which is far more uncommon since it takes considerable effort to upset me. :)
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Junior Member
Jun 29, 2019
A recording of the gameplay or gameplay and Discord voice chat? I personally don't mind either option, though I would have to change how I talk with the second one.

Folks might not believe it given that I very rarely ever do it when I post, but I swear a lot when talking. Never out of anger or frustration, usually just a wtf or for comedic effect, but they still slip out quite often. :LOL:

Edit: Realized I should clarify, since when I do swear when posting it is usually the opposite. Those rare times I do swear in a post it's for emphasis for something I'm either extremely passionate about or if I'm genuinely upset. The latter of which is far more uncommon since it takes considerable effort to upset me. :)
Well, without Discord chat if people are uncomfortable with their voices recorded and I can find a way to only get the game audio, with if everyone is fine with it.


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Hmm, I'm pretty sure the voice is a non issue. People here aren't really mic users.
For an event you're probably right since I don't know how many us with mics will participate yet, but there are actually six of us that have mics and it sounds like we might be getting a seventh with Edward soon. And of those current six, four of us are usually in voice pretty much daily. Myself, MonthOLDpickle, dummmyy and Delgear. :smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes:


Junior Member
Jun 29, 2019
So, I will probably do this, because after thinking it over I think it's a bit unfair to record your voices the very first time I'd be using voice chat, so I think it'd be better for me to just record the gameplay and not the voice chat so at least we can get used to/comfortable with each other without having to think of being recorded.
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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
After checking out our sign up sheet it's looking like our normal time for these is still going to be our best bet. :thumbsupblob:

And just because there's now a set time and date that doesn't mean that folks aren't allowed to sign up anymore. If you would still like to join us you're more than welcome to continue adding your names to the sign up sheet in the OP. Even if you're not going to make it for the very start of the event, that's cool too! We'll probably be playing for a couple hours at least so hop in whenever you're able! :highfiveblob:

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
No, L4D2 is the main 'event' and planned for September 27th


sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
i'm finally not working weekends (until november), so i can jump in on a few of these. Looks like I might have missed l4d2 yesterday
Congrats! :blobcheer:

And don't worry! You haven't missed anything! The L4D2 community event is scheduled for this coming Friday and you're always welcome to join in if you'd like. :)
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