Community MetaSteam | April 2019 - "Objection!" the One Finger Fatality

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sometimes a doctor of rhythm
Apr 17, 2019
Alright, so Forgotton Anne is like playing an anime movie.
I absolutely love how it looks like and animates.

Setting and story seem very Ghibli-esque as well. I dig it!
Oh! Thanks for this post. I watched someone stream this a few months ago and failed to catch the name of the game and wanted to wishlist it.

It seemed incredibly charming and the Ghibli comparison is pretty apt from what I remember.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
RemiLore had and still has 16th as the new release date, yet nothing. A bunch of games on my wishlist have done this bait and switch lately, I have no issues with delays but you gotta tell me/us.
Sadly, it's Valve that has been last-minute delaying a lot of anime style games lately to give them a last checkover I guess and sometimes even ban them outta nowhere.

Not saying that's what happened here specifically, but it does seem to be getting more common.


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
RemiLore had and still has 16th as the new release date, yet nothing. A bunch of games on my wishlist have done this bait and switch lately, I have no issues with delays but you gotta tell me/us.
I can't not read that as EvilLore
Really disappointed there's no EGS integration on MC 😞
Where's that dislike button lashman :disapproval-blob:


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
What was so shit about it in particular? I've never done those.
Really mediocre skin quality, a LOT of filler rewards, the only decent skins are up at the top levels which currently requires ~200-300 hours of playing in 90 days to unlock (even though they claimed it should take 100 hours), the only "bonus" XP to work towards is the first kill of the day with each Legend which grants a whopping 500 XP out of a required 29,500 / level. I and several other players on the subreddit took actual numbers from our end-of-match screen and did the math and presented that and basically got ignored.

They also had a weird sudden silence after the patch, despite a bunch of issues cropping up and complaints about the slow speed of Battlepass grinding, there weren't even devs posting on the official support forums. There was a smaller patch yesterday that was mostly balance related which is nice, but didn't really address the vocal concerns at all.

I personally don't feel like the game needs new content constantly a la Fortnight, but each patch has made it feel less polished, the only real technical fix they've done is to reduce crashing but they've introduced a host of other issues that weren't present at launch and the balance changes are reallllllyyyyy slow.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
I genuinely think Respawn didnt expect Apex to be really popular, and didnt plan ahead, and now they cant commit resources to it given that they're probably all hands on deck with Fallen Order.
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Junior Member
Dec 21, 2018
Live service multiplayer games are really, really dependant on a good launch, and given that I hadn't heard of Atlas Reactor until now demonstrates that their marketing was (in my opinion) not great.

Maintaining the audience is also important, which is a problem because you're competing against Fortnite's weekly updates. As far as I know, only Forza Horizon 4 is managing a similar cadence of new content.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
8k 120 fps and rtx

ahahahahhahahaah era ahahahaha oh my christ
Uncompromised RTX on this next-gen of consoles will be like the 1080p/60FPS mantra of last gen.

So few games will actually utilize it to any meaningful measure I suspect. If anything, I believe MicroSoft may have a lead on RTX features because of their work on it with DX12. Even so... 4K and RTX is REALLY hard even for top-end PC's atm.

Either way, the most laughable thing about this to me is as I said yesterday. The hypocrisy. None of this tech stuff matters to console warriors until it comes their way. Now SSD's are cool. Now these terms are something other than buzzwords, etc...

That hypocrisy has always bugged me just a tad.


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Oh! Thanks for this post. I watched someone stream this a few months ago and failed to catch the name of the game and wanted to wishlist it.

It seemed incredibly charming and the Ghibli comparison is pretty apt from what I remember.
It's in the current Humble Square Enix Collective Bundle fyi :)
Humble Square Enix Collective Bundle


👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
I still wanna see those 15 second to switch from Word to Excel SSDs. Even if we assume he meant shutting word down and launching Excel, that's still easily less than 15s.

And better than current PC SSDs? No way.

Unless they mean interface is faster (PCIe4 vs PCIe3 in Zen 2, double theoretical speed).
But it's not like it means anything because even PCIe3 is enough for now.
I guess it's cool for generating buzz tho lol.

Really disappointed there's no EGS integration on MC 😞
If only EGS had api...


Tender, Violent and Queer.
Oct 23, 2018
With all the new people,we should put our best foot forward and really show how nice our little humble community is. More people also brings us closer to using our banning system for the first time. I'm out for blood, ya'll. Who are we voting off the island?



Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
We have junior system here?
It doesn't feel like it, but yes, we do.

3 months and 300 posts gets you past it. It's really not restrictive at all though. I went through it no problem. I know other more connected/long-term/well known people can skip the phase though. :p

Edit: Oh specifically found it in our terms/rules.

Upon registering you will be assigned a Junior Member status which will remain in effect until at least 3 months pass and you create at least 300 posts. When both of those requirements are met, you will be automatically promoted to a full MetaMember.

