Opinion MetaCouncils Annual Top 5s - 2021 Edition

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
Welcome MCers to our annual thread where we post our top 5s for the year, be either movies, TV, music and the like. (games in the GOTY thread!)

This is year was quite good in terms of movies for me! But havent listened to enough music to even have a top 5 that I usually have.


1. Onoda
This movie has such a good balance with being serious, heavy and light and funny. About soldiers being stuck in a jungle not knowing the war has ended.

2. The French Dispatch

It's essentially a love letter to a fictional Paris, so how could I not love it?

3. Spiderman: No Way Home

To quote a line from the movie "No you are amazing".

4. Fragile

A simple love movie that is done with genuine heart so couldn't help but to be charmed by it.

5. The Last Duel
The production values alone made get so drawn into it.

Didn't watch too much TV this year and mostly the Marvel stuff, so the first place kind of is a placeholder for all the Marvel TV stuff.


1. Loki

2. The Squid Game

3. Ted Lasso

Check out 2020
Check out 2019


May 5, 2019
I had to look up movies I watched this year....
I can recommend "Dont Look Up", which was recently released on Netflix. Great satire if you ask me :)

If you count it, since in many countries it was released this year*, I also liked "Druk" (aka "Another Round") a lot. (*It was released in 2020 originally, in Denmark). Great movie about a teacher slowly drifting into alcoholism–but done really really well.

"Free Guy" was alright, I liked it more than I thought I would judging by the premise.

"No Time to die" was a bit of a boring affair. It had its moments though.

"Coming 2 America" was funny, but was banking almost entirely on nostalgia, bringing nothing new.


TV series: I dont actively watch new ones. Sometimes my partner will watch something and I'll tag along for a bit, but usually that means only fragments.
I rewatched Friends, Futurama and Scrubs this year, tho. They're still all great.


I can provide a bit more when it comes to music, here's my top 10* albums of this year (ranked by lastfm)

Die Ärzte – Dunkel
Slut – Talks of Paradise
The Notwist – Vertigo Days
Frøkedal – Flora
Motorpsycho – Kingdom of Oblivion
Kat von D – Love made me do it
The Offspring – Let the Bad Times roll
Kælan Mikla – Undir Köldum Norðurljósum
Drangsal – Exit Strategy
Tori Amos – Ocean to Ocean

*I know you said Top 5, but I usually go for Top 10 with albums, I always compile this list, for years now.

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Le Pertti

Le Pertti

0.05% Game dev
Oct 10, 2018
Paris, France
Hmh I think I need to change out the Last Duel from my list and add Encanto, just watched it and loved it so much! Can't change my YouTube video though haha