During your period as a Junior Member you will be unable to report any content, warn any users, change your username or participate in the Suggestions and Feedback forum

Stallion Free

I <3 Achievements
Apr 17, 2019
Maryland, USA
Has anyone else stopped bothering with Custom Steam Game Art covers ever since the GDC store images confirmed vertical cover art? I'm a little bummed that my library of art will no longer be relevant, but I hope they keep the custom art options when the new UI hits because I will totally redo all my games. I don't trust devs/pubs to not put dumb stuff on the covers (like Metacritic ratings). It sucks being in the UI limbo too.


👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
Has anyone else stopped bothering with Custom Steam Game Art covers ever since the GDC store images confirmed vertical cover art? I'm a little bummed that my library of art will no longer be relevant, but I hope they keep the custom art options when the new UI hits because I will totally redo all my games. I don't trust devs/pubs to not put dumb stuff on the covers (like Metacritic ratings). It sucks being in the UI limbo too.
I think it's just mockup and since Valve hasn't talked about requiring new assets, they might end up using current.
It would be pita for everyone to require new arts.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
It doesn't feel like it, but yes, we do.

3 months and 300 posts gets you past it. It's really not restrictive at all though. I went through it no problem. I know other more connected/long-term/well known people can skip the phase though. :p

Edit: Oh specifically found it in our terms/rules.
... and GIF avatars :p

Has anyone else stopped bothering with Custom Steam Game Art covers ever since the GDC store images confirmed vertical cover art? I'm a little bummed that my library of art will no longer be relevant, but I hope they keep the custom art options when the new UI hits because I will totally redo all my games. I don't trust devs/pubs to not put dumb stuff on the covers (like Metacritic ratings). It sucks being in the UI limbo too.
I think it's just mockup and since Valve hasn't talked about requiring new assets, they might end up using current.
It would be pita for everyone to require new arts.
yeah, i don't think that will be the final version .... i mean - they'd basically have to force EVERYONE to make new covers ... and that's pretty much impossible - because even if by some miracle everyone whose games are actively being sold right now made one (which would never happen), you'd have all those removed games left without covers in your library

and also - since there's no chance in hell someone like EA would make new covers for their stuff on steam ... more than half of all games would be "coverless" ... or volvo would have to make those themselves (which i don't think they want to do either, lol)

Stallion Free

I <3 Achievements
Apr 17, 2019
Maryland, USA
yeah, i don't think that will be the final version .... i mean - they'd basically have to force EVERYONE to make new covers ... and that's pretty much impossible - because even if by some miracle everyone whose games are actively being sold right now made one (which would never happen), you'd have all those removed games left without covers in your library

and also - since there's no chance in hell someone like EA would make new covers for their stuff on steam ... more than half of all games would be "coverless" ... or volvo would have to make those themselves (which i don't think they want to do either, lol)
Dragon Age 2 on Steam is currently cover-less- it was removed from the store before the large Steam cover update. I assume there are more games that fall into this category and that the same cover-less appearance would apply.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Dragon Age 2 on Steam is currently cover-less- it was removed from the store before the large Steam cover update. I assume there are more games that fall into this category and that the same cover-less appearance would apply.
yeah, exactly ... that's why i don't think they'll do it

unless they somehow do a "workshop" for game covers and have people make custom ones ... other than that - i VERY seriously doubt they'll do with vertical covers

Is there a way to join the MetaSteam group on mobile? Can't find the option.
i don't really know, sorry :(


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
The whole EGS thing
and the 3 months of Game Pass for $.8
made me try MS Store.
No issues with the downloads, even despite the fact I scrubbed my Windows install of the Store app previously.
It's... okay-ish? Not really PC gaming, since you have no access to the game files, can't mod anything, can't inject much, etc...
But... for a console rental without actually having to splurge on an Xbox 1? It might be worth to try.
(Just preferably wait for MS to add more games on PC)


No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
That Gif gives me cozy feelings :pleasedblob:
I could sometime listen to hours of rain or (thunder)storms. Living in a city, it isn't as wonderful as in rural regions. I grew up in a very rural area and I could look at the storm for a very long time, sometimes. We kids had renovated an old 10m long and 2m wide construction worker trailer (or whatever it is called in English) and the one side was completely glass-paned (old greenhouse windows and A LOT of construction foam) and it was glorious to sit in it and look out through the windows while a storm is raging outside.

Same with camping, nothing was more awesome then to sit in your 2-to-3-man tent in the summer and to do... things kids could do in a tent, mostly hearing radio and playing cards, while it is raining outside. (granted, you had a water-proof tent) We didn't have those bombastic tents where you could stand inside and sleep with 10 persons in it, but we sometimes build bigger areas with tarps. (3 tents in close proximity, entries facing each other and tarps covering the in-between.

as for the rain and storm feeling: rain simulator: Rainbow Hunt (listen with headphones)

oh, yeah, games. we sometimes brought a gameboy into the tents or the trailer :>
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